Thursday, May 30, 2024

Fashion Files


Happy Thursday and bonus blog post day! I've been wearing so many new things that I love, that I can't help but share them here and link up with Kellyann and Jill for my second post today. I've talked about Shein before, and how I discovered the secrets I need to order from there, and while this works great for me, it is not for everyone. All of these dresses are from Amazon, Walmart, or Shein, and here's the post where I talked about my orders recently

I linked each individual dress in the post from last week that I shared at the top of today's, so if you want to try any of these out and you think that we're similar in size and body type, you should go read that post! I'm normally a 1X, or an XL or L in some items and especially in boutique brands like Umgee, but for the three places I ordered from recently, I sized up to a 2X, because I wanted to allow for extra room in case it shrinks in the wash, and because I didn't want it to fit tightly. 

Did you notice that I just bought the same dress in several patterns? It's because I strongly dislike shopping! I have no issue with this, obviously, and I even basically wear the same shoes over and over again. My white ones are from the brand Remonte, and the black strappy wooden heeled shoes are the brand Dansko. I love both, because they feel amazing on my feet that almost always hurt, due to various issues. All that to say, I'm enjoying the new items so much; I bought so many that I've yet to repeat even one of them at work (I work part-time, though). 

Do you have a favorite? Thanks for reading my bonus post today! Love to all.


  1. Such pretty dresses on you Jennifer!

  2. I have just placed an order with Shein it should be delivered over the next week! They have some fab stuff in!
    I love your dresses, especially the one with pink and red flowers! So bright and colourful!


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Thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday, friends! It feels like it's been a minute since I've shared a Thankful Thursday post, so this feels good to share ...