Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What's Up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Sheaffer and Shay for today's blog post. I'm going to jump right in, and then I'll wrap this post up with an exciting announcement. I hope you stay tuned! 

What we're eating this week: 

Apparently, this is the week that I'm gone every night, so I'm either eating out, or eating what I made for them to enjoy after I leave. On Monday night we had the annual sheriff's department dinner, so Todd and I ate there. On Tuesday night (after working longer than usual because of a funeral), I made something quick and easy, which is just nachos with taco meat and Rotel. It's always delicious! We'll probably have leftovers tonight since I'm working again, and tomorrow night I'm eating out with one of my best friends, but I'm making dinner for the family while I work that day. I can tell you one thing I was I was eating right now, and that is Jeni's Gooey Butter Cake flavored ice cream in a homemade waffle cone.

What I'm reminiscing about: 

On that same note, I'm still thinking about the weekend away with these sweet friends! We had such a great time getting to know each other. It was fun to be able to talk in real life, and about the things that we don't really mention on our blogs. There was a lot of information we shared with one another that we all just agreed to not talk about with anyone else outside of those walls. It's wonderful to have friends you can trust with things that you don't really talk about, you know? 

On a different note, I'm also reminiscing about the graduation season! My social media memories are flooded with all the fun events that my boys had when they were graduating. So many of you also have upcoming graduations that you're looking forward to; it's such an exciting time in life for these young people! The world feels like it's theirs for the taking, and I hope that they have success in going forward. 

What I'm loving:

Lots and lots of things! I'm loving all the green I see out our windows at home, I'm loving the temps we're having this week, which actually feel like spring and not early summer or late winter, the new shirt I bought myself this weekend that's my favorite brand, the sunshine, the French dip I chose for my nails this time and the bright red I picked for my toes, a necklace that my sister bought for me, bangle style bracelets, some black pants that I "found" in my closet that I'd forgotten about, Everything But the Bagel seasoned kettle chips from Trader Joe's...I could go on, but I'll stop with those. 

What I've been up to:

Work. Dogs. Church. Trying to stick to healthy eating. 🤣 Reading. Watching episodes of When Calls the Heart as they come on each Sunday night. (I usually watch them on either Friday or Saturday mornings.) Writing. Praying. Lots of good things! 

What I'm dreading:

I'm  dreading the end of May, when Noah is hoping to make the move to Dallas. I have experienced this once already, and I cried for the whole week that Drew packed up his room, but I didn't cry the night he made the move. I have no idea what this time will be like, but I've already shed tears. I know that this is what we're supposed to do: raise them to be on their own. I'm happy for him, but my heart is breaking for Jonah (his twin) and myself. Our sons are really close in their relationship, so this will be hard to adjust to. I know I'll be fine and that he will probably love it there, but if he stays there, nothing will ever be the same. My heart almost can't take it! Feel free to pray for me! (I made myself cry writing this.) 🤣 Parenting adult kids is not for the faint of heart. 

What I'm working on:

At work I am working on cleaning out my two closets. I'm making slow progress! I'm working on putting my phone away more. I'm working on my attitude toward a hurtful situation my husband is going through. 

What I'm excited about: 

I'm excited about summer and my first swim (float) of the season! I love pool days so much; they're my favorite way to relax in the heat of summer. 

What I'm watching/reading:

Todd and I are watching On Patrol live on Peacock, and The Big Bang Theory on Max. And if I'm alone, I watch my usual favorite and movies. I'm reading the best books lately! I'll share about them next Thursday on May 2nd. Speaking of that, you should visit my blog that day, because Joanne, Tanya, Marilyn and I are starting a new link party titled Share Your Shelf. We'll host this link up on the first Thursday of every month; all we ask is that you use the graphic that Joanne created somewhere in your post and that you share some comment love with the others who link up. 

I hope you'll join us! 

What I'm listening to:

If I don't have Spotify playing, I'm listening to YouTube channel with a pretty background image and jazz music playing in the background. 

What I'm wearing:

Whatever the weather calls for is what I'm wearing! 

Here are a couple of things I've worn recently: my favorite faded jeans on Saturday out with my mom and sister, and this new Umgee top that I found at a boutique last weekend (2nd picture). 

What I'm doing this weekend:

This will be the last weekend that Todd is home for most of the weekend. Next weekend he can go back to riding shifts with the sheriff's department, and soon after that he is starting a new job with the state of Tennessee with the department of transportation. He'll be in one of those emergency vehicles that you see on the sides of the Interstate helping people with break downs or in situations where a wreck has occurred. He'll have weekend shifts starting out, most likely, so this will take him away from us for a while. I know we're going out to dinner at least once this weekend, and we'll make a Sam's run for the bookstore while we're out. There is a huge conference being held at our church next week, and I'm working more hours than normal for that. I have to stock up on all the things! 

What I'm looking forward to next month:

I'm looking forward to seeing another sister that will be here from Denver (Lisa, this time) and also seeing my niece Erika and her four girls at the end of the month. They are not coming together, this will be two separate occasions. 

What have you been up to lately? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all! 


  1. So many good things. LOVE seeing your Blogging Girls Weekend- so special and so happy you got to do that!

  2. So much good stuff! I mean, the move will be hard but besides that! The new link up sounds like it will be a good one. Looking forward to hearing more about that. Have a great rest of your week!

    1. Thanks, friend! It's been a good week so far. I hope yours is going well, too!

  3. I like both of your outfits. That ice cream looks good. I have not gone swimming in many years, but I used to love it. Hope you have a great day.

    1. Thank you! Oh, that ice cream was delicious. I am glad we don't have a location nearby, I'd be too tempted!

  4. Aw, I know you will miss your son so much when he moves away. It is so hard to see them go off and do what you taught them to do-- be independent! LOL Best of luck to Todd on his new job! He's going to be great at that.

    1. It is hard, but that really is what all of parenthood is about! I'd much prefer he be here close by,'s the distance I'm struggling with. I know that with our son that lives in his own house is half an hour away, and we rarely see him! I can't imagine not seeing Noah very often.

  5. Praying all goes well.

  6. Well I consider myself something of an expert on living away from your grown children
    : ) and I'm sending you a hug. Technology is a wonderful thing when it comes to distance. Not the same as in person, but it helps a lot. And you are right, this is what is supposed to happen...they grow up and become independent. It's so good but its also really hard. We lived overseas when my girls went to university and I have not lived near my oldest since she graduated from high school and came back stateside for college, almost 20 years. But! next year she and her family are moving 'home' our town..and I cannot wait. God knows the desire of our hearts and also makes us ready for the seasons we walk through. We grow up right along side them somehow lol. On a lighter note I've seen all the posts now about Jenni's ice cream and can't believe I never had any when my daughter lived outside of Nashville. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you for those very sweet and encouraging words! I can't imagine how thrilled you'll be to live near your daughter again. I kind of didn't think any of our sons would ever move outside of our home city, but that's definitely happening now. I'll be okay with it eventually, I just anticipate being sad for the first little bit while I'm getting used to him not living at home. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I am struggling getting back to eating healthy! I agree that parenting adult kids is not for the faint of heart. One day at a time. I am so thankful for our time away we had as well! I have my summer wardrobe laid out on the bed and eventually need to sort through it all, so I that is on my list too. I hope you enjoy all your outings and both outfits are so cute on you!

    1. SAME. Ugh. One day at a time is one of my life mottos right now! It's what I say when I start to get overwhelmed, and I'm feeling a little bit of pressure right now with a big event we're hosting at our church next week. That sounds like a fun project! I would like to clean my side of the closet out soon; it's getting a little crammed, and I know there are things in there that I don't wear anymore. Thanks for that!

  8. I will def. be praying as I know how that hits a bit differently with the twin thing. I have been wanting an update on Todd. That's exciting for him, but it will be different for you as you hold down the homefront while he might have to get used to some things with a new job.
    What is the link up about? So fun!

  9. This all sounds so wonderful! I loved reading about your ladies blogging weekend and love following along with your blog! It's so helpful to follow along with women who love the Lord and are about two stages ahead of me in life!


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