Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wednesday hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Joyce's Wednesday hodgepodge this week, since this was one thing we talked about this weekend at our little blogger's retreat that I was a part of this weekend. If you missed that short recap post, here's a link for you. Here are this week's questions with my answers in italics. 

1. What's a skill you think everyone should have? 

I think an important life skill is being able to speak in public. I wish I'd taken public speaking when I was in high school, but honestly, the thought of doing that terrified me. As an adult, I realize the value of knowing how to do this, and it's something I've become better at when addressing a crowd of people. I now know not to say certain words over and over again, I know to speak loudly and clearly, and I know to look people in the eye as I speak. I know that this is something I could have benefitted greatly from. I'm not a huge public speaker, but I sang in church for years and knew to implement these same things when I did that. 

2. Do you have a special place or organizational system for gift wrapping? Do you still buy 'real' cards to send for birthdays, anniversaries, get-well, etc.? 

I wish I was the  type of person who sent birthday cards, but truth be told, I'm not. I love that when my kids were little, my mom-in-love sent them each a card for every holiday, loaded with stickers on the envelope. I hope to continue that tradition someday, but for now, I rarely even buy my own sons cards! It's sad, I know, but I partially blame Venmo for this. We just electronically send them money for birthdays now. 🙄 I have no system for gift wrapping, but I keep it all in one closet downstairs for the everyday stuff. For Christmas, I have a container that it stays in, in the attic. 

3. It's National Banana Day...are you a fan? What's your favorite thing to make with bananas or, if you're not a cook, your favorite thing to eat that contains banana? 

It's funny that I was talking with my friends about this very thing this weekend. I do love bananas, and I do also love them in recipes like banana nut bread, banana pudding, and the homemade banana ice cream that my grandmother used to make. I will say though, I have trust issues with bananas in pies; one time I was eating dessert after dinner and I took a big bite of what I thought was lemon ice box pie, only to find out it was banana cream pie. I remember making a terrible face and the people at the table laughing over me. I think that out of what I've mentioned, my favorite thing to make or eat is either banana nut bread or banana pudding. 

4. Do you believe in second chances? Elaborate. 

I do believe in second chances! And third, and fourth, and the Bible there's a passage of Scripture that talks about forgiving someone seventy times seven times, and while it doesn't mean that literally, it does mean to forgive or extend chances to again and again. I think that the point of that passage is that as the Lord has forgiven us so much, we are to extend that same thing to others. That being said, I do also think that in certain cases, a line has to be drawn for emotional and mental wellbeing sometimes, and if the same old thing happens, it might be best to part ways, if this is the case of a friend or an emotionally harmful relationship. 

5. What is your idea of fun? 

My idea of fun is to be with the people I love! I love nothing more than enjoying their company over dinner and then being together afterward. I love road trips and think they're fun, especially when they're with my husband, or a friend (or friends). I love to travel alone somewhere! Even if it's going to a place where my sisters are or where they live, I think that is so much fun. I think swimming is fun, and I always look forward to summer days when I can float around or swim laps in a pool. I also think reading is fun and it's something I really enjoy doing to relax. And not to sound redundant or cheesy, but I really love my job and have fun while I'm there. (In case you're reading my blog for the first time, I run the bookstore and cafe inside my church, and have been doing so for almost eight months now. I am living my dream job!) 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I have so many things to do inside my house right now, so much so that it's overwhelming. I need to just start small and go on from each area. I need to work on some cabinets and our bedroom. I need to clean out kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, and in our room I need to put some things into a bin to be tucked up into the attic. None of those are big things, but I never have a full day to myself lately, and that's when I am at my best. Basically what I just said was that I need for my family to NOT be here so that they don't see all the junk that I throw away or donate. Does anyone else feel this? Please tell me I'm not alone! 

Also, one last thing. Why have I never really read Joyce's blog before and participated in this link up? I can't answer that, but I am so glad that I found her and I'll be participating from now on. Joyce, if you're reading this, you have a lovely blog; thank you for hosting this! 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Well, you already know my banana answer! LOL BUT I will make banana bread frequently even if my husband and my oldest are the only two that will eat it (none of the rest of us eat anything with bananas). You would think with the frequency of making cards I'd be better about sending them and have a system but I don't and rarely send cards to family members-- while we were away it was both my stepfather's and my father in laws birthday and while I had made them cards at the start of April I never did mail them before we left so they're going to get them a few days late. I have tried for years to send cards to all my nieces and nephews but don't think I have had a full year yet where I've remembered everyone so I gave up; I didn't want anyone to feel like I was playing favorites!

    1. I do know your answer about bananas! I laughed when I read that question. That is the exact reason why I also don't send cards anymore, because it does kind of sting if someone gets a card and another person in the family doesn't. We have so many nephews and nieces that it's really hard to keep up. I know if they were grandkids, that I would be better about it, so someday I'll have to step up my game. Thanks for talking about this link over the weekend! I think it was you...or maybe Marilyn? I'll have to thank her too.

  2. Thanks for introducing me to a new blog! I love link ups! I feel the same way about my house and most teachers put everything off til summer! Ha! The stuff just accumulates and I don't even think we bring that much in!

    1. You're welcome, whoever you are! Can you change your name from anonymous to a blog name, if you have one? I'd love to check yours out and return the favor and comment love! I am like you, and I love new link ups. I understand about putting things off like that as a teacher; I worked full time the second semester of last school year as an assistant in the reading intervention room, and I think my whole house fell apart at the seams. 🤣 Hopefully you'll be able to get some things done soon when school lets out for summer!

  3. I like the questions but they are kind of random? Which is fun but then harder to respond to, lol. I love bananas in banana bread. It is generally the only way that I will eat them. Here is my random thought: I like the blog change you made where the comments do not open in a new window. It makes it easier to go back and read your post while responding! Have a great Wednesday!

    1. Maria, they are random! It was fun to answer, but you're right about how they're harder to pick just one to respond to. I love your random thought! It was one thing we did over the weekend when we were all together. We talked about blog things and I was given some technical help with the comments. I used to have it set like this, but then I must have inadvertently turned something off; when I made the comments embedded again, this is what happened! It's so much easier for me, too! I'm glad you're enjoying it and that it's making it easier for you; I forgot about how it would work on someone else's end!

  4. Always so fun to read and learn more about my favorite bloggers- I think public speaking is such a great skill to have too!

    1. I think the same thing, Holly! I love knowing all the little ins and outs of my friends. That was one of the first things that popped into my mind, even though I refused to take it in high school. But really, it should start before high school, and should be ingrained into students by then. I think just doing more of oral reports in general from elementary school and on would help tremendously.

  5. I TOTALY get wanting to be alone in the house to do the work. I wrote about that on my blog today to. I am getting a half day to myself and can't wait to work.

    1. Right?! I am so glad to hear that you get to do this today. How funny that we both shared that! I'm off to work now, but I'll check out your blog when I get back home. Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment! I hope you enjoy your day!

  6. So glad you joined the HP today! Cleaning out my kitchen drawers is on my list and I think you might have inspired me to tackle at least some of them today. Especially the one where everytime I open it I think ugh! Why don't I clean this out??? lol. Have a great glad you made it here!

    1. Hey, at least one of us doing something productive in our homes today! I'm so glad I could inspire you. Now I need someone to be inspire me! 🤣 Thank you for hosting this fun link party! I look forward to joining often!

  7. I am so glad you linked up with this today! It is fun! And so funny the question about bananas! I agree with you about the second chances. I am thankful that even if a relationship parts ways, we can still have forgiveness. We all have those cabinets and closet spaces just waiting to be cleaned. Maybe setting a timer of 15-30 minutes will help inspire us to get started on those projects. I hope you have a good day at work at a job you love! What a gift that is.

    1. Marilyn, I know! I laughed when I read that question, because now I know all of your answers! Amen to that forgiveness; I've experienced that deep in my heart recently. It'll be something I write about tomorrow. That's a great idea to set that timer. Thank you for that! Have a sweet day, my friend. Much love!

  8. I just cannot speak in public, I am a shy person and public speaking would be my worst nightmare but it is something that I wish I could do! I love that there is a Banana day! That did make me chuckle that you have trust issues with them. I love simple banana and custard!

    1. Kim, UGH. What a nerve wracking thing that is! I am shy and reserved as well, but certain things have pushed me way out of my comfort zone in this. Banana and custard sounds delightful! It reminds me of our banana pudding. I hope you have a wonderful day, friend!

  9. I agree about public speaking. I feel that I was skilled in this when I was teaching, but now I am out of practice. I also need to tackle some spaces in our house. I'd like to do it before Grace moves home for the summer. I'm glad you linked up with Joyce today!

    1. I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in the house overwhelm! I love what Marilyn suggested: setting a timer and working for a few minutes at a time. I'm going to put that into practice on Friday when I'm at home in the morning. Thanks for mentioning Joyce's blog!

  10. Joyce has been doing the Hodgepodge for a long time and I've participated in the vast majority of them. Lately, I've been MIA a lot, but hopefully that will change. If I remember correctly, we both participated in a blogger's weekly post called Random Dozen and when she stopped, Joyce took over with the Hodgepodge. I'm so glad you decided participating today and I enjoyed your answers. I actually signed up for Speech class and then dropped the course before I had to make the first speech. That was probably a mistake. lol Take care and have a great day!

    1. I have heard of it before, but I've never participated...and then I kind of forgot about it. I'm so glad someone mentioned it again recently! I look forward to joining often. I've missed seeing your blog posts!

  11. I dropped out of public speaking three times in college before I finally made it through, and all the credit goes to a fabulous teacher. My biggest problem now is that I get emotional. When I was the Charities Chair for our spouses' organization and had to award grants to a variety of groups, I had to really fight not to burst into tears as I read the write up for each one, they did such marvelous work for charity.

  12. Pamela, how wonderful that you finally made it through that class! I know what you mean about being emotional; I could see myself doing the same thing. I am sure that I would have been fighting that same thing had I been in your shoes!

  13. I enjoyed your answers. All this talk about bananas has me craving a good ole fashion banana pudding!

    1. Thanks, Debby! I know what you mean! I actually made myself crave the homemade banana ice cream, though I certainly do NOT need it. Ha!

  14. Fun answers. I agree with the public speaking. It's fun reading everyone's makes me think "oh yah, that's a good answer too.

  15. We had very similar answers for a few of these questions, especially the one about second chances. Public speaking is an important skill, and I know many people are terrified to speak in public, but maybe learning how to do it when we're young would help us not to be so scared? I don't enjoy doing it, but I can do it. Hope you're having a great week - glad to have you joining us in the hodgepodge!

    1. Kym, that's funny that we answered similarly! I agree about the public speaking; I think the same thing that you said. I don't particularly enjoy it either, but it's good to know that I can. Thanks for that, friend!


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