Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope your week is going well. Mine is—it's actually flying right by. I will say that I wish this part would slow down just a bit. I only have one more weekend that Todd will be home with me before he resumes his old schedule. Even though he had surgery and had to spend those weeks recovering from home, I'm grateful for the time we've had at home together. I kind of think our life is about to change drastically once again with one son moving away and with Todd getting a new job that will make even busier; you can see why I want this time to slow down a bit. 

I'm so glad you're here linking up with me each week! More than that, I hope that practicing intentional daily gratitude has made a difference in your life like it has mine. 

Here are some things I am thankful for this week:

  • time with Jesus that has been extra sweet this week

I was reading a difficult portion of Scripture yesterday morning, and rather than read it, I listened to it instead. Doing that one thing helped tremendously! We're going back and forth between the books of 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, and Psalms. Yesterday we were reading more about genealogies, and I was having a hard time coming away with a God-shot, as Tara Leigh Cobble from The Bible Recap calls it. I borrowed from what she said: in reading yesterday, the family history lesson paused, and a story was injected right in the middle of that. It was about Jabez and a prayer that he prayed. (Remember that old book from the 90's?) She went on to say that she wasn't sure if Jabez's prayer was beneficial for others or if it was for more selfish reasons. Nonetheless, God lovingly receives all of our prayers, no matter the intent of the heart. He will always answer the prayers that we lift up to Him in the way that He knows is best. Isn't that such a beautiful and comforting thought? 

  • moments of worship

I don't get to participate in corporate worship as much as I used to, now that I'm in the bookstore working at our church. Part of that statement makes me extremely sad, but then I remember that I have moments of worship throughout all of my days. Yes, I do still go into the service on Sunday mornings, even if it's a bit late, but I do usually catch one or two songs being sung before the preaching starts. Just last night as I wrote this from the bookstore during church hours, I had worship music playing over my Bluetooth speaker and was able to worship while I was in here alone. God is gracious to give me these moments! 

  • authors who inspire

All of you know that I recently took an online course about writing a book with Joanna Weaver, but I haven't mentioned that I am also participating in a virtual email course with another one of my favorite authors, the beloved Fiona Ferris. Speaking of her, I just finished an excellent book that she wrote on this topic. As much as I love her, I've only read her eBooks that are available on Amazon; yesterday at Shay's recommendation, I bought my first physical copy by her. I can't wait for it to get here this weekend. She is the best and easy quick read of an author that I have ever read and loved. 

  • friends and co-workers willing to pitch in

We have a huge event happening here at our church next week: a collegiate summit for college leaders in this area and the ones surrounding. We're expecting 700 people in the building on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of next week. This is the first time we've ever held anything here of that capacity, and it is definitely my first time to be running the store that will be in charge of providing all of the drinks and snacks. I could have easily have gotten overwhelmed at this task, but thanks to my wonderful friends and co-workers, so many people are offering to pitch in and lend helping hands. I'm so grateful for them! 

  • great books to read
  • the fact that Todd does the housework when I'm not home
  • boys that will eat anything and never complain
  • friends that I get to see weekly at my job
  • my wonderful church home (way more than just a place to work)
  • delicious coffee drinks that I have learned to make
  • mercy and grace upon grace

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

p.s. I'm not sure why it says that this link party can't be here, but just click on the blue button and you can still link up. Does this have to do with me buying the domain recently? If you're techy and know the answer, please share!

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  1. Oh boy, 700? That's a lot! Thank goodness for friends offering to help out. It sounds like it should be a fun day though.

    1. I know! I have zero expectations of what it will be like. I am sure I will be dead by Friday!

  2. This weekend will be bittersweet I know. I hope you plan something fun for you and Todd? I would love to hear your coffee drink recipes! I love Fiona Ferris and need to actually buy her books, too. Good luck with your big event!

    1. We will definitely have a nice dinner out this weekend. We may even go and do something after...I mentioned wanting to play miniature golf last weekend if the weather is nice. I read yesterday why she sells them for such a fair price in the latest book that I finished by her. It was so interesting to learn why or how she does things to get her books out there to so many people. I love her!

  3. I love what you wrote about our honest prayers to God! That is a big event next week and thankful you have help with the coffee shop and bookstore. Enjoy your day!

    1. I loved it too! I got that from Tara Leigh Cobble in the podcast I listened to after I read yesterday. I admit to being a little nervous about this next week! I'm anxious to see how it goes. Thanks, my friend! You too!

  4. The event sounds like it will be a lot of work for you and likely others but how neat is it that 700(!) college leaders are attending this event. Do you know if the event is for paid staff at the colleges? Just curious! Abby is involved with a Christian organization at her college- I think her college has two paid staff members and the rest of the organization is comprised of the students themselves. Practicing gratitude is such a great habit! Have a great day!

    1. It is pretty cool that so many people will be attending this event. I am not sure if this is for paid staff members or not. That's a good question! I'll have to see what I can find out. I hope your week has been good!

  5. What a big event! It sounds like a busy week, with the time flying by! Thank you so much for sending that video about the domain name. I don't think I could have done it without that help! Thanks again!

    1. Right?! It has been good. I'm glad that video worked out for you!

  6. That must be so exciting (and maybe scary) that your church is hosting this event. I hope so much that there will be an awesome moving of God during this event. Enjoy your weekend with your husband.

    1. You are so right! Thank you for that, that's a great way to pray. I hope you do the same, my friend!

  7. It must have been nice to have Todd at home even if he was recovering from surgery. It sounds like you have a lot to be thankful for. Good luck with the event at your church. I hope it goes well.


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