Thursday, April 11, 2024

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I am feeling incredibly thankful this week; I don't know about you, but isn't it funny how some weeks are like that and other weeks are more normal? Even in those seemingly "normal" weeks, I still love what practicing gratitude daily looks like in my life. Here are a few benefits that it brings to me:

  • it makes me more optimistic, even if I already am
  • it shows me the goodness of God
  • I am reminded of how every little good thing can be consider a blessing from the Lord
  • it shows in my countenance
  • it changes my prayer life from asking for a lot to thanking Him for every tiny little thing
  • others notice and ask me about it, allowing me an opportunity to point them to Jesus
  • it's biblical
I don't know that I've ever shared these things on a Thankful Thursday post before, but it's enlightening, right? I'll jump in with things straight out of my gratitude journal. 

Yup, I'm still using this one that my best friend gave me. I texted her this picture immediately after taking it Wednesday morning. I had some spare time before work, so that's when I finished working on this post for today. 

I am always, always, always thankful for the mercies of God that are new every morning. I start off each week in the same way in this journal! This is based upon the passage of Scripture from Lamentations 3:22-26. 

Because of the LORD's faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! I say, 'The LORD is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him.'

I am so thankful for the Bible Recap way of reading through the Bible this year, and for the spot-on teaching of its founder, Tara Leigh Cobble. You should follow her and that community on Instagram! You'll always be encouraged. 

I'm so thankful that I get to correspond each month with our Compassion "son" that we've sponsored all of his life, Sylvain. He is 17 years old now and lives in Togo, near Uganda. He speaks French and I love his wit and the letters I get often. It's been a privilege to see him grow and to be able to help his family out. Have you ever considered sponsoring a child either through Compassion International or in another way in your own city? It's worth praying about. 

I'm thankful that Todd helps me in the bookstore when I need him! He hooked up and connected my new credit card reader this week.

I'm thankful for the times when my younger friend texts me, asking me to pray; and for the privilege it is to pray right then, and to experience the Lord's peace flood over her even as I pray. That is nothing about me and my prayers, and all about the Holy Spirit! 

I'm thankful for great and productive days at work! I love Tuesdays in the bookstore; my favorite ladies come in on that day each week for Bible study and they greatly encourage me! My dear friend Peggy is a treasure to me, and she's their fearless leader. I plan on joining them next semester! 

I'm thankful for the Lord's protection over Laura, my son Jonah's girlfriend! She had a wreck on her way to work yesterday, and both she and the other driver were fine. I fully believe the Lord's angels were watching over her! His word says that in the Bible, that He gives His angels orders concerning us. Isn't that a comforting thought?? 

Those are just a few things. What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. I'm thankful for my mother and and my mother in law this week; my car has been out of commission since last Friday and they have been pitching in to shuttle me around or lending me their cars. Fingers crossed my car will be ready sometime today (I hope!). I'm also thankful Alec had a wonderful track meet yesterday. I am beyond thankful that Ian's college advisor worked hard to get the dean to accept his 2 classes from the old degree program to fit into this "new" one that was developed and he can drop one of the classes he signed up for this fall and still graduate by Christmas.

  2. It sounds like you have had a good week and have been able to focus on all of the positive things. How wonderful that in spite of the stress that being in a car accident entails, no one was physically hurt. I can see how your husband´s help at your job would be a huge blessing. I hope to get a post up soon about the things that I have been thankful for recently.

  3. Joanne, those are great things to be thankful for. We've been in that same situation with cars and having to share with others; it's always so good when that works out. I'm so glad to hear about Alec's track meet and Ian's class and graduation plan working out! I know that is a huge relief for you both. Thanks for sharing those with me!

  4. Maria, I have had a really good week! And you are so right about the wreck. I heard him talking on the phone to her yesterday morning around 7:30 and I knew something was wrong! I'll look forward to reading your post today! I hope you're hanging in there, my friend. Much love!

  5. So much to be thankful for as always XO

  6. Yes, yes, yes to all of these things! I am glad it has been a good week. I am thankful His mericies are new each morning and I'm thankful tomorrow is Friday :).

  7. Hello! Thank you for the reminder to slow down and remember how I have been blessed. I am thankful beyond measure that my mammogram appointment went well, and I am clear for a year! I am grateful my yearly physical went well, and I am good there. I am grateful for a dentist appointment that also went well. I am thankful for a beautiful visit with my mom, where she looked me in the eyes and knew who I was. I am blessed. Have a cozy afternoon, my friend.

  8. Lots of things to be grateful for this week (well, every week but you know what I mean) and so glad that Laura was not hurt. Thanks for the link-up...glad to join this week. And for all of God's blessings recently!

  9. What a lovely journal! We sponsor a young boy in Haiti and I'm thankful that he lives on the west side of the island, away from the violence in Port-au-Prince.

  10. Marilyn, YES! I can't wait to get our fun weekend started!

  11. Billie Jo, I loved reading your list of things to be thankful for this week! I know you don't take one second for granted. I know you loved that time with your mom, and to know that she recognized you- what a gift!

  12. Jennifer, yes! I'm so glad you joined in with me this week!


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