Saturday, April 27, 2024

Share 4 Somethings


Happy Saturday, friends! Welcome to the April edition of S4S where we'll be talking about somethings we've loved or dislikedaccomplishedimproved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed. I'll jump in!

Some things I loved this month were...

Making my bed the minute I woke up every morning while Todd was having to sleep downstairs...

... celebrating our sweet Drew on his 24th birthday...

... and this sweet act of kindness from the Sunshine committee at work. They gave me this little potted flower as Todd recovered, which is the sweetest thing ever. I still have it sitting on my counter! 

Some things I accomplished this month were ... 

Maintaining the household chores...

...and being able to keep up with things at work in spite of my many absences lately. 

Something that still needs improvement is my motivation for home. I still need to work on several projects around the house, and I keep losing steam by the time I think about getting around to them. 

Something I noticed this month is that Todd and I can be together for days and days on end without killing each other. 🤣 As far as around town or in our own yard, I've noticed how green everything is right now. I love seeing the grass fill in again and the trees coming back to life. I think our dogs enjoy the grass again, too. They seem to like walking around in it and checking things out more than when it was colder. I've noticed on cool and windy days, they love to just stand there and sniff the air. It's the cutest thing to watch! 

I can't wait to read your posts this weekend! Thanks for linking up with me this month and for reading my blog. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! Love to all. 

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  1. It's very good to be on top of your work when you're busy elsewhere. It's a stress you've managed to ease. And lovely to have your child's birthday to celebrate. Hope you are coping with it all and your husband is recovering quickly.

    1. I agree about being able to keep all those balls in the air managed. That's not to say that I won't fall behind or become overwhelmed at some point, but I'm trying to take things little by little. Thank you for that!

  2. You really are quite good a taking "us-ies!" That family photo is great. Those flowers are such a sweet gesture. It really is looking so nice and green in your yard.

    1. 🤣 It's the only way I would ever get a picture of us all! They won't let me ask other people for help. I'm rolling my eyes. Wasn't that sweet?? I almost cried, it was so thoughtful.

  3. Give yourself grace with the household chores! Love all of the family pictures and the one of you and Todd near the About Me section. Have a great weekend!

    1. That's what I keep telling myself. At least things are (somewhat) cleaned and put away. Thank you! I hope you have a great one too; maybe it'll be nice enough outside that you can get outdoors for a bit.

  4. I'm loving the greening up in our area too. I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. There's nothing quite like it! Thank you, Cathy, I hope the same for you, my friend!

  5. Jennifer, that is such a good picture of you and your guys at Drew's birthday! Love it - and you look so happy:) I also like the photo of your bed...the twinkle lights look so cute there! Hope you are enjoying a good Saturday. Thanks for the link-up!

    1. Thanks, Jen! I love twinkle lights...they make everything so happy and cozy. I hope you've enjoyed your weekend!

  6. I wish I could get into the habit of making the bed each morning. I just roll out and come downstairs. Oops.
    Aww! That was a sweet gesture from the sunshine committee.
    It is nice to see all the green and everything coming back to life. Despite it still being chilly here there are plenty of signs of spring.

    1. Kim, you made me laugh! I thought it was such a sweet gesture. I'm glad to hear things are greening up where you live!

  7. Love the family photo shot for Drew's birthday!

  8. I have missed so much! I assume Todd is on the couch because of illness?! Hope he is better soon. Yay for not killing each other, LOL! Happy birthday to your son. Have a great rest of your weekend!

    1. Cindy, he's recovered now, but he had surgery at the end of March and had to sleep on the couch for a couple of weeks. But yay for us getting along! 🤣 Thank you for that!

  9. Coming over to visit late, so sorry. Thanks so very much for hosting and your warm hospitality Jen.

  10. The link party ended but here is my link anyway happy June see you all again at the end of the month xx


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