Monday, April 1, 2024

Prime Purchases, the April edition


Happy Tuesday, happy April, and happy bonus blog post today! I'm linking up with Tanya for this bonus post on Prime Purchases from last month. I'll jump right in! 

Click on each picture to be redirected to a separate Amazon link.

My favorite purchase of last month was this bag! 

I've worn it everyday since it arrived, and I couldn't be happier with anything. 

I ordered more of my favorite mousse. 

I bumped up to the next strength in my favorite readers.

I ordered two of these dresses last month, one of which I wore yesterday to church for Easter.

I ordered these things for our sons for their Easter baskets.

One thing I've learned from my sons is that I need to pay attention to the inseam length when I order shorts. Three of them prefer the shorter length, so I always buy the 5 inch inseam for those who prefer that. They all liked what they got, but one pair of shorts fit snug on one, so I'm sending them back and getting the replacement for them today. I share that because you may need to know that if you have sons that you buy for. The trend for them is the shorter length in shorts. 

Lastly, I ordered some makeup items for myself to replace what was running low.

I love reading these posts each month, and can't wait to read what you've Primed and loved. Thanks for hosting us each month, Tanya! Love to all. 


  1. Lots of great finds this month! I love reading Prime Purchases posts. So many great recommendations.

  2. I missed this post! Good finds! I find Amazon overwhelming and rely on my blogger friends' recs.

  3. Thanks, Pamela! I always love knowing what people find on Amazon.

  4. Thanks, Amy! It can definitely be overwhelming. I love following people on social media who are similar to my body type and getting recs from them. That being said, my newest fave follow is Mrs. Kari Clark. Have you heard of her?

  5. I know what you mean about the length of the shorts. So funny we ordered the same style! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases.

  6. Tanya, isn't that funny?! You can tell we have sons who are the same age. 🤣 Thanks for hosting us! I love this link party.


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