Monday, April 22, 2024

Hello Monday!


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was excellent, because I finally got to see my dad. Before I get to that, though, I woke up early that morning and decided to treat myself to a movie. I watched this one that I'd recorded on YTTV from Hallmark. It was really good! Have you watched this one? I love Erin Krakow from her days of being on Army Wives. 

I enjoyed a lazy morning at home of doing laundry and cleaning. Todd took one of the dogs to the vet for one of our sons, and he got back home shortly before Dad got here. About my dad, though: he's been having really bad back issues that pretty much kept him at home and unable to be active. It's been five weeks since he's been to my house, and I hadn't seen him since his birthday on March 29th. Needless to say, it was wonderful to start this up again! He's feeling back to his old self, and I am relieved. It was a cool, rainy day, but that didn't stop us from going out. He was willing to ride with me to get my car washed from the road trip I'd taken last week, and then we picked up our lunch and brought it back home to eat. 

Even the dogs seemed glad to see him again! We got our lunch from Chick Fil A and stayed here until about three thirty, when I took him home. 

This place will always be home to me! 

I love the Spanish influence in his house; those tiles are every bit as beautiful in person, and so is his front door. I decided to take a picture of it so that I could show you. He said that it was hand carved by someone in Mexico; I love it so much!

I got us some water when we settled in, and I wanted to share this one as well, because I love unique glassware. 

We beat Sandy back to his house by just a few minutes, but it was nice to sit and chat with her too. I'm always glad that on these days she gets to get out and do something for herself; that just means that I don't spend as much time with her as I do Dad. I'm always happy to stay and chat for a bit before leaving. I left there around 4:45, and while I was gone, Todd ordered us sushi takeout from our favorite place here by our house. It was delicious! Noah enjoyed my leftovers when he got home from work. For the rest of the night, I read the book I'd started last week, because my goal was to finish it over the weekend. I was only at about five percent on Friday night. Speaking of books, you should come back to my blog on Wednesday; I have an exciting announcement! 

I was up early again on Saturday, so I read for a while, then I got dressed and left to get a pedicure when they opened. 

I think that this just may be my favorite way to pamper myself! I enjoyed every minute of this, and I love the color I picked.

It's OPI's Dutch Tulips. It's a really pretty coral color that looks bright red. I love it after having having Alpaca My Bags on for the last two months. I finished up with that, came back home for a few minutes to drop off the cup I'd taken with me, then left again to meet up with my mom and sister. Our day together was short and sweet; we ran a couple of errands together, ate lunch, then split back up around twelve. I met Todd at Costco after I dropped them off, and we shopped together, then he rode his bike a bit while the weather was nice. 

Sometimes when I look at his new skinny self, I'm shocked at what I see. I think he looks amazing after two years of major weight loss! I'm really proud of him; I took this picture right above, because one thing I love about him is how friendly of a guy he is. The lady that worked at Costco was helping him find his size in a new shirt that they were putting out. He loves this one brand of athletic shirts from there, and he got himself three new ones. They're thin and long sleeved, which are good for him to wear around the house and even while he's riding his bike on warmer days. Also, when he wears a cap backwards like that, my heart skips a beat, because it reminds me of him in high school. 😍 

After Costco, we split ways; I went to fill up my car with gas, and then I met up with my young friend that I mentioned last week. She helped me with some techy things on my blog; I don't know if you've noticed, but I have a new URL address: This is something that I did that is a product of our blogging friends weekend in Nashville! We all talked about this while we were together, so I decided to go ahead and buy my domain when I came back home. But look at that coffee shop! How cute is that? Holly and I each got a treat to go with our coffees. She had a cappuccino, and I had regular coffee. I immediately texted this picture to Amy, because I know she appreciates a good coffee shop.

I left the coffee shop at four, came home and unloaded the Costco groceries, then left again with Todd. We made plans to meet his parents for dinner, and we ended the evening at their house. I made him pose with me! 

We visited for a while, then came home, took showers, and got comfy. I ate this cookie that my son brought home for me and had zero regrets until it woke me up at 3 a.m.. I should have known better! I finally started feeling better and slept until five, then I got up and got dressed. I read some more until I left, and after church Drew came over. It was so good to see him! I hadn't seen him since his birthday dinner on April 3rd. For the rest of the day I read and enjoyed being at home and comfy. The weather was kind of cool on Sunday, so I took an amazing Sunday afternoon nap while the house was quiet, then I finished the book I talked about wanting to finish. Todd helped me with some more techy issues on my blog, and I was in bed pretty early. It was a great and full weekend! 

Have you heard that a third (full) installment of the Father of the Bride series is coming out this fall??! I am so excited about this and will be making plans to see it in the theater. These are my favorite movies! It's about their daughter Megan that's getting married. Did you ever watch the short YouTube video in 2020 that they put out? It was cute, too! 

What did you do that you loved this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. You did a lot and you are back to your fave weekend routine! I kind of feel like I didn't do enough this weekend! Ha! I spent most of my time at home and that was also much needed.

    1. Saturday, especially, was very full! I never do all of that in one day. This was an exception! 🤣 I have to say that it did feel great to be out and about. I didn't mention the new Umgee top that I bought for myself at a boutique that we stopped's so cute! I'll share about it one day this week, because I think I'm going to wear it to an event tonight. I certainly understand needing some rest, so I'm glad you got that this weekend. Puppies change a lot, too, you know? They kind of break into our normal routines. Have a great day, my friend!

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.
    I am glad your dad is feeling better, how lovely to have him visit. That door really is beautiful.
    I love the idea of having a pedicure but I have really ticklish feet and can't bear anyone touching them.

    1. Thanks, Kim! It was so good seeing him, and I feel the same about that door. I've always loved it, but I thought about sharing it here with a picture for the first time that day. I guess because he talked about it when I took him home. I feel you on the ticklish feet! I almost can't bear it, it's that bad. They always just finish that part quickly.

  3. That sounds like such a wonderful weekend and I am so happy for you that you finally got to see your dad! I am so excited about the new Father of the Bride movie coming out; I loved those movies so much (and still watch them at least yearly!).

    1. Thank you! It was so good to see him again and to have him here. I feel the same about those movies, and I also watch them pretty often. The first two are some of my favorites!

  4. The tile and the door at your dad's is beautiful! I am so glad you shared this with us! You know I am with you in trying to learn more about the blog world. Love the new name!

    1. Thank you! I love it too. I love pretty details like that! Thanks for that, my friend!

  5. Busy weekend! I love Dutch Tulips, will have to look for it. I'd love to hear more about buying your domain. Martin Short was just hilarious in Father of the Bride.

    1. It was! If you like the real deal, you'll love this color. It's really pretty! I'll probably share about that here one day this week. I agree about Martin Short! They're one of my favorite duos.

  6. YES Can't wait for the release of the newest "Bride" movie :) You and your hubby are just the cutest!! So happy to read about your time with your dad AND Dutch Tulips will always be one of my favorite colors :)

    1. Aw, thank you! I figured you knew this color. You strike me as an OPI lover like I am! I hope your day is going well, my friend!

  7. Always a pleasure as always to be of any help I can! Getting to catch up was so amazing! <3

    1. I'm so thankful that you spent time helping me with it last week! I appreciate you so much, but you're right about catching up- that was the best part. I look forward to having dinner together soon! 😘

  8. Thank you! Quality time is my top love language. I hope you have a great week too, my friend!

  9. Looks like a beautiful's to a productive week ahead. Happy Monday:)

    1. Thank you, dear friend! I hope the same for you.

  10. What a great weekend. I love the picture of the two of you, and also of Todd in Costco. My hubby is like that too...friendly and talking with anyone around him. I also love the Dutch tulips color. Hope you have a great start to the week!

    1. Thanks, Tanya! See? They would be friends in real life. I had a feeling they were similar in lots of ways!

  11. I am SO excited about Father of the Bride. The first two are some of my favorite movies. My husband also will talk to anyone - makes friends everywhere. I love and hate it (especially when we're in a hurry - lol).

    1. Me too! And I feel the exact same. I may have based my entire wedding modeled after Annie's. I love that about our guys! I know what you mean, though...sometimes I'm hurrying him along. 🤣

  12. I watched that Hallmark movie this week. It was great. Thanks for the suggestion.


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