Friday, April 5, 2024

Friday Favorites, 4.5.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? Mine has been great! I hope you can say the same, friends. Here are a few of my favorites from this week...

These tulips that my sister brought over last week have been my favorite to see around the house this week! Nothing says spring like tulips.

The Bible Recap reading plan has had me in one of my favorite places in the Bible: the book of Judges. I loved seeing my old notes as I was studying this book before helping to write the Bible study that we did last fall as a women's group. I know many of you may wonder how I can love this miserable book in the Old Testament, but it always points me to God's love for His people. He never gave up on them and when they would go through the cycle of sin and rebellion, finally calling out to Him in repentance, He would raise up a judge for them in the land. That judge would reign throughout the rest of his life, and the people would have favor with God as long as the judge lived.

This book was a favorite to read before Resurrection Sunday, and so was seeing this old library card in the back of it! I found my friend Sherri's name on the back of the card and texted her a picture of it from 1998. 

These two little candles from Walmart are my favorite! I haven't actually burned them yet, but they both smell really good. They were $3 and some change, so I couldn't pass them up. 

Seeing Dad on his 93rd birthday on Friday last week was my favorite. So was this scene in my side view mirror as I pulled out of his driveway. 

Aren't these pictures of Dad great? He was so funny last weekend, and had all of us laughing like crazy!

I think we've established the fact that Oreo balls are our favorites!

Todd is still sleeping downstairs, and while that's not my favorite, I do love getting up in the five o'clock hour and making my bed immediately. 

Joanna Weaver is one of my favorite people on the planet! Not only is she an excellent author, she's genuine, kind, and knowledgeable on all things having to do with writing. I've enjoyed her "coaching" sessions over Zoom calls for the last few weeks. We've been meeting every other week for the last six weeks and have one more session left. Also? Is doodling while taking notes or listening anyone else's favorite? 

Quiet time aha-moments are always a favorite. 

I had high hopes for this Hallmark movie when I watched it on Wednesday, but it wasn't my favorite, despite the fact that two actors that I love were in it. Also, being alone for the first time in almost two weeks was a favorite on Wednesday. Todd went back to the doctor that morning and they removed his drains from surgery! He was also cleared to start driving. That was probably his favorite moment from the week! 

Family dinner for Drew's 24th birthday was my favorite this week! We all squeezed in close for this picture; it was freezing and windy outside, though, and poor Drew was shivering.

This old picture is one of my favorites; this is my Pastor and Drew at Drew's senior banquet at a golf club. The youth would rent out a space there and we would have a delicious dinner and the graduates would be encouraged by our Pastor. This is exactly the kind of man of God that he is: joyful, friendly, loving, encouraging, and a godly example of leadership. I love that he loves the flock that God has given him to shepherd, and I love that not only is he our Pastor, but also a friend to everyone. Also? Drew and his friends *may or may not have* borrowed a golf cart and driven off together immediately following this picture. It was just for a couple of minutes, much to the chagrin of all us moms, and nobody was the wiser for their antics. 🤣

Did you read my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Monday was Hello Monday and Prime Purchases.

Tuesday was a post I titled A Guide to Blogging and Tips & Tricks.

Wednesday was the Currently link party.

Thursday was Thankful Thursday

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. That sleeping alone thing…part of me secretly loves it but would still choose my partner every day of the week-month-year if I could only have one or the other :) As soon as I saw that picture of your dad with his birthday cake I smiled. There is great joy in that picture! And I had forgotten all about Oreo balls until you posted them…hmmm… might need to make those as a treat next time the kids are around. Happy birthday Drew!

  2. Oh I love the family selfie- Drew must have had the best birthday- loved that you could all spend it together- what a beautiful family you have made XO

  3. Happy Friday! Lots of good things this week! So happy that Todd is able to drive now. Two great birthday celebrations, too!

  4. Great pictures from your week! Love seeing the birthday celebrations- the sweet smiles, the cakes, the get together with loved ones. The old library card brings back fond memories of writing my name on cards and then checking to see who else had checked out the book! Have a great Friday!

  5. Hooray for family dinners...and three dollar candles!! Love those photos of your dad. He looks so happy! Happiest birthday wishes to him. What a blessing!! And, yes, I have to make the bed as soon as I get out of it each morning - brilliant minds!!:)

  6. Tulips are such a pretty flower! I always think of spring when I see them.
    Those candles sound lovely and what a sweet photos of your dad.

  7. Happy birthday to your dad and Drew too. Great birthday photos of both of them. And I know how rare it is to get a family selfie with everyone there at the same time! I have to admit I am happy to be finished with Judges. On to Ruth tomorrow...always a favorite! Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Great post! Sometimes Hallmark movies are hit or miss.

  9. Thanks, Jenni! I wholeheartedly agree about the sleeping arrangements...sometimes it's nice to have some extra room, but I really do sleep so much better when he's laying next to me. I know he loved being back in a bed! Poor guy. I agree with what you said about my dad; I can hear him laughing in this picture. He was in rare form!

  10. Thank you, Holly! I think he had a really good birthday, which makes this mama happy. Such sweet words; I love them all so much!

  11. Thanks, Amy! It was a great week. All good things!

  12. Thanks, Maria! Yes, I thought the same thing when I saw the library card. I used to love seeing who read the book before me!

  13. Thanks, Jennifer! Isn't that a wonderful thing to be able to do? Mine got made a little later this morning, but I didn't mind. I hope you've had a great day and week, my friend!

  14. Thanks, Kim! I loved all the birthday celebrating that we've had recently!

  15. Thanks, Tanya! It is such a rare opportunity, so it made me happy to be together twice this week. After today's reading, I can say the same thing. I hated today's reading; I cried over it as I prayed afterward! I know that seems so dramatic, and even though I've read that story several times before, it hit me differently today. I am so excited about Ruth tomorrow! We have some better days of reading ahead.

  16. Thanks, Pamela! You are so right. I had high hopes because of those actors, but nah. 🤣

  17. What a week! So many good things! The tulips are beautiuful. I am glad it was a sweet birthday for your dad and your boys. Your summary of Judges got me thinking. I do love the book of Ruth. The oreo balls looks so yummy and I feel like I could eat enough to probably make me regret eating so many, ha!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...