Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday Favorites, 4.26.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? Mine has been great, albeit busy and sleepless; I hope you can say the same! 

About the sleepless part—I mentioned on my blog post yesterday that there is a huge event happening at our church next week, called Collegiate Summit. There will be an additional 700 people in our building for three days, and I am in charge of their coffee, drinks, and snacks. I will have some help, but it is a huge undertaking! I'm thankful for friends that work at church as co-workers who are coming out of the woodwork to pitch in and help me on those days. Anyway, when I have something big looming over my head, I dream about it; that's been the case for the last two nights! This also happened time and again when I first started working in the bookstore, and it would keep me up at all hours of the night. 

I'll be so glad to have this event behind me! I may or may not let the blog go next week, as I'll be working extra hours, stay tuned! Also, before I forget, tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month which means it's time for Share 4 Somethings. We'll talk about the things we've loved or dislikedaccomplishedimproved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed this month. Additionally, on Wednesday May 1st, it'll be time for the Currently post. May's prompts are things we're currently loving, looking forward to, seeing, reading, and wanting. I hope you make plans to join us for both link parties! I'll share the Currently prompts for June at the end of Wednesday's post, so be on lookout for them. 

Enough about all of that! I'll move onto some of my favorite things from this week.

On Saturday while I was out with my mom and sister, one of the places we went to has these funny coasters. Those are my favorites, and I feel like I need both of them in my life. The bottom one, though? That'll be how my end plays out most likely! 🤣

This cookie was a favorite treat from the weekend!

This day of reading and my quiet time were my favorites! 

I'll share about the books I read this month on Thursday May 2nd in the new link-up I'm co-hosting, but I read this book on Monday. It might be one of my new favorites! I love it when that happens; I sat down to read a chapter and accidentally finished it in the same day. 

Spending time with Todd is my favorite; however, you need to know a couple of things about this picture above. First, we were heading to an event that I did not want to go to; secondly, Todd and I fought on the way there and we were mad at each other for half the event. It was terrible. 🤣 On a positive note, I love this picture of us that Graham took! 

It's my favorite when little ones come to see me at work! This little fella is one of my faves. 

Sticky notes are my favorite! They were all over the place on Tuesday as I started finding out about this huge event next week. I needed to remember #allthethings and so this is what my workspace looked like. 

I'm a Dayspring retailer for the bookstore, and new catalogues are my favorite! I ordered a few things recently and look forward to ordering some more next week in one of the lulls. 

Being on the library board is one of my favorite things! I had a work session and a meeting on Tuesday night of this week. And speaking of that...

... this is one of my favorite views! I took this from my car looking back up to our town hall. I love our little town!

I sent this picture to Mom, because I wore a favorite dress this week, the original one I'd bought to wear on Easter Sunday. I didn't wear this one, though, but the second one that I ordered. These dresses are so comfy! I will add a caveat to this statement; if you're larger busted, this is not the dress for you.

These easy nights of dinner are my favorite! These are the best chicken strips from Walmart, and my dressing of choice was Blue Cheese. 

Magazine subscription day is my favorite! I recently subscribed to AD for only $10 a year, thanks to an Instagram ad that influenced me. I got a free tote with this year subscription, though, and you all know how much I love a tote bag! 

Mexican and margaritas are my favorite, especially when I add my dear friend Andrea! We met up for dinner last night after not seeing each other (on purpose) for a ridiculous amount of time. 

Lastly, this is our neighbor's house down the street; they've had it completely remodeled on the outside, much like we did to ours back in 2019. I think it's gorgeous! I love this blue color they picked for their home, and I think it fits the style of the house perfectly. Do you like to see color on houses? I don't usually, if I'm honest, but they knocked it out of the park with this one. 

Did you catch my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

On Monday I linked up with Hello Monday
Tuesday was when I shared a day in the life
On Wednesday I linked up with What's Up Wednesday
And yesterday was Thankful Thursday.

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. I hope to see you back here tomorrow for Share 4 Somethings! Love to all. 


  1. I may need to borrow that book! I listened to her on 2 podcasts this week. That cookie looks delicious and you may need one on hand next week to help make it through! I didn't realize you are on the library board. Sounds like a perfect fit for you! Have a good Friday and weekend!

    1. It's so good! You can borrow it, you'll just have to look past my highlights. 🤣 I like your idea about the cookie for next week...I may just drink copious amounts of coffee, though. Yes! I started filling in for someone that retired from April of 2023- December, but then I was chosen for a permanent term for the next four years. It's a perfect fit, because I love our library! Have a great one yourself, my friend!

  2. My favorite was sleep so I feel for you. I felt horrible last week due to lack of sleep. I just cannot do my job if I don't have at least 5 hours! So, I have felt like myself and I have had a great attitude. I also showed a movie in 4 classes - hey, we all needed a break! Ha! That allowed me to get caught up and ahead on some things.

    1. That's rough when you do that and work full time. Thankfully mine was two nights only; I slept great last night and even slept in this morning! I feel human again, but I think I also feel relief because I have a plan for next week. It's good that this week has been better for you! It's also nice knowing that you can do that kind of thing in class to give yourself time to catch up again.

  3. I really like color on houses, particularly blue. And I love porches so the house you featured is darling in my opinion ;). Thanks for the ¨real¨ behind the picture of you and Todd. Sometimes it is easy to think, when all we see are smiling pictures of people in SM or blogs, that things are always good (because smiling is indicative of being happy or content). Because we know in our life that things are not always good or perfect, it is easy to think, what is wrong with me that my moments aren´t all good, even when you KNOW they aren´t always good for others. If that makes sense? I appreciate your authenticity, I guess, is what I am saying!! Have a great weekend!

    1. I agree with you about blue on certain houses! I don't know that every house could pull of that kind of look, but it sure does look great on this particular one. I plan on stopping by to tell them how much I love it and how it adds so much value to our street. That's always so nice to see! I appreciate your kind words about keeping things real; I honestly don't know how to be any other way, which is why Monday night was miserable for me. I was having to "pretend" to be happy and fine, but I was mad! Both at my husband and a hurtful situation, though it really was mostly about the hurtful situation that he's endured. One thing I do not do well is poker face; what I feel is very evident on my face, which is why when I have a bad day, everyone knows and asks me if I'm okay. It's actually kind of annoying. 🤣 I totally get what you're saying, though, and I agree! I always appreciate people being real and honest about life struggles and moments of growth opportunities (or fighting in marriage). Thanks for that! I hope you have a great weekend too, my friend. Much love!

  4. That house reminds me of Lorelai's house on Gilmore Girls!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I didn't think of that, but you are so right! Thanks, Kirsten, I hope the same for you!

  5. It sounds like you are having a busy time of it preparing for the even at your church. It's good that you have people to help out but I understand the sleepless nights. I get the same when I have something big coming up. Good luck, I hope it goes well.
    Those coasters did make me chuckle. I fear that's how it will end for me thanks to my girls. lol
    That is a lovely photo of you and Todd. So honest of you to share, life isn't perfect all of the time.
    That house really is beautiful. I love the colour. We don't really get houses like that where I live, it's just usually plain brick colour.

    1. Thanks for all your sweet words, Kim! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who will go down like that. 🤣 I do also love just plain brick homes. Those are some of my favorite!

  6. I'm the same way with color on houses, but that one on your street looks so good! I know you will have such a busy week coming up. I'll be praying for you. That's a great picture of you and Todd. I know what you mean about sometimes pictures not showing what is really happening at the time. It happens to all of us! Hope you have a restful weekend!

    1. I thought so too! The white trim stands out now that it's painted such a contrasting color. Thanks for that! I hope the same for you!

  7. I did that same thing with a book on Monday; once I read the first chapter or two I just could not put it down.. so I neglected everything else and finished the book. I am also the same way about no sleeping when things are looming near... heck, I feel like I have had a week now where I wake up with my mind whirling over college stuff and that's still months away! It is so hard for me to turn my mind off and go to sleep when that happens though. Those coasters are hilarious and that cookie looks like a very delicious treat. I love that house; it's the same color blue I wanted for our house but for some reason it didn't exist back when we built ours (well, not in vinyl siding anyway and I wasn't about to paint this monster of a house every few years). I don't love all colors on all houses but some houses just look so striking in color and that one sure does.

    1. That's funny that you did the same thing! I love days like that. Oh, gosh, when my boys were wrapping up their high school careers, I used to wake up at all hours of the night wondering if I'd submitted everything properly for the transcripts. That was so nerve wracking! I know what you mean about the siding; we also were very limited in what we had to pick from. I'm glad we chose what we did, but we did almost change our minds and went with a dark navy color. The only reason we didn't is because we know the darker the color, the more it shows fading from sun. But I love this house on our street!

  8. I hope everything is going well this weekend for your event. I love bright colors everywhere so I think the blue house is perfect. I also love your dress! I'm excited for your linkup!


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...