Wednesday, April 10, 2024

favorite follows, favorite shows, favorite books for Spring


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share a comprehensive list of my favorite follows on social media, favorite shows to watch, and favorite books for Spring/Summer. 

Favorite follows

I know I've mentioned Travel Tips by Laurie before (Instagram), but she is worth mentioning again! She offers excellent advice and tips for traveling, and especially for women traveling with other women. You can follow her at the link above on Instagram, or you can subscribe to her YouTube channel, which I also love. 

I think Ina Garten may just be one of my favorite people ever. She has written a new book, for anyone interested! I love her Food Network show, I love her Instagram account and reels, I just love her hearty and rustic meal ideas. If you've never made her version of meatloaf, do yourself a favor and make it soon! It's amazing and a family favorite around here. 

On that same note, the Pioneer Woman will always be another favorite follow. I love her blog, her show, her Instagram, her humor, and her style. Also, her recipes are all amazing, albeit a little on the spicy side. 

Melanie Shankle is another favorite. Her humor, her dogs, and her fashion shares get me every single time. I'm years deep in loving this lady, and one of my most fun and memorable girl trips ever was when my best friend and I traveled to Dallas for one night to meet her and her best friend, Gulley. 

Favorite shows to watch

I love the early seasons of Grey's Anatomy! I have only watched all of the seasons once, but I rewatch seasons 1- when McDreamy dies regularly. 

It's no secret that I love Gilmore Girls! I've watched it so many times, but I love it just as much as the first time I ever watched. I've gotten to where I start watching it in September now. 

On Netflix, I love The Good Witch (and watch it in the fall), Virgin River, The Great British Baking Show, The Resident, NCIS, and Madam Secretary, to name just a few. 😉 

I have the Hallmark Movies Now app and watch When Calls the Heart, The Way Home, Chesapeake Shores, and the new movies they add weekly. 

On Amazon Prime, I love The Good Wife, The Summer I Turned Pretty, and I am anxiously awaiting watching The Baxters, a series based on the Karen Kingsbury books that I loved. 

On Peacock, Todd and I are watching The Big Bang Theory together. We watched it years ago when it was still on, but we never finished the show. We love it and it's fun to have something to watch together each night that makes us laugh. 

No, I don't watch all of these at once, but I do spend lots of time alone. These shows give me something to do! 

Favorite books for summer and spring

I just bought this one and can't wait to start reading it! Click on the picture and you'll be redirected to a separate Amazon link.

This one below is the first book in my favorite beach series, the Beach Plum Cove series by Pamela Kelley. 

Lastly, I've preordered these three books for summer and cannot wait to read them!

So, now it's your turn to share yours! Who are your favorite follows? What are some favorite shows or movies, and books that you're looking forward to reading soon? I can't wait to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I always love Pamela Kelley books and I didn't know that Emily Giffin came out with a new one too- yeah! Thanks so much for sharing. Love Ina Garten and Pioneer Woman too :)

  2. Holly, I just found out about Giffin's new book! I preordered it immediately. She's always an automatic read for me!

  3. Hello, my friend! I love posts like these, and I thank you for sharing your faves. Would you believe I am watching Gilmore Girls for the first time??? We are on Season Four, and I am already getting sad because I want it to last forever. The one thing we watch faithfully and have seen innumerable times is Seinfeld. I just love that show. It is a comfort for me.

    Now, That book! Thank you! My daughter Madison lived in Copenhagen for two years; her husband is from there! She has shared so much with me about life there. I cannot wait to go myself someday. I am going to get that book as soon as I publish this comment.

    Thank you again. Have a cozy day.

  4. Gilmore Girls is one of my comfort shows. I can not count how many times I've seen it. When I was a single mom when my son was very young I watched it on DVD constantly. I haven't watched it in awhile. Might be time to start again. I saw something that made sense to me about re-watching shows. It was something long the lines of people with anxiety (Hi - it's me!) like re-watching shows because they know what to expect.

  5. I think that I have shared this before but I never watch shows or movies on my own- I view TV watching as something to do with someone else. Donnie and I are watching Bloodline right now. It is intense! But it´s good and bonus it makes any ¨normal¨ family dysfunction that may be impacting your own family seem tame in comparison! Alyssa and I are watching the original Melrose Place and really like it.

  6. I just heard today about The Baxters, so I am going to check out that show soon too. I mentioned today I had been struggling to find a movie to watch, but that goes for tv too. Thanks for sharing this!

  7. Your books for summer look fabulous!

  8. Billie Jo, I love posts like this too! I don't fault you for not watching GG before now, I was the same way when I finally got around to it several years ago. I remember when I found it feeling the same way; but then I remembered that I can just start it all over again. And I did! I missed a lot the first time around. I hope the book holds up to that expectation; it seems a little slow moving so far. Fingers crossed it picks up soon!

  9. Kirsten, I feel the same about that show! And the others I mentioned, honestly. I have read something similar about the topic of rewatching things, and it perfectly describes me as well! I don't know if it's about me being anxious, or me just loving a show so much that I want to keep re-living it, but either way, it makes so much sense. I'm glad we have shows like this to keep watching!

  10. Maria, I do think you've mentioned that, but I'd forgotten that about you. It feels super indulgent to be able to (binge) watch shows on my own; it was something I didn't do until my boys grew up and became increasingly more busy and my time spent alone grew. I like shows like that, but I also need some light and fluffy in my life when times seem hard. 🤣

  11. Marilyn, I keep hearing that it's living up to the hype of the books, so that's good news! I can't wait to watch. I go through times like that too! I hope you can find something from some of these ideas.

  12. I think so too, Joanne! I love summer reading!

  13. Just discovered your blog and this post is so many of the things I love, too. My husband and I avoided Grey's Anatomy for so long because there are so many seasons. We finally gave in and are now starting Season 9 - it's a current fave but you listed so many others we enjoy, too. And books! Reading is my passion - I often get lost in a book and forget that I have a long to-do list! Loving your blog!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you found me! I love these types of posts. I am always inspired in my reading after reading one! Thanks for your sweet words! What's your name? It just said "anonymous".


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