Tuesday, April 30, 2024

a post of random and unrelated things on a Tuesday


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm running low on content ideas this week, so when in doubt, why not write a post of random things? 

We had our flower beds weeded and mulched on Friday afternoon and are so happy with how great they are looking. Remember me talking about the hydrangeas that we have planted in our side beds, and how they were dying? Or so I thought? It turns out that they're not!

They have little buds on them! I'm really excited about this and hope they last longer this year than the other years that we've had them. They didn't bloom at all last year, thanks to the several hard freezes that we had. 

I loved this view of our town hall as I walked out last week. I love a crisscross pattern that has been mowed into the grass, don't you? 

I love writing down prayer requests in my journal each week. This was me sitting down to do that last week, and I filled up half the page. 

I came across this old picture a couple of weeks ago, and my heart jumped. I loved the days of homeschooling all four of them, and I miss my table looking like this!

A couple of years ago, I decided to scale way back on the amount of books that I own, so I sold the tall bookcase that had been in our bedroom and in the process I found all of these old Bible studies that I'd completed. I remember asking at that time on social media, what one was supposed to do with all these books that had helped me study God's word over the years. Most people recommended saving them all, and I did for a while, but eventually I tossed most of these. I kept only the ones that had special meaning and whose author didn't go off the deep end. 

Look at Chip as a puppy! He was the cutest. Also, I loved this chair that we used to have, and apparently so did Chip. 

The anniversary of this picture above was pretty recent. Graham and Drew went on their first mission trip to Guatemala with their (then) youth pastor AJ and a bunch of other teenagers from church (when they were 16 and 15). When they left Memphis and were flying into Houston, they had to make an emergency landing because they were low on fuel; this happened in the town of College Station, Texas. When they got to Houston, that unplanned stop made them miss their connecting flight into Guatemala, so they spent the night on the floor of the Houston airport. That night some of them caught a flight directly to Guatemala, the others left the next day. One group flew straight into Guatemala, and their group flew through Mexico City, then onto Guatemala. They told me that they were shocked to see armed guards with machine guns in that airport; this happened on a Sunday, so I was a nervous wreck tracking them on their flights. I couldn't sit in the service and spent the whole morning on a couch in the lobby watching their plane on the airline's app on my phone. 

This one feels appropriate since I'm watching Friends while writing this post. Todd never saw the last couple of seasons either, thanks to that being a busy time for us raising little ones, and we've been watching it together since Sunday. This is one of the many little bags that I carry in my work bag or in my purse. I have a thing for little pouches like this and also for tote bags. 

Thanks for reading about my random assortment of tidbits today! I'm linking up with Joanne for today's post. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Oh gosh, I'll be a nervous wreck this Thursday when my son goes to Japan with two of his friends for a one-week trip. Japan sounds safe but I will breathe a big sigh of relief when they land there and more so when they land back home! He flies out in the morning and then I'm heading straight to work after we drop him off at the airport. I'm hoping I'll be too busy and distracted to track the plane! Your flower beds look great and I bet they'll look amazing when the flowers start to bloom.

    1. How exciting for him, but how nerve wracking for you! I know this feeling. I pray and hope that he has a wonderfully fun and safe trip and that you're able to distract yourself as he flies. Thanks for that, Ruth!

  2. I love random posts! Idea for you - your summer shoe collection? Favorite brands and why?

  3. Your flower bed looks so clean! I need to do that, but haven't gotten the motivation yet. It is amazing how hydrangeas do come back and looks like you will have a beautiful row of them! Hope preparation for the big week is going well!

    1. I love how they look; they were terrible last week before we had them done. I'm hoping they stick around this year! Well if by going well you mean dreaming about all the things I have to do every single night, then yes! That's going exactly as planned! 🤣 I was up every hour last night.

  4. Glad your hydrangeas are making a comeback! I keep saying I'm not going to do anything with our flower beds this year but then I realized that with Alec's graduation party approaching I'm going to want our house to look its best so I really should start soon. I just hate weeding and cleaning out all the leaves and things that accumulate all winter long.

    1. I know how that feels! I hate doing that too. It's always such a huge mess!

  5. Gosh your flower beds already look amazing Jennifer!

  6. I love random posts like this.
    The flowerbeds are looking great. I am glad the hydrangeas are still doing well.
    Well done on home schooling 4 kids. I home schooled my youngest during Covid lockdowns and we both hated it.
    What a worry when the the boys were travelling to Guatemala. It sounds like quite the adventure though.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I love these types of posts, too. It was worrisome for me, but they had the time of their lives; it was a trip that they will never forget!

  7. I love random posts, little tidbits from life here and there!

  8. Your flower beds look so nice! I'm excited for mine to fill in more in a few years, since everything looks small and new right now. What a crazy memory about the mission trip! I have been through the Mex City airport and it is VERY different from a US airport! I also had to downsize a lot of my books/studies. Our old house had a huge set of built in bookshelves, and the new house doesn't. Having limited bookshelf space definitely makes me think twice about buying books. Hope you've had a terrific Tuesday!

    1. Thank you! I love seeing them grown and filled in from just a few years ago. I know what you mean about those bookshelves; I didn't have built-ins, but I know if we were to ever move, books are THE WORST thing to both pack and move. I purchase very few books these days! I hope you have had a great week so far!

  9. Thanks, my friend! I know what you mean...both about the tote bags AND the Bible studies. That's why I just tossed most of them!


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