Tuesday, April 23, 2024

a day in the life post on a Tuesday


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm taking notes from Joanne and Maria; I decided to write my version of a day in the life post. This will have a few pictures with commentary, since I always forget to start taking pictures throughout my day. I hope you enjoy tagging along throughout my day! I decided to document a normal Tuesday, which was April 16th. 

I woke up at 5:05 on this day. Would you believe that I never have to set an alarm clock? I feel like the Lord just wakes me up each day; I say that because He is my first and last conversation each and everyday of my life. When I wake up in the morning, I always thank Him for a new day and His new mercies, and I greet Him with telling Him good morning. I learned this from my friend Sheila who lives as a missionary wife in Iceland; I've been starting my day like this for the last twelve years. Before coming downstairs, I wake the dogs up and get them out of their prospective sleeping rooms of choice, and we all go outside together. I take treats with me to entice them to be quick about their early morning business! After that I make my one and only cup of coffee, and bring it into the living room to watch the weather and to read blogs. 

I allow myself about an hour for this, then I get up and have my quiet time. Sometimes I sit and listen to the Bible being read to me as I read along in my own, and sometimes I listen as I sit and make notes. I like that I have options! Sometimes I even multitask, depending on the time and how busy I am that day. On this particular day, I made lunches, I folded some laundry, then I went upstairs to get dressed at 7:45. I did that and made the bed, then I left for work at 8:30. I normally talk to my mom then, but I'd missed a call from my sister Lisa that weekend, so I called her instead. We talked for almost thirty minutes while I sat in my car before going inside. I picked up my keys from my mailbox in the church office, and then I got started on the day!

One of the pastors on staff, my friend AJ, walked in with me and he actually made the coffee for me that morning, though I usually would do myself. I thought it was sweet that he offered! Sometimes when I'm not there, a staff person will come in and do this, because most people have keys into the bookstore, or to the rooms that are beside it. I let him do that, while I put my things away, turned on my bluetooth speaker, and made a visit to the safe to set the registers up for the day. After he made the coffee, I started cleaning up from Sunday. Normally I would clean before leaving, but I wasn't there that Sunday and my friend covered for me. I certainly don't expect her to clean afterward, because it takes at least twenty minutes to do that after everyone has left. Me being me, I just like to do this each week on that day. After I got all of the carafes clean again, I put them away on my cart and started welcoming the ladies coming in for Bible study. They were collecting a gift for someone that morning, so they were in and out of the kitchen to hide a basket they'd made and filled for one of them. They were also getting coffee and talking to me, which I love. 

And speaking of that, my friend Mandy came in after that and we caught up for a few minutes as well. We both shared some things that were troubling us, and we ended up praying over each other before she left again. Our friend Darlene was in there as well, and she just joined right in. Do you see why I love my job? In the process of all that, the cappuccino machine sort of leaked all over the place and spewed out a lot of the mix inside, so I stopped what I was working on after they left to figure all of that out. And the ice machine was turned off and completely empty! I was wondering to myself what in the world had happened on Sunday, but I don't really think that anything happened; things just went crazy on me that day. I restocked the drink cooler and the snacks, then I sat down to close one of the registers for the week and counted all the money. 

I got all of that squared away in the other register, then I cleaned some more, then I finally sat down at the computer to place my Coca-Cola order. By this time, it was 12:15, so I closed up early and left to meet my mom and sisters for lunch. I had a sister here in town that I hadn't yet seen since I was gone the weekend before, and she was going back home the next day. We ate lunch, then I came back home to sit for a bit before I had to leave again to pick up the groceries I'd ordered while waiting on them to get to the restaurant. I also made a Sam's order to be shipped to us while I waited, to restock on our protein drinks. I sat down to rest, and Chloe the puppy jumped into my lap, so she and I took a little twenty minute nap together. I was so tired and was fighting off a headache because of rain that was moving into the area. I emptied the dishwasher, put away my things from work, got comfy for the evening and preheated the oven for dinner, then left to pick up my groceries. (Two of the boys were here, so I didn't leave the oven on and unattended, obviously.) Todd had come back home from a motorcycle ride, so he and Jonah put everything away for me while I assembled our quiches, and then we ate dinner by five.  

I fed the dogs before we sat down to eat, then Noah cleaned the kitchen for me, so I put away the things that had been in the dryer, finally sitting down again for the evening at six to work on blog posts for the week. Todd was out riding his bike, so I finished the blog work, and watched the latest episode of When Calls the Heart. After he got home, he showered, we watched a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory, then I was in bed at nine. I was beat after the day (and the weekend) and was still fighting the sinus headache that never really went away, even with the medicine I took. I turned on a show to watch for a few minutes in bed, but I didn't last long. I felt myself dozing off, put my phone down and slept peacefully until 5:20 the next morning. 

If you're still here, thanks for tagging along! Even if you're in a different stage of life, you should consider doing one of these posts; I always find them so interesting. As always, thank you for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

I am linking up with Joanne that I mentioned at the start of this post today. 


  1. I'm always interested in how people spend their days! Loved it!

    1. Me too! I'm about to read yours next, because the puppy routine always interests me as well!

  2. Fun to read! I rarely do these posts but am always grateful when I read one of mine from years past. I enjoyed reading about your day.

    1. Thanks for the idea! I always like mine with more commentary, like you did yours a week or so ago. I loved that one too! They are fun to look back on, aren't they?

  3. I always love these posts- so fun to see what you are up to! What a pleasant and peaceful day :)

    1. Thanks, Holly! I love them too. It was a really good day last week, and I am always thankful for those!

  4. I love day in the life posts! It sounds like a very productive day too.

    1. Thanks for the inspiration on doing one of these posts! Productive days really are the best days.

  5. Great Day in the Life post! So fun to see how others spend their day.

    1. Thanks, Pamela! I always love these types of posts. I'm fascinated with how people spend their time.

  6. I used to automatically wake up around 6 every day, but now that my nest is empty it is closer to 7! I want to push myself to get up earlier, especially so I can go on my walk around sunrise to beat the heat. Loved hearing about your day!

    1. It does change as we get older! Mine seems to keep getting earlier; I don't mind it, but I can't sleep in at all anymore. Thanks, friend!

  7. Oh wow! Waking just after 5am is amazing. I am not a morning person. I like the sound of your mornings. They sound so relaxed which is a great way to start the day.
    It sounds like a really productive, lovely day minus fighting off the sinus headache.

    1. That's why I love waking up so early! I dislike rushing, so this helps me ease into my day.

  8. I love day in the life posts. Your bookstore is busy! I love that you have friends and other people popping in throughout the day.

    1. I do too, Sarah! It is; and I love that very thing!


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