Wednesday, March 27, 2024

what's up Wednesday ~ the March edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Sheaffer and Shay for today's blog post. I'm going to jump right in!

What we're eating this week

On Monday night, I made smoked sausage in the air fryer with onions and bell peppers for the ones who wanted that to go along. It's like those sausage and peppers sandwiches you see at fairs, but without the bread. This is one of our favorite things to eat! Last night we had quiche, which I thought would be a better "lighter" meal for Todd, since the dinner Monday made him too full. 

Tomorrow night we'll have something easy or leftover, since I'll be going to church, and on Thursday night we'll have that delicious king ranch chicken from the Crock-Pot. (It's chicken with cream cheese, ranch seasoning, and bacon on top, served over rice.) Thursday is a doctor appointment day, followed by me going to work for a couple of hours again. 

What I'm reminiscing about

At this time of year two years ago, I attended a women's conference for two nights with ladies from our church. We had so much fun, and it was such a beautiful setting!

This was at a retreat center called The Country Place. 

And memories like this are what I'm reminiscing about. The boys and I always loved going to my dad's house for fishing in the spring. 

What I'm loving

I'm still loving this sling style bag that I ordered on Amazon

And I'm loving the gorgeous sunshine-y weather we're having all week! I plan on sitting outside to bask in it on Friday morning to get some more color on my legs in time for Easter. 

What we've been up to

Well, our life has stopped for the moment, and we're focused on getting Todd back to normal, post surgery. He's still doing great, and hasn't had any pain medicine since 5 a.m. Sunday morning; he's living on Tylenol when he gets a tiny fever (which is normal) and his anti-inflammatory. I'm going to work for about two hours each day this week, which is about all I can be gone before the dogs need to be dealt with, and I'm coming back home to sit with him and to keep him company. I'll play next week by ear, but for now I'm living on working a little, picking up groceries, cooking dinner, and driving him to his appointments. I'm glad to be able bodied enough to be able to handle this! 

What I'm dreading

I honestly can't think of anything I'm dreading at the moment, now that we've got his surgery behind us. That's what I was dreading the most in the last few months, and it was kind of hanging around at the back of my mind all the time. 

What I'm working on

At the moment, I'm working on some things from home, like placing orders for items to restock with and for things that people request. I'm also working on my blog posts for the future as Todd watches a show. And lastly, I'm working on an assignment I was given from a course I'm participating in online. All good things! 

What I'm excited about

Oh, lots of things...for Chloe to be out of a diaper, for warmer days and a suntan, for the pollen to disappear, my next pedicure, April and celebrating my Drewby's 24th birthday, seeing friends I haven't seen in ages...remember how I said I'm the type of person who gets excited about everything? It's true. 

What I'm watching/reading

We've been watching On Patrol Live and COPS a lot in the daytime; at night we love Big Bang Theory. On my own recently I've watched Gift Hands on Netflix, about Ben Carson, and I also recently watched the 80's classic, Bird on a Wire, also on Netflix. As for reading, here's a hint, but I'll tell you the rest of the books I read in March on Sunday. It'll be a double bonus post type of weekend since Share 4 Somethings also takes place on Saturday. 

What I'm listening to

On Patrol Live on in the background; the fan blowing on me because I just helped Todd take his first post-op shower and I started sweating; the dogs chewing on antlers. 

What I'm wearing

Leggings and a t-shirt, but at other times...

Button downs and spring colors!

I'm excited about dress weather! I've ordered three new dresses recently, and I can't wait to wear them. I'm wearing one on Easter, and from then on, when it's warm enough, you'll see me in dresses again. 

What I'm doing this weekend

I will be getting out with my mom and sister at some point this weekend! I'll also be seeing Dad on Friday for his 93rd birthday. He won't be here, but I plan on going to their house; Todd may join me, based on how he's feeling. Church on Sunday is going to be a long day! Our first service is at 8:30 in the morning, so I'll need to be there waiting and ready with coffee. I anticipate on having lots of people in the bookstore! 

What I'm looking forward to next month

I'm excited about going to Nashville with some blogging friends! You'll be hearing more about that trip afterward, so stay tuned! 

What have you been up to lately? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Next time you can, will you show you wearing the sling bag? Just curious about how it would look. I found the Lulu bag to look weird on me.
    Sounds like you are doing well with your home and work duties and yes to getting out this weekend with your mom and sis! So many good things and the weight of the surgery has been lifted even though you still have the road to recovery.

  2. Glad to hear that Todd is recovering nicely. It sounds like you have a pretty good rhythm in balancing being there for him/ work/ the dogs, etc. The dress that you have on is pretty- looking forward to seeing the Amazon dresses. I placed my first order at Talbot´s this week and am excited to see everything when it comes in. It is the little things, lol. Have a great Wednesday!

  3. All of your meals sound so good! I am glad That Todd is doing well post-surgery. I am so looking forward to the trip next month too! I am looking forward to wearing dresses more on a regular basis come May when the weather warms up just a tad.

  4. Amy, I'll try to remember to take pictures of me wearing it. I don't think this style looks weird on anyone, but I'm not looking at it from the side, either, just the front. It's really comfortable, actually, and I've worn it ever since I bought it last month. The other one I had was similar to yours, and I thought the same thing when I tried it on.

    I agree with your assessment; we're just taking things a day at a time! We're taking things slow and he's not pushing himself.

  5. Thanks, Maria! I can't wait to hear about your Talbots order. You're so right; it's all about the small things in life, right?

  6. Thanks, Marilyn! I may be too cool before then to wear them regularly for now. I sure am wearing one this Sunday, though!

  7. So glad Todd is recovering nicely- can't wait to read all about your Nashville trip!

  8. More steady recovery wishes for Todd. I'm going to a women's conference this summer, really looking forward to it.

  9. So glad to hear your husband is recovering nicely and it sounds like you have a good balance going with taking care of him and everything else. I'm sure it is such a relief to have that surgery behind you! The food looks yummy; I love a good quiche.

  10. We do sausages, peppers and onions semi-frequently. Sometimes I'll toss them with baby bow tie pasta.
    I've had that bag in my Amazon cart since the first time you've posted it! I recently got a raise so maybe I'll buy it to celebrate!

  11. That chicken sounds so good & that dress is super cute!

  12. Thank you, Pamela! That sounds like fun, and I sure you will have a great time. I love events like that!

  13. Thank you, Joanne! I cannot adequately express what a huge relief it is to have this past us now. I wasn't fearful or scared or anything like that, it's just hard to know how someone will react to surgery, you know? His last one was a doozie, and all I had to compare it to; thankfully this one was far less eventful, even though it was also more of an ordeal. Does that even make sense? 🤣🤪

  14. Kirsten, your way with sausage, peppers, and onions sounds delicious! I would love that, I know. I hope you get to order the bag soon! Let me know if you do, and whether or not you like it as much as I do.


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...