Thursday, March 14, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope you've been having a great week! Mine has been, albeit busy as well, but I have lots to be thankful for this week. Thanks for linking up with me today, if you're choosing to do that! I always appreciate that each week and hope that being intentionally grateful has been a blessing for you, as much as it has for me. 

I am thankful for birthday celebrations and a table full of people! Particularly these people; they're the grandparents. What a blessing it was to have them all in our house this week as we celebrated. I don't say this lightly, friends!

I am thankful for friends who love my sons like they're their own. This is my dear, lifelong friend Marcia, and she sent me this picture on Monday night, when she and her family ran into Graham playing pickleball on the court next to theirs. Marcia and her husband Brad are those friends that I called "lifelong", because it doesn't matter that we rarely see each other, I know that they're there and that if we ever needed anything, they would jump at the chance to help us. Our kids are all around the same ages, and we used to spend nights on the weekends with them playing cards while our kids all ran around upstairs. When Todd and I traveled to Iceland one summer, we made them our "just in case" people to finish raising our boys, if anything happened to us. There's nothing that will give you a lifelong bond like writing that in a will. 

Needless to say, I cherish this picture, because it represents friendship and love to me. And look at my Graham's bright smile! I love this picture of them both. 

I am so thankful for this dear friend Christa! She and I met up for dinner on Tuesday and had a great time eating delicious food and catching up with one another. It's been a few months since the last time I saw her, so this time was good for us both. 

I'm thankful that I got to have my hair done this week. That may sound silly to someone, but it's the truth! It's a treat to be able to do that, one that I only started doing when I turned 40, and I will never get over it.

I am thankful for my dear friend Mandy at work, and how I've had the opportunity to get to know her since I started back in August. I don't think she'll live here forever, because her heart is in East Tennessee, but I will cherish the time that I have with her in the present. If you think of her, will you pray for her? She's coming up on the one year anniversary of her mom dying, and she is struggling this week. I cried with her yesterday as we talked. Would it even be a week in the bookstore if I didn't shed tears? I think not.

I'm thankful for the amazing weather we've been having! I think it's getting cool again today, so I'll miss the warm temps and the sunshine. 

I'm (mostly) thankful for the antics of these pups. They make us laugh and bring us all kinds of joy, and sometimes frustration. The good definitely outweighs the bad! If you're not a regular, left to right are Oakley (our son's dog), Chip, Crash, Chloe (another son's dog), and Callie. 

Other things I am thankful for this week include being able to unwind at night with a funny show that Todd and I watch, a good book to read, writing inspiration, videos on YouTube from authors who encourage, podcasts by excellent Bible teachers, the living and active word of God, phone calls with my mom, and fun days at work. 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. The antics of the pups? Hysterical! They look so happy :) I love the special time with your friend too!

  2. Thanks, Holly! Yes, they are funny (especially the puppy) and they keep us laughing!

  3. I'm thankful that I've had such a productive week; just yesterday alone Alec and I managed to get him set up with his new "adult" banking accounts, got his taxes done, and paid his college deposit. I learned yesterday that my youngest sister and her family are coming up for an Easter visit AND I have lunch plans with 2 of my boys and my mom today. It's been a great week!

  4. Thankful for good weather - makes life seem easier. I'm thankful for coming home right after work this week. I shed tears on Monday - Ernie should have been on my patio with me and I should have been tripping over him to go in and out of the house. But, I am healing and Tom is healing, too.

  5. Joanne, weeks like that are the best! I hope you enjoy your lunches and having your sister and her family visit!

  6. Aw, Amy! I know it was inevitable that you had to start going home after work soon, so I'm glad that you crossed that hurdle. It takes some time to heal! I'm glad to know you're both managing.

  7. Oh, a house full of people in the home with celebrations is something to be thankful for! Glad it has been a week of family and good weather.

  8. Don't you love those friends you rarely see but know you can count on? I understand where Mandy's heart is...that's where I live. :)
    The picture of the pups reminds me of my house...we have 3 dogs living in the house (2 are mine, and 1 is a son's) but when another son comes over we end up with 5. Thankfully they all get along well. Thanks for hosting!

  9. So nice to have a house full for celebrations! And so many grandparents...what a blessing to still have that entire generation in your family. I had an aunt pass away this weekend. My dad's SIL and the last one of that generation in my family (on dad's side). Now my brother and I (and our cousins) are the top of the family tree. How can that be?? Enjoyed your thankful post today!! So much to give thanks for -

  10. Marilyn, I feel the same! I'm so glad we got to have that night together. It's always fun having them all here at the same time!

  11. Mary, YES! And you DO understand! I'm here in West Tennessee which is not at all the same. I love our "little" town, but we do not love being so near Memphis. We do talk about moving somewhere mountainous someday, but I don't know if it'll ever happen. It's fun to dream! Thanks for joining in today!

  12. Jennifer, you are so right! It is a blessing, indeed. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt's passing. It doesn't seem right that you and your brother would now be at the top of the family tree! I'm not sure how I'd feel about that either.🤣


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