Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm so glad you're here today; thanks for joining in with me from time to time. If you're anything like me, you've seen the change in perspective and attitude that being thankful in all things can do in your life. Even if you never join me for a day of this here in the blog world, I hope that gratitude is something you practice daily. It really is something small that you can do to change your thinking! Here are just a few things I'm thankful for this week:

  • that Todd's recovery is going well and that it's been normal
  • for our sons who have been so helpful
  • for offers from people I love to help out, should the need arise
  • for the prayers of family and friends
  • for things to look forward to
  • getting out to get my nails done
  • the prospect of warmer weather and the possibility of sitting outside in the sunshine
  • great books that held my attention while Todd was in the hospital
  • finding the cafeteria in the basement of the hospital and walking there each day to move around
  • emotional support dogs (🤣)
  • afternoon showers on the long afternoons I've been at home
  • a home that I love being in
  • the kindness of people that come in and out of the bookstore that I don't even really know
  • being able to work some and alternate between that and spending more time at home

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

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  1. Thankful for all these things for you, friend! You really NEED the anti-gravity chair now! Ha! I'm so annoying!

    I am thankful for a prayer answered this week.

    I also have my chicks in the nest. It's a short Easter break for their college and they have a break from classes until Tuesday, I think?
    We had a family dinner last night and it made my heart happy to hear them laughing with each other.

  2. These are all wonderful things to be thankful for.

  3. Your job sounds so nice and flexible and I´m glad that things are going well post op for everyone!

  4. Thanks, Amy! I do need it now, you're right; you've done a great job on convincing me! I'm so glad to hear about an answered prayer, and that all your family was together last night. I know that feeling well and understand the happy heart that their laughter brings. I'm so glad you have them home for a few days!

  5. Thanks, Maria! It really is, and I'm so thankful for that. They don't mind when I have to close early of not come in at all sometimes; I'm sure the business pastor would prefer it to be open all the time, but he's nice and understanding as well.

  6. So many blessings and things to be thankful for. I am thankful for a promising Easter weekend and for this Holy Week

  7. So many blessings! Keeping Todd in my prayers.

  8. What a sweet list! Happy Easter to you!

  9. Thanks, Holly! I hope you've enjoyed your week, I know that this is a big one for your family and that you love it.

  10. Pamela, yes! Thank you so much, my friend.

  11. Thanks, Marilyn! Happy Easter to you!


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Thankful Thursday -- the birthday edition

  Happy Thursday, friends! It wouldn't be a Thursday without a weekly gratitude list; I have so much to be thankful for this week. I...