Thursday, March 7, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm so glad you're here today for the link-up. I always keep this link open through Sunday night, so feel free to add yours, even if it's late. 

I am always thankful for a great week! I feel like that's how mine has been this week. I have had some good days at work, as usual, and I am always grateful when things go easy for me when it's time to reconcile my bankcard statement each month. That was the case this week when it came in the mail; things went smoothly this time around! Last month I almost went nuts over orders that Amazon separated. 

I am thankful for friends who stop in to see me while I'm working! I've gotten really close to my friend Mandy who works at church, and I get to see one of my best friends Abbey each week when she and her kids come to Bible study on Wednesdays. I love and live for these moments!


I am thankful for Joanna Weaver, the Christian author who is now my friend and contact in my phone. She's the one who is mentoring a few of us aspiring writers; Tuesday night was our first meeting, and despite the technical issues I had, it went really well and I came away feeling inspired. She gave us a homework assignment to complete before we meet again, which was to write a short fictional style story. She gave us really great and practical advice over the two hours that we Zoomed. I already finished the assignment, which was super fun to write. She asked us to write about an "aha" moment we've had with God, whether in an event that actually happened, or when a certain Bible verse came to life for us. While it was fun for me to write a short story in fiction, I don't know that I have it in me to write a fictional book. (Good thing the ones I have in mind are nonfiction.) It also made me more appreciative of the authors whose books I love that are that genre! Seriously, thank you doesn't seem adequate for how I feel about the fact that they write such great entertainment for me. 

I am thankful that Todd figured out why the camera wasn't working on my laptop so that I can participate with my face on screen for the next time we have a Zoom meeting. 

I'm thankful for the fact that my hair is easy and that I can keep putting off washing it when I just don't have it in me. Water and curl refresher can work miracles for a curly girl! On that same note, I'm thankful for people who share what's good for curly hair. I have noticed a significant change in my own hair since I've started implementing that curly girl method of lots of water, lots of product, and lots of scrunching it into my hair. 

I'm thankful for getting to wear the spring clothes I have that I love! I wore one of my favorite shirts to work on Wednesday, and it made me happy to pull it back out for this season. 

I'm thankful for K-Love radio. I have the app on our TV, so I love to turn it on in the mornings when I don't want the noise of a show or the morning news. I love their positive and encouraging message and will always appreciate them and their efforts. It's entirely listener supported, which is why there are no commercials and why they can control what plays (and what kinds of things do not play). 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. So much to be thankful for- you are certainly blessed my friend! I am thankful for longer days- sunshine and being able to walk outside comfortably :)

  2. Thanks, Holly! I know you are thankful for those things; it's coming up on your favorite time of year!

  3. So many blessings! I'm thankful for our small group, and a wonderful time of fellowship and prayer last night.

  4. I feel the same, Pamela! That's such a great thing to have and to be thankful for. What sweet fellowship!

  5. I love KLove too. When we're at our crochet group, they always have KLove playing. When I'm in the car, I listen to a local Christian channel. Just yesterday, I was trying to find the KLove channel in our area. But I really can't do that too well and drive, so maybe I'll find it today before leaving to pick up some lunch or before we leave for the day. Hope you have a really great rest of your day.

  6. I just turned on Klove, thanks to your recommendation. I usually listen to our local Christian radio station, but this will be something new for me.

  7. I did not realize KLove had an app for the TV! That is good to know. I am thankful I get to see my greats tonight!

  8. So much to be thankful for! I was thankful for a delicious date night with my husband, lots of hiking time, and running into an old friend at Alec's school last night where we managed to squeeze in a real quick catch-up.

  9. Cathy, I hope you can find the station near you the next time you're in the car! I actually don't listen in the car, but at home. I hope you had a great day, my friend!

  10. Tanya, I think you'll enjoy listening! I love having music in our home, as you know. I hope you had a great day!

  11. Marilyn, you should get the app! It's been such a great addition to music in my house. I know you'll love spending time with the greats!

  12. Joanne, yes! I love that you ran into an old friend and had the chance to catch up. And yay for date nights! I hope you enjoyed your day, my friend!


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