Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Spring Things


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share some things about Spring that are my favorite, along with a few touches of spring decor that I have throughout the house. 

First off, does anyone else struggle with what to wear this time of year? Here near Memphis, it's cool in the mornings still and hotter when the sun rises and in the afternoon. For instance, yesterday the high reached 65, but inside it felt cooler than that, plus it was really windy. I wear comfy lounging clothes when I'm at home on days like that, so I wore my leggings that I use as my "pajama pants" and a hoodie, because while Todd was burning up, I was freezing. How's that for a role reversal??? I digress. 

At the risk of sounding redundant, I cannot tell you enough how much I love using little plants and artificial flowers throughout our house. Here are a few that I keep out the majority of the year that I have acquired over the years, mostly from stores like Home Goods.

I just think they add so much to our home, you know? And honestly, I am not a plant lady at all, though I wish that was true. Artificial is the way to go for me, since all of this is the case. I do have one plant that I've kept living for over a year now, and it's this one that sits on the hearth. 

I love this plant! It's low maintenance, which is something I definitely require. I just put a few ice cubes in this every week or so, and it healthy and thriving. It also loves being near the sunlight, which helps tremendously. 

I've mentioned before how stunning the tulips are around town; this is our town hall with tulips planted in front that was posted on our town's Facebook page. I love seeing these! 

Do you sign up for emails from your favorite magazines? Most of them allow you to get glimpses of their magazines online through an email subscription that costs nothing. Southern Living will always be one of my favorite magazines for inspiration, and honestly, their emails are far better than the ad laden magazines they now offer! Just thought I'd throw this out there for anyone who might be interested. I got an email from Southern Living on Monday, and they had some great links to offer up inspiration for freshening things up around the house! I love this article that talked about a spring welcome on your front porch.

I also loved reading this article about someone who owns a B&B and puts out certain things for Easter at this time of year. 

I don't really have dishes that are seasonal, except for ones that are for Christmas, but I do love all of the ones mentioned in this article. I use white dishes all year long and don't really change things up in my kitchen, with the exception of the tiered tray that I love. 

What about you? Do you like to do anything in your home for this season of Spring? I'd love to hear from you! I'd also love to see your posts, so let me know if you write one that shares about that this week. I'm linking up with Joanne today for Talk About It Tuesdays. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! Love to all. 


  1. I was just watching a Tik Tok about using artificial outside on the front porch. The artificial stuff has gotten so realistic! I mix both in the inside of my house, but like you I'm kind of tired of trying to keep it alive and making it look nice. I love your big plant by the fireplace. I need to work on my interior over spring break!

  2. I have a few of those small, artificial plants in my house and I like the litte touches they add too. Your fireplace plant looks really good. The one house plant I had, the dog took that one down and it didn't recover. Maybe I will get a new hosue plant this year now that the dog is older. I talked about tulips today too! I don 't have specific spring dishes, but I do have some older china that belonged to a former neighbor. It has flowers on it and I may use it tonight for a ladies gathering. Have a good day & stay warm over there as we experience several seasons in one day, ha!

  3. Amy, it's shocking how realistic they are! In one of those articles, I found out that Amazon sells artificial hanging plants for outside that look real and lush. I may invest in two of those! I can't wait to hear what you have planned for your interior! It's surprising how far a few things go to add a nice refreshing touch.

  4. Marilyn, I love those vintage dishes! I have a few myself, that I never use. They belonged to my grandmother. How funny that we both mentioned tulips today? I'm off to read blogs now! Your comment about seasons made me laugh.

  5. I am definitely not on the faux plant trend but maybe I need to be? I remember reading in a magazine a long time ago- maybe twenty or so years ago that using fake plants as decor was a huge faux (pardon the pun) pas. That has stuck with me over the years so I have never incorporated them into decor even though I know that many people do nowadays. I have had moderate success with indoor plants. I do like the aspect of ¨caring¨ for something now that the kids are much older and we don´t have pets. Thanks for the suggestion about magazines and getting emails from them!

  6. I would have never guessed your plants and flowers were artificial. I am trying to be a plant lady they are pretty and so many health benefits, but I have a black thumb with them.

  7. Artificial plants are my favorite as I tend to forget to water plants. I really like the light in your dining area!

  8. I have a lot of artificial plants and flowers I keep year round too; it's only been the past couple of years that I seem able to keep real plants alive (and honestly I think that's because I discovered all the ones I have like a lot of sun and I keep them all in the same room and make sure to water every Friday). We are still hoping for days where the temps even reach 50 so we're firmly still wearing lots of winter gear and hoping spring gets here soon!

  9. I love your low maintenance plant. I've never heard of dropping a few ice cubes in a plant, that's really low maintenance. I have a hard time keeping any plant alive so artificial is my way to go. I have some beautiful tulips in all sorts of colors.

  10. I have lots of those faux plants/flowers around the house. That is such a great idea about the magazine emails. I still get Southern Living magazine, as well as Victoria. So true about all the ads. We are having a very cool spring here in Texas. Sunny but some windy/cool days.

  11. Maria, the old faux plants from a long time ago looked exactly like what they were; but today's version is very realistic. I wish I had a green thumb, but I don't!

  12. Thanks, Adrienne! I am the same way. I wish I was better about keeping them healthy! I am bad at over-watering, except for in the summer when I don't water them enough because of the severe heat.

  13. Thank you, Mireille! I actually remember to water them, but I think I over water them.

  14. Joanne, it is so smart to have one watering day. So most of yours only have to watered once a week? I could do that! I feel like the ones I've had were more high maintenance that that. I know you'll be so happy when spring arrives! It'll have sprung in Nashville while we're there, so get ready!

  15. Thanks, Pamela! My mom taught me that trick; she used to own a florist, so she's pretty knowledgeable about all plant related things! Tulips are my favorite!

  16. Tanya, I thought it was a great idea too, when I learned about doing that! I love magazines, but they're so full of ads, which is annoying to me. I know you love the faux plant/flower thing too!


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