Wednesday, March 13, 2024

some things I love right now


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share some things that I love right now that I haven't talked about before, or maybe that I just haven't mentioned in a while. Happy reading! 

I am loving reading the Bible chronologically again this year! I really love Tara Leigh Cobble, founder and author (teacher) of The Bible Recap. Every morning I listen to the Bible being read aloud to me while I follow along in my own Bible. I highlight, make notes, answer questions, and ponder what I've heard, and then I look for something that tells me about the character of God. Sometimes it's obvious, but on other days, I really have to dig around for something. After I've done all of that, I listen to the less than ten minute podcast for that day. Sometimes there are extra videos and links to articles, and when I have the time, I watch or read even more to learn something new. I don't mind devotionals, and think they're good to use for a while, but my preference is definitely just the word of God. There's no wrong way to spend time with Jesus everyday, friends! Any time spent reading His word will be the best thing that you can do for yourself in a day.

This may sound vain, but I've been doing my hair in a way that is so much easier for the last few months. I have very thick, naturally curly hair and I always dread wash day. I only wash it about once a week now, but I wet it in the shower almost everyday. When I get it wet, I still use conditioner to untangle the ends, then I have changed the products I use and the way that I apply them. I use a curl cream on my hair while it's very wet and after I've brushed it out. (I no longer dry it well before I do this.) I rake the product through my hair while it's flipped over, and then I scrunch it up. After that I use this mousse and apply it all over my hair two different times using the "praying hands" motion in which my hands are flat and my hair is sandwiched between them. After that I do not comb or brush through again, I just start scrunching the product in. While I do this, I "hear" the water squishing in my hair that's mixed with the products, then I use a microfiber towel to scrunch my hair in to absorb the extra. I let it air dry and then I sleep with it loosely piled on top of my head, but I'm thinking of buying a turban thing to start using instead. It's made a world of difference in my hair!

Anyway, that sounds complicated, but it's actually so much easier than it used to be, so I'm loving the new routine. 

I love the new journal I bought at Marshall's a few weeks ago! I love a new journal, period. I love filling the pages with ideas, to-do lists, "weekend happies", quiet time notes, sermon notes, and blog ideas. Are you a journal lover like me? I've loved them (and writing) since elementary school.

I am having a moment with Canva, and I love it right now! I love creating new graphics for my blog or my social media cover photos. I have access to a pro account that I just learned about, so I'm excited to play around with that sometime soon!

I am also having a moment with the color pink! I love it in these jelly bracelets that I love to wear, and in flowers around our home. I don't even know who I am. Would you believe that I hated this color for years???

I am loving reading my favorite series of books again. I'm on book two at the moment, and every time I read them, I laugh out loud. It's the Sisterchicks series by Robin Jones Gunn. 

These are just a few things I thought of; what are you loving right this moment? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Oh the things you are loving are making me happy here too! I am loving the longer days- the more mild temps- buds on the trees- and bringing out my spring perfume :)

  2. Holly, yes to all of those things! I also love the buds on the trees right now. We have beautiful tulip trees in our area that make me smile every time I see them!

  3. Pink is such a good color for you, so glad to see you are embracing it! It is a good day when we find good things that work for self-care like our hair, so that is something to love. Enjoy your afternoon friend!

  4. I am always so tempted to get the Canva pro. Did you pay for a subscription? There are so many extra features and graphics with that version!

  5. Thanks, Marilyn! I wholeheartedly agree with doing things to take care of ourselves that make us feel good. I hope your week has been good so far, sweet friend!

  6. Tanya, I can't wait to play around with it, but I haven't tried it yet. I have it through work.

  7. I’m loving pink and those bracelets

  8. That sounds like how I used to handle my curly hair too! I definitely find that washing less (and conditioning a bit more often) made a huge difference.


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