Saturday, March 30, 2024

Share 4 Somethings, the March edition


Happy Saturday, friends! Welcome to the Share 4 Somethings link party, where we'll share things we loved or dislikedaccomplishedimproved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed this month. Thanks for joining in with me for this fun post! I look forward to reading all of yours. I'll jump right in!


I have loved the warmer sunshine-y days, and the beautiful flowers and trees that I've seen around town. Have you noticed that where you live? 

I have noticed lately that the azaleas in our area are starting to bloom. I took this picture as I was leaving Dad's house last night; they have a beautiful tree that looks like hydrangeas that is full of blooms right now, and I suspect their azaleas will be on fire with color soon. One thing I've disliked this month has been the pollen that started showing itself a week ago. It's everywhere! Our cars are tinted green and yellow when we go out in the mornings. Mine is desperate for a bath, but I haven't really had time to drive it through the wash. 


Why can I not think of one thing I've accomplished this month? I know there's been something, but I'm drawing a blank. Add to that the fact that it's almost eight thirty on Friday night and my brain is tired, and you see my problem. How about this? I've accomplished keeping everyone alive the last week! These dogs are about to make me lose my mind, so they're included in my statement.

Improved upon

I promise I won't keep talking about my husband's surgery forever, but one thing I've thought about this week is that my nursing skills have been improved upon since his last abdominal surgery seventeen years ago. He's not been a needy patient at all, but also with age comes wisdom and patience. He needed lots of help when he first came home from the hospital, but now he rarely needs anything. Bless him! We've laughed over his comments of, "This is what love looks like!" all week as I've done things like help him with his socks and by washing his hair his first day home. 

I couldn't resist one hospital selfie of us, even if he was unaware and would kill me if he saw this. 🤣

I feel like this was my half hearted attempt at my post this month, but it's okay. I'll leave the more interesting stuff up to you all when you link up today! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. I just noticed lots of buds on our trees this week... which means pollen will soon follow so I should probably start taking allergy meds now. :) I am sure that you accomplished plenty this month but keeping everyone alive is still a great accomplishment some weeks.

  2. I would say that an accomplishment is taking care of Todd so well as well as caring for the dogs and everything else you do. Signs of spring are everywhere here as well!

  3. You've done great this week! You have a good attitude and it can't have been easy!
    I hope you are getting ready to get out for a couple of hours today! It will be nice to see the, the flowers, and the greenery around your town!

  4. Yes, the flowering trees have been so beautiful here, too. Many are now getting their little green leaves, which is also fun to watch as well. It sounds like you've accomplished a lot this month if your husband had surgery! I'm glad he's handling it so well and hope he has a great recovery.

  5. I agree, it's lovely to see flowers starting to bloom and to have some lighter, warmer days that feel like spring. I'm glad your husband is recovering from his surgery, and I think being able to support him through that is an important accomplishment!
    Thanks for hosting the link-up! I just realised the last time I joined in was last August, but I'm hoping to join you more regularly again.

  6. I have, Lydia! Thanks for the well wishes for my hubby. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  7. Joanne, I'd definitely get a start on those allergy meds! It happens overnight, it seems. One of my sons was sneezing his head off earlier today because of the pollen. I feel bad for him when he struggles with it so much! You are so right about sometimes that just being all we can do, right?

  8. Maria, I'll take that as my huge accomplishment of the month. You're right! I love the springtime, and seeing all the trees turn green again. Everything looks so lush and beautiful!

  9. Thanks, Amy! You're right, and I appreciate your encouragement. It was nice being out today! We had a great day together, and it was fun being together again. I miss them when I miss a Saturday!

  10. Thanks for the well wishes for my hubby, Lisa!

  11. Thank you, Lesley! I'm so glad you joined us again today and hope to see you back often!

  12. Yes, it is pollen season allright! Glad Todd's recovering is progressing, he sounds like a model patient, you are lucky.

  13. I love how "real" this post is!

    Have an amazing April xx

  14. Pamela, it seems to be everywhere right now. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement!

  15. Thanks, Melissa! That is the only way I know how to be!

  16. What a good nurse you are! Praying for a speedy recovery for your husband. I feel the same way. I know I accomplished something but had no idea what. Lol.
    Thank you so much for hosting and your hospitality.
    Linking up at #1

  17. Your hubby is so right--that is exactly what love looks like!👍

  18. Thank you, Paula! It's been a very humbling experience. I'd forgotten how that was!

  19. Cathy, I wholeheartedly agree! He would have done the exact same thing for me.

  20. Rats! I knew I was behind schedule this time around but I completely missed getting in on the linky! My post is here in case anyone wants to visit:

    The weather has been warming up here too, despite the storms that keep interrupting the trend! I think keeping everyone alive, and being available to look after your husband are both big accomplishments! Good for you, and prayers for his continued recovery and good health!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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