Wednesday, March 20, 2024



Happy Wednesday, friends! I was going to link up with some people today for a Let's Look type of post, but the topic wasn't interesting to me. It was all about what's in your grocery cart, and I feel like I buy the same things every week, so mwah mwah. Instead, I thought I'd share some quirks about myself that you may not know.

I write in my journal everyday. That may not seem surprising to you, but the truth is that I have to write in my journal each day. If I don't, I feel like I've skipped something vitally important, and I also feel like if I don't take meticulous notes of where I read in the Bible that day, that it didn't happen or I won't remember. I've been doing this for so long that I've never thought of mentioning it here, but it's why I go through so many journals. I also use a journal just to write sometimes, particularly prayers on days when speaking them seems hard. 

(This is the one I'm currently using.)

I have to have my television volume set on an even number. Todd loves to set it at 41 just to mess with me. 🤣🤪

I refuse to let myself drink something other than water if I haven't drank one cup of water yet. And one "cup" consists of 40 ounces. This excludes coffee! I drink one cup of coffee every morning, then one cup full of water, before moving onto my protein coffee breakfast drink. If I have a soft drink, I have to earn it first. I know, this is ridiculous. I'm a grown woman! 

I have to get dressed in this order: I brush my teeth, I wash my face again and moisturize, then I do makeup, hair, followed by clothes last. I wear a nightshirt while I get dressed, because I often get hot while I'm doing all of this. In what order do you do this? 

I took a typing class in high school and I often practice typing while I'm sitting. I know, I know...this means that I'm an extremely fast typist. Speaking of typing, you may remember me mentioning a while back in a "did you know" post that sweaterdresses is the longest word you can type only with your left hand. That's why that appealed to me so much!

When my manicure or pedicure isn't perfect, it drives me bananas. This is why gel pedicures appeal to me; they're almost impossible to mess up, and I always have a dog stepping on my toes, scraping the polish off (it was normal)! When I went to the Cape a couple of years ago with my sisters, the day that I got there, a nail chipped. I cut it down really short and then filed it, so it wouldn't be noticeable, but I was so irritated that it happened! 

Sometimes I obsess over smells. I never ever want my house to smell like five dogs live here. I would also prefer it to not look like five dogs lived here, and while that is inevitable on most days, I am constantly dusting furniture, spraying down countertops, and vacuuming the floor. Because of the smell thing, I use plug-ins and candles to help me out. I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that for our upstairs until recently, but it's true. I bought the Hawaiian breeze scent for the upstairs, and it pairs nicely with what's downstairs. Those are my favorite things right now, plug-ins, and there's not a chance I'll burn the house down with one.

This applies to me personally, as well, and is why I go through lotions so quickly! I can't wear perfume because of my ridiculously sensitive nose, so I use lotion as that when I get dressed each day. I haven't had great success in being able to wear a fragrance in a long time; that being said, I just ordered some perfume with the money I earned from Amazon recently! I hope I love it, it's from the brand Good Chemistry. Stay tuned!

I also make myself "earn" being able to sit and watch tv, unless it's a weekend. For instance, I'm typing this at ten thirty Monday morning, and while I could watch something, I haven't done anything productive yet in the house, so I'm doing those things first, then I'll settle in with a show around lunch time. Again, I'm shaking my head at myself.

Tell me you have some weird quirks! I'd love for you to share a few with me. Thanks for reading my blog, today! Love to all. 


  1. I am exactly the same way about my nail and nail polish. Except I use regular polish and will take it off in a few days if it is chipped. I love gel nail polish but it was getting expensive for me. Simply because when the nail grew out I wanted to get them redone.

  2. You do have a lot of rules for yourself! I really don't have any other than reading my devotional before I open my computer in the morning. I like to own the color of polish for my pedi so I can touch it up and make it last a couple more weeks if needed. I still have yet to have a gel pedi, but I am sure I would do it sometime.
    This was a great post! It really let me into your brain.

  3. That is soo funny about the tv volume- ha! I have never had a gel pedicure- do you think it is worth it? Maybe I will try it next time

  4. Jen, I get that! I was the same when I wore regular polish. I always redid mine every three days. Now I only go once a month, so I cut and file the nail that chipped. Sometimes I'll go back to the salon and they'll repair it for free, though.

  5. Amy, I know! I don't know what that is about me that I'm like that. That's a great rule of thumb each day for yourself! I was the same way with the pedicures and would often take my own color, or I'd buy it afterward at some point. I'm sorry for subjecting you to the inside of my brain! 🤪

  6. Holly, it's so ridiculous! Yes!! It's so worth the few extra dollars, because it'll last for two full months!

  7. Fun to read! I am sure that I have many quirks but right now can´t think of too many. One thing is that when I am in the kitchen microwaving something, I like to open the door to it before the timer goes off. That makes no sense and I can´t always get to the door to open it if I am busy but it is my goal to open the microwave door before the timer beeps.

  8. Jennifer, I left a long comment and it's not here. Not sure if it went to spam :(

  9. The minute any one of my nails gets a chip or anything I start peeling the polish off all the others as well... they have to look perfect if they're going to be painted. I only drink water so I don't have to earn other drinks but I do make it a goal to drink 1/2 my daily goal by lunch. I tend to get dressed first and early but don't actually brush my teeth for nearly 3 or 4 hours later after I've eaten breakfast (and I don't wash or moisturize my face in the morning). I do, however, go around and open everyone's blinds/ curtains after they've all left for work and school and will straighten out their bedding too because for whatever weird reason I like to see the rooms looking neat, and bright, and tidy when I walk by to do laundry.

  10. Your comment about the television volume really made me chuckle! I am the same way with the heater/air conditioner temperature in the car. It can't be 75 or 77 or 79, it must be an even number. Vic laughs every time I change it!

  11. This is so fun! I'm going to try your water tip. I will have my coffee and then force myself to drink water!

  12. Maria, now I have a mental picture of you dashing to the microwave with one second left to spare! 🤣🤣

  13. Oh no, Debbie! I hate it when that happens. I wonder if it was accidentally deleted or reported by someone. This is the first time all day that I've been on here, and it's almost four p.m. I'm sorry for the technological problems!

  14. Joanne, I used to that all the time in the boys' rooms! I still sometimes do that on Fridays and Mondays. I love seeing them all neat and tidy, with lights on for ambience when they get home from a long day. Little things like that make me happy!

  15. Pamela, isn't that funny? I think it's also funny that you do the same thing in the car!

  16. Hello! I loved this post! I have so many quirks that I couldn't list them all! Every night, I have to tidy the TV room and kitchen before bed. I have to sleep with the bedroom door open but the closet door shut. And I do the same thing when getting dressed after I am all ready. I get so warm that I would end up changing! Have a cozy evening, my friend!

  17. This was super fun and I need to try the water trick. I am trying to do better with drinking mroe water.

  18. I'm very sensitive about smells too...and chewing sounds. I probably drive my family crazy nagging.
    I love high school, I took typing 1 and 2. I love to do some of those online typing games from time to time.
    I am the same way about numbers...I refer an even number but for sure nothing on radio volume is always 12 or 14.
    I loved this post!

  19. Thanks, Billie Jo! You made me laugh over all the time it would take to list your quirks. I'm glad I'm not alone!

  20. Jen, my hubby HATES to hear people chewing! He even gets mad at the dogs when they lick obsessively. I have to agree! I'm so glad I'm not alone in my weirdness. 🤣


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