Monday, March 4, 2024

Prime Purchases: February 2024


Happy Bonus Blog post day! I'm linking up with Tanya for this one all about Prime Purchases and will jump right in with the couple of purchases that I made. Click on each picture, and you'll be directed to a separate Amazon link in a new window on your phone or computer. 

I ordered some more of my favorite pens this month.

I have loved these Papermate Flair felt tip pens for years, and I occasionally order them in colors, too. I use them everywhere: my Bible, my journal, and anywhere else I may need to write. I have them in my purse and in the bookstore at church so that I can always have them handy. 

See? I wrote that with one of those pens. 

I ordered my second jar of this vitamin C oil for my face.

I ordered these towel bars for the ends of my kitchen cabinets.

And I ordered these new towels to use on them.

I've been really pleased with these towels! They would also be great to use as hand towels in a bathroom.

Here's a couple of pictures of all of this in real life:

I ordered some more of my favorite facial toner.

And the one I'm most excited about is this bag that I ordered last night! It will be here tomorrow, so I'll keep you posted, but it has excellent reviews, and Hoda from The Today Show gave it her stamp of approval. 

I've been wanting one of these since they became popular last year, but I haven't yet found one that I liked enough to buy. I did buy one from Amazon last year, but it didn't work for me, so I gave it to my niece when they were here that Thanksgiving (in 2022). I wasn't really looking for this as I was browsing Amazon last night, but I stumbled up on it and decided to give it a try. With free returns, it's risk free, so why not, right? I have some trips that will be coming up soon, so this will be perfect to travel with! Like I said, I'll keep you posted, but I love how this one is shaped and how it sits on your body; the strap is also really cute, which is a bonus. It's the Inicat brand, which has lots of great reviews. Stay tuned! 

What did you purchase and love last month? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. I'll see you back here tomorrow! Love to all. 


  1. I LOVE the leather heart bookmarks. Do you have any left and if so, could I possibly buy some and pay postage to have you mail them to me? Understand if it doesn't work . . . thanks and blessings!

  2. I love them too, Vickie! Amazon has some that are just like these, and they come in a pack. I would check there first for the more convenient route. 😉

  3. Those new towels are so, so pretty!

  4. Cute buys! The bookmarks are so cute.

  5. Thanks, Jennifer. Found them on Amazon!

  6. Such a cute bag! I am going to order that face serum next month.

  7. Those towels are absolutely adorable! Guess what? Those pens are my mom’s favorite as well! And thank you for praying for my daddy. He’s doing pretty good!

  8. Thanks, Marilyn, I hope I think the same when I see it in person tonight! I think you'll like the vitamin C serum; it's so soft and makes my skin feel so smooth when I mix it in with my moisturizer.

  9. I think so too, Andrea! That's funny that your mom loves these pens as well. I'm so glad to hear he's doing alright! It's always an honor to be able to pray for people.


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