Monday, March 11, 2024

Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Here were a few things that made me happy this weekend...

My day on Friday began with lots of laundry! While that may sound strange to mention, did you know that I love to fold clothes, particularly towels and blankets? On Thursday night, we did a quick and unexpected clean out in an area of a room upstairs, and it resulted in needing to wash lots and lots of blankets. I walked down memory lane as I found the blankets that Mom used to make for my boys, including this one for Alex.

Please make note of the hole! All of them had holes like that in them, because they were, by far, the most loved and used blankets in the house. We had so many blankets because of all the camping trips we used to take; we always needed lots of them for our tent. 

After all the washing and some house cleaning, Dad came over, and we took off. We went to Costco to put gas in my car for the weekend, then we grabbed our lunch from Chick Fil A and brought it home to eat. We were both so sleepy and fell asleep while we were talking; isn't that funny? It tells you how comfortable we are around each other, and we can be quiet on some of the days we spend together. I love this picture of him with Chloe; she wanted to sit right up against him. 

Sandy came by to pick him up since she was in the area visiting a friend, and after I sent them off, I went to get my nails done that afternoon. 

I was ready for something a little brighter, and I love this pink that my friend picked out for me. I came home, made some dinner for Noah and me, then I watched one of my favorite movies on Netflix.

Have you seen this? I know I've mentioned it once before, but it's really good. I love that it takes place in Vietnam, and the scenery in the movie is beautiful. 

Home and in comfy clothes after cleaning up from dinner! I worked on blog stuff for this week while the movie was on, since it's one I've seen before. 

On Saturday, I got up and got dressed to meet my mom and sister for our traditional Saturday outing. We didn't do a lot; we went to Home Goods for me to buy napkins for the bookstore, then we had lunch, and ended by going to this music store for something my mom was looking for. 

I loved this cello or bass that we saw when we walked into Lane Music. My mom was looking for a keyboard and found a really nice one! It feels like a real piano, because the keys are weighted. I had fun playing around on it for a few minutes. 

I was back home by 12:45, so for the rest of the afternoon, Todd and I were together. He wanted to go to a motorcycle dealership in Southaven, Mississippi called Southern Thunder; he was looking for some new grips for his bike. He didn't find any, but two hours later we walked out to his truck. 🤣 For some reason, I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I also felt a bit like Barbie, because I was wearing a lot of pink; everyone else had on black and lots of leather. 🤣🤣

Only in Memphis will you see a whole bike dedicated to Elvis. 

We made a Costco run after we left, then we headed back to The Ville for dinner and ran into Jonah and Laura in the parking lot! We convinced them to eat with us and bought their dinner.

It was a fun night together! We came back home to watch Big Bang Theory, then I was in bed by nine. The time change is no joke! I was looking for that lost hour on Sunday, but I never found it. We went to church, then came home and celebrated birthdays! I'll share more about that tomorrow, though. 

What'd you do this weekend that you loved? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Such a pretty pink nail color for spring! I haven't seen that movie, thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Ha - looking for that lost hour!
    I love your new pink! So cute! I got a new order of press ons and got a pretty lavender, lime green and light blue.

  3. I am cracking up at how you described your time in the motorcycle store- you were Barbie and everyone else was in black leather- sounds about right- how hsyterical! Great nail color- I switched to pink too- willing spring to stay now! :)

  4. Thanks, Pamela! You should watch it, it's really good. I love it when something is filmed on location, and the scenery is beautiful. I hope you have a great day!

  5. Amy, it's true! I tried to take a Sunday afternoon nap, but it didn't work out the way I'd hoped. Thanks, friend! I love it, too. I love the sound of the colors you picked out this time! I can't wait to see them on you.

  6. Holly, it's the only time you'll ever read me saying that, but it was so true! I felt like people were looking at me...I'm sure they weren't, I was just feeling super self-conscious. It was still fun going there, though. It's a fun atmosphere to be in! I do hope that spring weather sticks around for you!

  7. Love there was a bike dedicated to Elvis! Southaven is my hometown! I had a massage this weekend, so that was my highlight. I will blog about that tomorrow. Enjoy your Monday!

  8. I knew you would love that, and I actually thought of you when I saw the bike. I forget that's where you're from! I love that you had a massage this weekend. I can't wait to hear more about that!

  9. What a great weekend. Love the pretty pink nails. We had a nice weekend too. I'll be posting about mine soon.

  10. Thanks, Cathy! I'm glad to hear you had a great weekend as well. I hope your Monday is wonderful, my friend!

  11. I am seriously dragging from the time change. I took a nap on Friday, and felt like it was the deepest sleep ever. I think it's because of all the pollen we have right now. Hope you have a great week. :) Tanya

  12. Your nails look fabulous! I love to fold laundry too and always use that time to read a book without feeling at all guilty.

  13. Tanya, it's no joke, right? It's so much worse the older we get! Ugh...our allergy season is just getting started right now. I dread it for my oldest son! He is terribly allergic to pollen.

  14. Thanks, Joanne! That's a great idea to read while you fold clothes.


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