Monday, March 4, 2024

Hello Monday!


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Here were a few things that made me happy this weekend...

Friday was cold and dreary (appropriate), and the mood was somber for the funeral we went to for my friend's son. It was a sad morning, but it was also something I'm glad we took the time to go to. As I drove away after the visitation, I drove around for a few minutes so that I could regain my composure before turning onto a busy city street. I stopped and sat here for a few minutes looking at the beautiful landscape and remembering being in this same place when the boys were all little and Alex's mom's funeral also taking place here. I also sat here and called Dad to let him know I was on my way to pick him up for our weekly date. 

This amazing food made me happy! We went to Newk's, and their potato soup is some of my favorite. 

I've been wanting a pedicure for the last couple of weeks and kept putting it off, so doing that Saturday morning and finishing an excellent book made me happy. 

Mom, Trish, and I were together on Saturday, and this lunch was amazing! We ate at Applebee's, and I had this grilled shrimp Tex Mex bowl with lime juice on top. Time with them is always good for my heart, especially when we go to our favorite antique mall, Southern Vintage!

Would you believe none of us bought even one thing? 

Date nights with my hubby always make me happy, even if we didn't eat here like we'd hoped. We ended at our favorite Mexican restaurant instead.

Seeing a fresh pedicure makes me happy, and so does this color with a fun name from OPI, Alpaca My Bags.

I love being at church on Sunday! Lately I've been sitting with Todd in the video room that he runs. Other good things from the weekend include lots of reading, really good (quality) quiet time and then hearing the preacher preach from the same passage I read Sunday morning, a little bit of alone time one night and part of another, making the time to clean my house since I didn't get to on Friday, and just relaxing. 

What are some good things from your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! I wrote a blog post yesterday on a whim for a link party that is about dressing for spring; if you want to read it, click this link! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Friday must have been tough- thinking of you. Glad you got some relaxation and fun in during the weekend XO

  2. It was a rough start to the weekend, for sure, Holly. Thanks for your sweet words!

  3. It was fun to see you Friday and sorry I didn't realize you had just come from that funeral. I had just gotten home the night before so I was a little behind on blog reading. It was so nice to meet your dad! Have a good Monday!

  4. So sorry you had a funeral this did we. I finished a book this weekend too. I've got another started and hope to finish it sometime this week. Have a great day!

  5. Marilyn, that was such a fun surprise! I was better by the time I saw you, so no worries, my friend. I cried all the way to my dad's and begged the Lord to turn that around for me before I saw Dad, and He did just that. I was okay for the rest of the afternoon. I'm so glad he got to meet you!

  6. Thank you, Cathy! I'm sorry you had a funeral, too. I'm glad you were able to finish a book this weekend! I've definitely been on a good reading streak lately, and I've read a lot already this year. I love when I can accomplish that kind of thing, because I'd prefer to do that any day over watching a show on TV. I hope you enjoy your Monday, my friend!


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

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