Friday, March 8, 2024

Friday Favorites, 3.8.2024.


Happy Friday, friends, and Happy March! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How was your week? Mine was really good, and I hope you can say the same! Here are a few of my favorites on this lovely Friday. 

As all of you read this week, Monday was my favorite day! I loved taking time to sit outside in the sun (and to tan at the same time) and read the book I was trying to finish. I highly recommend this when you have some spare time!

I did not take this picture, but it's one our town posted on socials this week. Spring time in The Ville is my favorite, and so are the tulips that pop up everywhere! 

I think Bradford Pear Trees are beautiful! So many friends of mine are allergic to them, but they sure are pretty to look at. I think these may be one of my top favorite seasonal trees! 

Girl in the Yellow Taxi is one of my favorite IG accounts to follow! She posts beautiful scenes of NYC and she even has a coffee table book that she wrote and published last year. 

This night of dinner was my favorite! We had cauliflower crust pizza with spinach, alfredo, parmesan, mozzarella, garlic, and red pepper flakes. It was delicious! 

You all know that new screensavers for my phone are my favorite—so are hearts, and so is this pink and green combo. 

Memories like this one above are my favorite! I remember this snow fall; it took place in the first week of March!

Sometimes I miss working with youth so much that it hurts. Those days were always some of my favorite, and so were the fun times I had with my bestie. 

This little notebook has become my favorite this week; it's filled with writing assignments and prompts for this writing course I'm taking. 

I love this that I saw on social media this week, about joy givers. I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above!

I got the belt bag in the mail on Tuesday, and it's my new favorite! I've been carrying it everyday since it got here. 

This night of a zoom call with Joanna Weaver was my favorite! She offered so much great advice, and I came away from that time with an assignment and feeling inspired. And below is when I sat down and finished the first assignment this week, which was to write a short fictional story. I don't want to write a fiction book, but it was a fun assignment, and before I knew it, I'd written almost 4,000 words! 

I'll end with these last pictures, which are a favorite top that I recently bought and wore to work yesterday for the first time (I had to exchange it for a smaller size)...

...and putting out some decor for Easter in the bookstore was a favorite on Thursday. The table had more things on it, but a friend came in to buy a lot of it almost immediately.

Did you happen to catch all of my blog posts this week? 

First up was a surprise Sunday post called, Dressing For Spring.

Monday was Hello Monday and a separate post for Prime Purchases.

On Tuesday I wrote a post titled, Taking Time to Breathe.

Wednesday was this month's Currently post.

And Thursday was Thankful Thursday

What was a favorite of yours from this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. I hope you all have a great weekend; love to all! 


  1. Love the new belt bag and the new top! So cute! I am trying, trying, trying not to shop for the next three weeks and be happy and content with my very full closet. I have plenty to wear, but I just love spring clothing!
    Have a beautiful Friday and wonderful weekend!

  2. Love that bag but your pictures of spring where you live are making me giddy- can't wait to see the buds and tulips and all the bright colors- so good for the soul- have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Thanks, Amy! I really like this one and am glad to finally have found one that works for me. It's a little difficult going from a big purse to this, so I'm still figuring it out, and on work days I have to take a tote with me for all the things I'll need while I'm there. I don't mind that too much, though! Good luck with that; I am with you on loving the clothes for this time of year. I thought of you when I wore that shirt yesterday; thanks for the recommendation on that! I hope you have a great day and weekend, my friend! ❤️

  4. Thanks, Holly! I love seeing that as well. Our regular trees are still pretty baren, but I keep seeing flowers pop up everywhere. It's so nice to see after winter!

  5. I am all about joy givers and reading your posts is absolutely one that gives me joy! Look at you soaking in the sun girl! And that cauliflower crust pizza looks absolutely delicious, oh that melted cheese! Have a sweet weekend!

  6. I just got a new little purse like that - I wanted somethining light to carry for the warmer days ahead.
    That notebook is beautiful.
    I just noticed for the first time yesterday our trees are starting to bloom -& it makes me SOOO excited!!!

  7. The sunshine, the flowers, the pizza, the bag, the memories, the notebook and the shirt....all such favorite things! Now for a little rain today. But more daylight is coming next week! Enjoy your Friday with your dad!

  8. Great post! What a fun list of favorites. I love the joy givers.

  9. I'm glad you had such a great week! The belt bag is so cute. I see a lot of people wearing those down here.

  10. Those flower photos put a huge smile on my face! It definitely is starting to look like spring.

  11. How lovely to sit outside in the sun. I can't wait for some warmer weather here. Those pear trees are so pretty and the notebook too.

  12. I love the new belt fun! Your town looks so pretty! Hope you have a good weekend!

  13. Andrea, those are some very kind words. Thank you!

  14. Rebecca Jo, I want to see what yours looks like! That was my same thought, and this one was a great price on Amazon. How exciting that your trees are blooming!!

  15. Thanks, Marilyn! Yes to all the good things, right? I hope your weekend is filled with some! I'm looking forward to those longer days!

  16. Thanks, Megan! I didn't love the trend at first, but then I liked it and couldn't find one that I liked. A year and a couple of months later, I found this one on Amazon. I love it! I still kind of think it looks a little strange, but I love the fact that it's hands free and close to me, even more than a cross body bag. It will be great for travel!

  17. Joanne, I found some more today when I was driving to get gas with my dad. The tulips are in full bloom and are beautiful! I'm going to try to get some pictures this weekend.

  18. Thanks, Kim! I hope you get some warmer days soon. It's been so nice lately!

  19. Thank you, Tanya! I think it is, but I know I'm biased. I do love the design of the town government buildings, though, and the pretty landscaping at each place. The tulips are in full bloom right now and are gorgeous!

  20. Jennifer, I love your new top! It might be one of my favorites!
    I love that you're taking a writing course! I took one many years ago, by a Christian writing group, and we had fun assignments like that. Then, as you know, I took Fiona's course a few years ago and learned so much from her. They are good for stretching you in new ways.

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  21. Thanks, Debbie! I love the two I bought from Old Navy recently. Thanks for your encouragement! I actually just signed up for another one through Fiona, so I'm excited about learning from her too!


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