Friday, March 15, 2024

Friday Favorites! 3.15.2024.


Happy Friday, friends, and Happy March! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How was your week? Mine was really good, and I hope you can say the same! Here are a few of my favorites on this lovely Friday. 

I have several new favorite things that I'm selling in the bookstore! In the first picture above this, you can see how many things I put out for the Easter season last Thursday. As of last night, most of that is now gone. I got some puzzles in this week that are adorable! I wish I was a puzzle person. 

I really love seeing unique artwork, and this one that I saw at Lane's Music store nearby me is my favorite! I don't know if this instrument is a bass or a cello, but either way, it's beautiful with the painting.

Spending time with my hubby at his happy place two different days this week was my favorite! I love that he loves his new hobby of riding his bike. He's ready for me to ride with him, but I don't know that I'm ready yet. I know I'll get there, but it makes me a little nervous to think about. The second picture you see is where he bought his bike from here in Memphis. The one we visited Saturday was in Southaven, Mississippi.

Having people over is always a favorite, because it forces me to clean and spruce things up around our home. Do you do this when you have people over? I'd love to do that more, honestly, but we just have too many dogs. As sweet as they are, they're not conducive to entertaining. 

I love the two door hangers I recently hung. The first one above this is new that I bought at Home Goods last weekend, and this bunny silhouette is an old favorite. (I need a command hook to hang on the door instead of the hanger it's on, but it'll do in a pinch for now.)

Seeing Chloe in my chair and Oakley's amazing puppy dog eyes are a couple of my favorite things in life! I think it's funny that Chloe sits in my chair that rocks; she's the only dog that's ever done that and that hasn't been afraid of its movement. For fairness, here are the other three pups.

Crash is the top one, and he's our old man at twelve. Callie is eight, and Chip is six. 

Hair day is always my favorite!

And so is delicious food with a best friend. Again...this second picture was before I spilled half of Christa's dinner all down the front of me. I'm just glad the sesame chicken sauce came out of my shirt! It was on my sandal and on my toes! I'm laughing, because only I can do something like that. 

These words above are some of my favorite that I've seen all week long! It's true;  I am human and mess up everyday of my life, but I pray that in spite of that, people see Jesus in me. 

Dinners like the one above are always a favorite type of an easy and quick dinner. I had this on Wednesday night: taquitos with a salsa/ranch dressing dip that I love, and an avocado. It was delicious! Taquitos in the air fryer are the best! 

I don't have a picture, but an impromptu date night and Sam's trip for the bookstore is always a favorite! We had dinner at our favorite taco truck, Tacos-n-Gana, and unloaded all the groceries at the bookstore before coming home and getting comfy in our pajamas. It was a rainy night, so we were glad to be home by six thirty, watching our show. 

What was your favorite from this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. How fun to meet up with a friend, spilled food notwithstanding! Having guests over is the best (sometimes the only, I am afraid to admit) motivator to clean really well, tidy up spots that have become laden with disorganization and the like. We are having family over tomorrow and the only thing that I know for sure is that the house will be really clean and tidy ;). Have a great weekend!

  2. The bookstore looks so good! Do you have a place you order from or do they let you buy and re-sell? I guess your next holiday is summer? 4th of July! wow! I hope you will still be able to float in the pool this summer with your bookstore job.

  3. What a great week! Yes one of the reasons I love hosting is the cleaning and sprucing I do beforehand and once my guests leave, we enjoy a semi-clean house for awhile too :)

  4. It was, Maria! And you are so right about how sometimes that's the only motivator. So yay for your soon-to-be clean home for the weekend! I really do enjoy that, not that it's ever really that dirty, it's just that things are put away. I hope you have a great day today, my friend!

  5. Amy, I order from a few different places online (or anywhere else, for that matter), and I am the one responsible for the buying and re-selling. I just have to be careful with my money, because I'm a small store; I don't like for the money in the bank to be below a certain number, so I do this with discretion on my part. I have been experimenting lately with buying different things recently, and it's mostly gone over really well! I like to keep seasonal things out for people, but I don't want to have so much that I'd be stuck with it all if it didn't sell. Thanks for the compliments!

    I may cut back to summer hours in June and July and just open on Tuesdays and Thursdays...I don't know yet for sure, but if Bible studies aren't going on, there isn't a lot for me to do there. I can promise that I will still have time to float in a pool this summer!

  6. Thanks, Holly! We always enjoy that as well after the event is over. It's nice having things put away where they're supposed to be for the week following! I blame the people I live with for it getting cluttered downstairs. 🤣

  7. Sounds like a lovely's to a dandy of weekend ahead!! With no spilt dinners:)

  8. Yea for new highlights! I loved seeing the pics of the sweet dogs. I know what you mean about entertaining with dogs. Even with just one, he is ok out but some people aren't crazy about dogs. Then if we put him in bedroom, he cries and whines a lot! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Such a fun night out with a friend! I also love taquitos in the air fryer and need to do that more. Enjoy your weekend!!

  10. New hair - cut hair, tinted hair, styled hair - is always a happy time! I'll have to try taquitos in the air fryer. I bought some spring rolls from Costco, and they came out really crispy and delicious in the air fryer. Have a great weekend!

  11. Lots of great favorites this week! I once had to buy a whole new outfit at the mall after eating out (at a restaurant in the mall) and having spaghetti sauce fall in my lap... a bit expensive but not a bad night! LOL.

    Did I miss the prompts for April's currently series? I was outlining blog posts for that first week and I can't seem to find them..

  12. What a cute Easter display and that artwork in the music store it just brilliant. Motorbikes do scare me but they are amazing things.

  13. Thanks, Jennifer! And that is definitely my goal next time. 🤣

  14. Thanks, Tanya! And that's exactly what happened. We kept having to come love on them, since one kept crying!

  15. Marilyn, you should, they're so good made that way!

  16. Pamela, yes! I bet those are delicious in the air fryer. I may have to find some the next time we're there!

  17. Thanks, Joanne! Oh my word, I cannot believe that happened to you once. It's not a terrible way to end a night out, though, you're right!

    No, I keep for getting. I'll share them next week, sorry about that!

  18. Thanks, Kim! Isn't that amazing? I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw it at the entrance. I know what you mean about motorcycles!


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