Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday Favorites, 3.1.2024.


Happy Friday, friends, and Happy March! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How was your week? Mine was really good, and I hope you can say the same! Here are a few of my favorites on this lovely Friday. 

Seeing John Mark's spring showroom on Saturday with Mom and Trish was my favorite...and so was this beautiful library of ribbon, complete with a gorgeous table and chairs in the middle.

Chloe's favorite thing this week was seeing her biological mommy! This is Evie, our next door neighbor's golden retriever. Chloe's dad Tiger is a Golden Doodle. Chloe loved licking her mom to death, and sweet Evie just laid there and soaked up her attention. When Chloe hears her parents and siblings bark next door, she always wants to go say hi. 

I decided to start re-reading my favorite series of books by my all-time favorite author, the Sisterchicks series by Robin Jones Gunn.

I found one of my favorite books at the Goodwill Bookstore last weekend; Adrian Rogers was a world renown pastor who preached here in Memphis for several decades. This is a book of his sayings, hence the name, Adrianisms.

Monday was such a great day for me at home. I sat in this chair for an hour outside and read (and sunbathed) while the sun was shining and the weather was warm. That was a favorite moment from my week!

Changing my phone screensaver is my favorite, and I picked these two to use this spring. All I do is go to Pinterest, search for "spring screensaver"

On Tuesday I pulled out my new thin top to wear, along with my sandals! This might just be a new favorite top. 

Getting new things to sell in the bookstore is a favorite! 

This top is also a favorite; I might have worn it for the last time this season before the weather gets warm again. After work on this day, I met up with my friend Dedee for lunch. It's always a favorite getting to spend time with her! She's my beach buddy that I adore. 

If you know me at all, you know that tote bags are my favorite, and this one takes the number one spot! My best friend bought me this for my birthday when she and I went to Columbia, Tn last year for December. She knows that Nancy Drew was my favorite and she picked this up for me while I shopped. I love it so much! Look at the tag for the store...I love attentions to detail like that! 

Getting the news that my son's work truck was broken into right outside of Costco this week was not my favorite. This is basically how we all feel about living so close to Memphis.

Missy also bought me this little pouch one year for my birthday...maybe from the same place! I read this book in high school and almost failed French 3 that year. 🤣 I love keeping little pouches like this in my purse to help keep things organized. I've talked about this before; do you do that? This is my work pouch where I keep all my keys and a wallet with my church credit card. I keep receipts in there when I shop on the card I have for church. My friend that I took the store over from gave me this advice, and it was a great tip! 

Friends who make our phone extension list larger print, easier to read, and then laminate it are my favorite! My friend Tiffany did this for me Thursday, and I was so thankful for her thoughtfulness! 

Before I go, I want to remind you about this Wednesday's (March 6) upcoming Currently link party taking place. In March we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, planning, wearing, and eating. I'll give the April prompts in that post on Wednesday. Additionally, did you know that I host a link party each Thursday, called Thankful Thursday? I'd love for you to link up with me on both of those! 

Did you happen to catch my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Monday was Hello Monday.

Tuesday was a fun and different post that I titled "Did You Know".

Wednesday was What's Up Wednesday.

Thursday was a double blog post day; Thankful Thursday, and The Books I Read in February.

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

PS. After you read this, will you pray for my friend Vicki? She's my friend whose son died very tragically this week. His celebration of life is today, and I know she has a long road ahead of her. Thank you in advance! 


  1. Yes, I will pray for Vicki - I am so sorry.
    It makes me sick that the citizens of your area are literally being terrorized. Why does this go on? I had a hard day at work Tuesday when I was too close to comfort of a fight involving 8 young men. I was scared and it made me think why do our students have to be scared. You fight - you gone. You terrorize and vandalize - you gone.
    I guess it's not that easy, but it really upsets me.
    I love that blouse so much and I want it!
    I hope you have some nice plans this weekend, friend.

  2. Stopping to pray for your friend Vicki now. I can't imagine her pain. She's lucky to have a friend like you to care for her.

    I'm so envious of you visiting John Mark's showroom! I follow him on Instagram and am constantly telling my husband that I want to visit his store. We live in St. Louis and the next time we visit Memphis it's on our list to stop!

  3. Thank you, Amy! It's terrible here. Unfortunately, it really does boil down to politics in the city; our mayor is a joke and our Memphis Police are equally as laughable. They do not enforce the law, which is why people treat our interstate like the Audubon in Europe and get away with it; no tickets are issued and when people are arrest for crimes, they're always let go. It's ridiculous! Todd really does want to move away from this area, but I'm the one who doesn't because of our sons and our families. It's so bad that I don't go to places like Costco or Sam's alone; I always have someone with me for this reason that Graham had happen. That's why Dad and I often do that kind of thing on a Friday together.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Thank you, Penny! I appreciate your prayers for her and your kind words.

    I hope you get to stop by his store someday! He is amazing and just as adorable as can be. I love that he is a believer! I have heard a very moving testimony about him that I hope is true. He could be my son, especially since he's not that much older than my oldest! I just love him and his sweet Southern accent.

  5. That store looks amazing and so do you cutie pie! Isn’t it wonderful to sit outside and read in the sunshine! One of my favorite things! I will pray for Vicki too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love the Sister Chick books. Enjoy reading them again. Cute bag from your friend. If I’m carrying a purse without pockets, then yes I use little bags like that to carry my stuff in a neater and easier way to find things. I prayed for your friend. I hope you have a good weekend.

  7. I’m praying for your friend Vicki. My heart goes out to her and I am so sorry for her loss. You are a very kind friend, praying for you too Jennifer.

  8. Prayers for your friend Vicki...what a tough road she has ahead of her. Love the blouse. I have heard that crime in Memphis is bad. So frustrating! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Your new shirt is so cute! Ugh, what a bummer about the truck. I hate that is happening all the time around here. Yuk. On a brighter note, how fun to run into you today! Have a good weekend!

  10. Hi Jennifer,
    First off, I'm praying for Vicki. What a tragedy.
    Now, I think that Nancy Drew bag and that tag are amazing! I loved Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys! The tag is ingenious.
    Next, I've heard Memphis is awful. We have Beaumont, which isn't quite as bad, but in certain parts it can be. We would move in a second, if we could take the entire family. But I'm not leaving my kids and grandkids, so we're stuck.

    David was in a restaurant for lunch one day and in broad daylight his truck was broken into by smashing the window. Several cars were hit at the same time. His briefcase was stolen, which had his iPad in there. We tracked it all the way to Houston (which is an awful place) and then it was shut off. A few days later a nice man called to say he found David's bag and iPad and would return it to him if he would meet him in Houston. They met at the police station and the police had no interest in taking down any info or having anything to do with it. They were useless.

    With this current administration, things will continue to get worse. I know we can't talk about it, but our country is in need of lots of major changes.

  11. Will pray for your friend Vicki- I'm so sorry. That JOY journal is perfect for you my friend- everyone should be more like you XO

  12. Sending prayers to Vicki and her family.
    I love the Out of Print company that makes your tote and pouch. I'm sorry to hear about your son's truck. I love your spring phone screen savers. They're so cheerful!
    Reading in the sunshine is the absolute best! Here's hoping we all get more time to do that. Have a great weekend!

  13. Aww! How sweet Chloe had a family reunion and fantastic that you could sit outside and relax. I can't wait for the warmer weather.

  14. What a bummer about the truck being broken into...grrr! Love your tote. It is totally you!:) And love that Chloe was having so much fun!! Hope your weekend is already going well!

  15. Thank you, Ruth! That's so sweet of you.

  16. Thank you, Tanya! Yes, unfortunately, Memphis has quite the reputation. It's terrible!

  17. Thank you, Marilyn! That was such a fun surprise, running into you. I'm glad my dad got to meet you!

  18. Debbie, you are so right, and I wholeheartedly agree! I wish I could say that I have hope that things will change, but truthfully, I don't. I only have hope in Jesus! Thankfully He never lets us down. That's terrible about what happened to your husband! It was a bad experience for Graham as well, though he did drive to a precinct and have them file the report there. At least there was that!

    Thank you for your prayers for my friend.

  19. Thank you, Holly! Isn't that journal fun??

  20. Thank you, Sarah! I haven't looked into the company that makes that tote, but I will now. You are so right! I hope I get to do that again tomorrow!

  21. Kim, isn't that sweet? I know you'll be glad for warmer weather!

  22. Thank you, Jennifer! I agree about the tote, and Nancy Drew books were my favorite! I hope you've had a great weekend too, my friend.


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