Tuesday, March 12, 2024

all about my sons



Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about my boys today since it's birthday season at our house. On Sunday, Jonah and Noah turned 21, Graham turned 25 on Monday, and Drew will be 24 on April 3rd. Since I don't talk about them all too often here anymore, I thought I'd tell you a little about them today. I hope you don't mind! (For the record, I had another idea of a post, but I wasn't feeling it for today.)

I'll go in age order, so I'll start with Graham. I have very few pictures of this guy! He is really good at avoiding my phone when he sees me trying to take his picture on the sly. 

It's funny how certain things remain the same all of someone's life. Graham has always been mature for his age and responsible from the time he was a little boy. That has transpired into him being that way today, both in his profession and in his characteristics. He's the one people call when they need help with something, and he is someone who can be trusted at all times. He is such a good friend to everyone, and that's one of the things I love most about him! I love that he spent time doing some things he loved this weekend and yesterday on his birthday. He loves to play disc golf, and his newest obsession is pickleball! He also polishes wheels as a side hustle and stays pretty busy with that all of the time. 

Drew is always as happy as his smile leads you to believe. Isn't it great? I love that he loves life and that he is enjoying the one that he has made for himself. He doesn't come around as much as I'd like, but it makes me happy to know that he loves his work and that he stays busy with his friends. These days he pretty much goes from work to home to the gym, and then he starts it all over again. He is training at work this week, and I am excited about that for him. By the end of the week, he will be EPA certified and able to go out on his own beginning May 1st. I'd tell you about his hobbies, but working out is his current hobby! He lives the life of an old man. 🤣

Jonah is also always as happy as his smile leads you to believe. Now that I say that, they all usually have smiles on their faces, which is something about them all that I love. Ever since he was very young, he wasn't the type of kid to sit still for very long; he never watched movies or anything that kids his age loved. He played sports, and he always kept busy by fixing things or taking things apart and then putting them back together again. He once spent an entire afternoon fully taking apart his bike just to put it all together again. The same is true today, and this guy never sits still! He cleans the house, he organizes things, he repairs cars, he changes oil....he is one of the most mechanically inclined people I know. He's just like his dad, actually! Someday he will make a great husband. 

Noah may look like a gentle giant, but his brothers will tell you otherwise! He gives the best hugs, and is the only one that lets me do that regularly. He has been obsessed with cars since he was a young boy, so I love that he does something for a living that he enjoys. (I feel like this is the case for all of them though, and I am thankful for that!) He has dreams to open up his own business someday wrapping vehicles in vinyl. I've mentioned this before, and he still wants to do that. His best friend lives in Dallas, and is the one he plans on rooming with once he goes. They'd lost touch for a while, but now that they've been talking again, it's fast forwarded his plans to get there by the summer. I keep telling him he's not allowed, but he just laughs at me like I have no say. 😉

In all seriousness, I am so blessed that I get to be their mom, and I am so proud of them all! They're all great guys, though certainly not without some faults and sketchy choices. God has been good to us, and I never want to take for granted the fact that we're all so close and that they're all close as friends, as well as brothers. When they were little, that was always my prayer: that the Lord would keep them close as friends through the years. I pray that it stays this way! I have always been extremely close to my sisters, and I wanted the same for our sons. I love seeing them as adults and thriving in their lives. I don't know that there's anything better than that as a Mom! 

I hope you enjoyed getting to know them a little bit here today. It's funny that this blog used to be all about them and their antics; now I only talk about them here and there and I only share this type of post once a year now, if that. I love talking about them and just thinking of the fun night we had together celebrating them this weekend makes me smile. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


  1. What a beautiful tribute to your wonderful boys- they are lucky to have you for a mama- you truly captured their personalities in this post!

  2. Love this! They all seem like great guys! My biggest hope is that mine will stay close to each other (and to us, but I feel like I want them to have each other). It's so fun parenting this age even though it is still full of worry.

  3. I grew up with three older brothers as the only sister. We are not close at all. In fact, I just said to my husband I am the annoying sister to them even as adults. So I pray my three children are friends and remain close forever. I would cherish that.

  4. Thanks, Holly! They're easy for me to write about. I tried not to gush too much. 🤣

  5. Thanks, Amy! Yes, that is how I pray as well. I think at this point it's a good indication that we'll remain close to them forever. We love just hanging out with them! It's fun to be able to be their friend as they're now adults...we never parented to be their friend when they were younger, but that came naturally as we were also very honest with them about everything and the way we expected them to be with us. Now that they're adults, it's the best! I do think they definitely cause me to pray like I never have before, but it's okay.

  6. Jen, that's sad! I know that because of that, it's formed how you've parented over the years. I would guess that they will be friends forever, especially as the twin bond is unlike any other!

  7. You are definitely a very blessed mama! Happy Birthday to all your sons!

  8. I loved reading this! Happy birthday to all your boys this month! You are such a good mom and they are lucky too tohave you!

  9. I loved hearing about your boys! I know what you mean about the blog changing from being all about the kids to our more mid-life interests. You must be so proud of all of them. Noah will do amazing things in Dallas...it is such a hot/growing economy right now.

  10. As a new-ish friend, I am so happy to "meet" your awesome sons today! It is clear they have been raised in a happy, loving home by a wonderful Momma! Have a cozy evening, my friend.

  11. Thank you for that, Tanya! I know of a few other bloggers whose writing has had to change as well. It's funny when that happens! I always feel a little weird talking about them like this now that they're older, but once a year isn't bad, right?

  12. Thanks for that, Billie Jo! I like to think that is the case; we've certainly had our fair share of fun with them!

  13. I love that you posted about your boys!! My children are in the same age as yours and it is so fun to get to witness this early adulthood of these kiddos. I’m sure they bring much joy to your life :)
    Mine, too, are very good friends and I appreciate so very much that they have that bond.

  14. Thanks, Jenni! You are right about how much fun this stage of life is for us as parents. I love who they've turned into! I know that you love seeing your kids be friends as adults. There isn't much that's better than that!


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