Wednesday, February 14, 2024

some things I love, Valentine's day edition


Happy Wednesday, friends, and happy Valentine's day! I thought I'd share some things I love today since it's that kind of day in the world. Happy reading! 

I am loving the color pink. I can't get enough of it and I wore this shirt two days in a row this week while it was cold enough. I wore it when I went out with my Mom on Monday, and I wore it again on Tuesday to work.

More proof: I love this color I got on my nails this time: Let's Be Friends by OPI. It's like they mixed the color Bubble Bath with the color Funny Bunny, and the Funny Bunny is more of what you see. Bubble Bath is more pink, Funny Bunny is more white. I love asking my friend that works where I go; she always knows what I mean and never lets me down.

I loved getting to spend time with my great niece Claire. She is seriously one of my favorite people ever, and we have so much in common! We read, we're both artistic (that runs in our family), we both love to sing...I could go on. She's amazing and I miss her once she leaves. I cannot believe she's 14 now and as tall as me! 

I have loved looking back at old photos lately, like of this one from when Trish and I were young and on a cruise with Dad. I don't know where we were, but we were somewhere in the Caribbean! 

I love getting random texts from my nephew Jaxson! We sometimes text random pictures of animals to each other, and I love every second of it. 

I am loving all of the hearts right now. I have a thing for those, in case you didn't know that.

One thing I love doing is taking the time to stamp the coffee sleeves I use in the bookstore. There's one with our name and logo on it, but I bought special ones for Christmas and Valentine's. I think I'll continue with that trend and get another one for Spring.

I love this reminder!

I love something that our preschool director does each month with the moms of littles who come to our WEE Care program; on the second Thursday of every month, she hosts Coffee and Connect. The moms come for fellowship right outside the bookstore where our cafe tables are, they get to eat some delicious breakfast foods, drink coffee, and Darlene shares a quick devotional with them. This was the handout she made for them this month! I texted it to my niece, since her kids are still little. 

I always love seeing this sign in my kitchen. 

I love my mornings! I spend time praying and reading the Bible before I get dressed for the day, and I get my thoughts for the day organized, either on paper or in my phone's notes. 

I love seeing Todd gearing up for a cold weather ride on his bike!

What are some things you've been loving lately? I'd love to hear about them!  Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Cute post! I agree about pink and hearts! So fun! I really love green, too! I think your pink shirt/sweatshirt is really unique and you made a great choice when you bought it. Don't you love when you realize you made a great purchase? I pat myself on the back all the time! Ha! I don't know what color press ons I will do after these hearts!

  2. Thanks, Amy! Yes, I love all the things I recently bought from Shein! I'm considering another order soon, because I recently had to retire some favorite tops. That's fun to think about, you should look on Pinterest. That's what I do!

  3. I like your heart earrings and how fun to spend time with your grandniece and to get a text from your grandnephew. My niece makes jewelry and she made these pretty delicate heart earrings. I bought some bigger, bolder heart earrings off of Amazon and the quality is terrible. Two out of the three earrings pairs are not wearable anymore. UGH. Anyway, I like pink, too and this season has been fun! Happy Valentine´s Day!

  4. I also love texting my niece and nephews! Such a fun and easy way to keep those relationships close and active. I love the preschool directors idea to have a coffee and devotional with the moms of the kiddos. Another great way to build relationships and keep them active!

  5. Thanks, Maria! I know you love those earrings that your niece made. That stinks about the ones from Amazon! I hate it when that happens... can you return them? Happy Valentine's day to you!

  6. Megan, YES! It's such a fun and easy way to keep up the relationship. I do this with most of mine! I know that is something I would appreciate for my own sons, so I hope they get that kind of thing from time to time. I loved that too! Those were my thoughts as well. I love seeing them all out there talking and laughing! Several of the families have started coming to our church as a result!

  7. Oh my gosh, I LOVE the stamped coffee sleeve idea- so adorable!

  8. I love it too, Holly! My friend that ran the store before I took over is the one that started that idea, and I loved it from the start! Even our logo and name is cute, but I like to mix things up. I had a really cute Christmas one that everyone loved. I love doing little things like that to show appreciation to customers!


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