Monday, February 26, 2024

Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was really good, and once again a good balance of doing something fun, getting things done, and relaxing. Those are the best; throw in some warmer weather and beautiful sunshine, and it was even better! 

I love Friday mornings, because I have leisurely time at home. 

I started reading in the book of Numbers on Friday, so I watched an additional video and read a few things about this fourth book in the Bible. 

I love how my Bible has a key verse for every book in the Bible; I loved this one out of Numbers. I have the She Reads Truth Bible; I've used this particular type of Bible exclusively for the last six years or so. 

Dad came over on Friday, and we had another great day together! I'm so thankful for this. We went to wash my car, fill up my gas tank again, then we had lunch at Subway. Have you had one of these sub sandwiches in a bowl like this one above? It was delicious! It's not on the menu, so you pick a sandwich and tell them you want that in a salad, then you pick your toppings. Mine was a turkey sub with cheese, so I picked a chopped lettuce and spinach blend, black olives, onions, pickles, cucumbers, oil and vinegar as the dressing, and salt and pepper. I devoured this! 

I found myself at home alone Friday night, so I made this shredded beef sauteed with onions and peppers. It was delicious! All I did was sauté the shredded beef in olive oil and soy sauce, then I added in the veggies. Noah ate this as well when he got home from work and loved it as much as I did. 

Saturday morning found me dressed like this for another outing with Mom and Trish. We started at a beauty supply place, where I bought some Ouidad curl refresher spray for my hair, then we had chips and dips for lunch at our usual Mexican place, and then we went to my favorite home decor store, John Mark's. 

This ribbon library room had me swooning!

As did all the beautiful things inside and out.

We ended our day together by going to this new and amazing  Goodwill bookstore. I loved browsing through all the books and managed to find one to buy for myself. Trish racked up on some great deals on records! I'm so glad we finally remembered to stop by here. That was pretty much my weekend! I was home alone again on Saturday night, so I read for a while and then watched a movie. This was cute! I like both of these actors; one was from Chesapeake Shores, and the other is from Virgin River. (This movie is a Hallmark movie.) 

What did you do this weekend? Whatever it was, I hope you enjoyed the time that you had! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. That decor store is so pretty! The ribbon is amazing as is all the decor. I kind of like browsing used bookstores but I feel sort of like I am looking for a needle in a haystack. That one looks pretty, though, so there is that! I´m glad you had a great weekend!!

  2. Wonderful! I love that you involve your dad in some of your little tasks because I think driving around is probably good for him. So smart! I did not know you could do that at Subway, but Jimmy John's will wrap your sandwich in lettuce leaves and it's good! I am hoping to have lots of "sub in a tub" at home this summer. I think it's so good!
    Love that Goodwill bookstore - how cool!

  3. Maria, I know! I was dying over all the ribbon in that one room. I didn't get a picture of the beautiful table with chairs that was in the center of the room; people were in there talking and I couldn't get around them. I know what you mean about bookstores like that. This one was organized really well, and I just spent a few minutes running my eyes over the stacks they had laying down on the shelves. I get easily overwhelmed when it comes to bookstores! Thanks, my friend. I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well!

  4. Amy, sometimes in the past few months, I realized that it was so much better to get out with Dad for a bit each week. It does him good, and it kind of breaks up our day; some Fridays feel very long if we don't do anything at all. You should try this at Subway! You will love it as much as the one at Jimmy John's I'm guessing. I foresee that for myself, too! My only question is about the salad oil that they use; I never pick the right one, it seems.

  5. I love following John Mark on IG, thanks to your mention awhile back. I'm loving my She Reads Truth Bible that I got about ayear ago. So many great features. Hope you have a great week!

  6. A goodwill bookstore?????????? Yes please. we need one of those! I can probably keep it stocked

  7. That flower/decor store is so pretty! We have a really large used bookstore run by our local church that seems to just go on and one from one room to the next and I love browsing through there.

  8. Tanya, he is such a fun follow! He's amazingly talented. I do love all those features in our Bibles, Tanya! Those were part of what drew me in to that particular one.

  9. Rebecca Jo, YES! I loved it, and it was organized so well!

  10. Joanne, you should see the whole store inside. It's almost overwhelming, it's so packed with all the amazing things! That sounds like a place I would love!

  11. Yeah! So happy you had another great day with your dad- Praise God :) That store looks adorable and sounds like a fun little weekend!

  12. Thanks, Holly! I know, I am always thankful when it's a great day with him. That's always my prayer! You would love this store!

  13. Glad it was a good Friday with your dad. Sorry I couldn't hang out Saturday, but we will again soon. Have a good day at work Tuesday!

  14. Thanks, Marilyn! I was glad for that, too. No worries, my friend. I'm glad you were able to scoot out of town to be with your sweet girls. We'll talk soon!


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