Monday, February 12, 2024

Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! For the first time in several weeks, I can say that mine was so good! I missed being out in public. 

I took Todd to turn in his rental truck on Friday, and he was way ahead of me, so I stopped by the church to get the pocket knife he left there Thursday night. When I walked into the foyer, this was what I saw. 

I love, love, love that our church hosted a special needs prom on Saturday night. This was their photo booth!

I took advantage of it while I was there.

I took advantage of the fact that it's almost Valentine's day and wore a cute t-shirt with hearts on it, a white vest, and black leggings. I wore #alltheheart earrings as well! Amy inspired me to share my second holes last week. 

After I took Todd to get his truck from the body shop a good bit away from our house, I was so hungry that I stopped by Chick Fil A to grab lunch. This is the one by my in-love's house that is huge; I was so impressed with their drive through lanes! 

While I drove, I threw it back to my teenage days and listened to The Indigo Girls as I drove to Dad's. And speaking of Dad's house...

My sister texted me several pictures of us, and some of just me when we were younger, and this was one of them! This is me on my Dad's front porch; I don't know how old I was, but I vividly remember the shoes I had. I thought I was hot stuff strutting around in my Dr. Scholl's platform sandals! I did some modeling and beauty pageants when I was young, can you tell from the hand on my hip? 

I had family in town this weekend; many of you remember that last March my sister Terri died. We finally got around to having a little memorial for her, because her 66th birthday would have been yesterday. It was so good to see  everyone and to be with together! There's not a better way we could have honored her. 

Also on Friday, I went to my happy place, otherwise known as my beloved library! Do you like to borrow books like these that I picked out? I love getting big coffee table books like this, because they're expensive to buy! I love flipping through the pages and reading about places I'd like to visit, or gaining inspiration for decorating in our home. 

I got out with my mom and Trish on Saturday, even in the pouring rain. We were so glad to see each other for the first time in like three weeks! We didn't do much, other than errands and lunch, because we were tired of getting wet each time we got out. I didn't think I was going anywhere for the rest of the day, but I ended up going to my dad's for dinner and to be with my family again. 

My beautiful and amazingly kind and talented great niece was there; it was so good to spend time with Claire again! 

This was a table in my dad's house that Amanda my niece set up to honor her mom. Isn't this beautiful? I love all the pictures she added to it over the weekend. Terri's ashes are in that wood box, and Amanda dried those flowers and put them together. I ate dinner over there and stayed awhile before coming home and crashing. I had to be at church bright and early on Sunday.

None of my people were at church, so I sat with Todd in the video room that he runs. 

I posted this picture of Terri and me yesterday for her first birthday in Heaven. I can hear her laugh when I look at this! 

I always love seeing my niece Amanda! She's the one I used to pretend was my little sister when we were younger. 

This is my brother Paul. 

It was a really sweet weekend, and especially memorial for Terri. We missed her being there, but we laughed and talked about some of our favorite memories with her in them. I'm glad we finally did this, and that we got to be together in her honor. Family is such a gift! 

How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! (Ps. It's a bonus blog post day! Make sure and read both of mine today.)


  1. So you glad you had a YOU weekend finally! I love your second hole - hearts and hearts!
    Erica has fallen down a Temu rabbit hole and is wearing hearts all week - I am wearing them at least 3 days - or at least red and pink. We have to have fun somehow, right?
    Thinking of you missing your sis. I'm so glad you all gathered and shared memories and pictures.
    Take care this week, my friend!

  2. Great post! That's an amazing photo booth set-up. We had Chick-fil-A this weekend too, ours is a bit of a drive but we took Malone along with us. He loves to ride in the truck.

  3. Thanks, Amy! I was glad for that too. I love the fun earrings to wear for Valentine's! I love what you said about having fun somehow; we are really living it up, right?! Thanks for that, I was so glad we did finally get to do this. Better late than never! Have a great day, friend.

  4. Thanks, Pamela! That's funny about Malone going with you; we do that sometimes with our dogs! We take them with us for a treat. We have one or two that LOVE riding along with us! We need to take them more as a treat. I hope you have a great day!

  5. What a wonderful weekend and wonderful post! I am so happy your church did that and the set up was just precious! Isn’t it so much fun looking back through photos! You’re so cute!

  6. Looks like a beautiful celebration XO Love that balloon arch-so pretty and for such a great cause!

  7. So glad it was a sweet weekend of remembering your sister. I hope all the family time went well.

  8. I'm so glad you are feeling better. The balloon arch is amazing...what a wonderful event for that community. I remember wearing Dr. Scholl's back in the day too!

  9. What a fun weekend. I love the balloon arch! So cute! I’m glad you had a sweet time with your family remembering your sister, and I’m sorry for your loss.

  10. Thanks, Andrea! It was a great weekend. I love looking back through old pictures! I brought home two albums. I hope you had a great day, friend!

  11. Thank you, Holly! Isn't that amazing? I love those. I hope your Monday went well, my friend!

  12. Thank you, Marilyn! It was really special. I hope your weekend was good!

  13. Thanks, Tanya! You are so right. What a sweet event! That's so funny about those shoes. I felt like I was so big when I wore them!

  14. Thank you, Megan! For all of that. 🩷

  15. Glad you were feeling better this weekend. That sounds like such a special celebration of life for your sister. I remember wearing Dr. Scholls too; I loved those clogs. I bet they aren't anywhere near as comfortable as I remember them being though.

  16. Thank you, Joanne! It was such a sweet weekend. You are so right about those shoes! There is no way they were very comfortable with the footbed being a wood platform. I sure did love them, though!


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