Friday, February 9, 2024

Friday Favorites, 2.9.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How's your week been? Mine has been exponentially better than last week, thanks to the fact that I finally seemed to have kicked whatever crud I had. I'm so glad to be able to say that! Needless to say, I have some favorites, and I thought I'd share. 

Y'all, these framed art screensavers on YouTube (not YTTV) are my favorite! Here are exhibits A, B, and C. 

I really love that first one, with the pretty pink roses. Why do I love pink so much right now?! Would you believe that up until about four years ago, I despised the color pink? And now I can't seem to get it enough. I don't even know who I am anymore.

These words that I highlighted and added to the margin of my Bible were some of my favorite that I read this week. I needed to read the words on the day that I read them, not just for actual healing, but just to be reminded that God is always in control. 

I just might have a new favorite book! I devoured a book by my favorite author this week, one that I've been holding onto, because I fly through every book she writes. I both wanted to read the book and finish it, and I dreaded the ending, because now I'll have to wait forever until her next book comes out! So sad. 

One of Chloe's favorite places to be is in my lap, and one of her favorite things to do is to swipe my phone! I was cracking up over her this week. 

This was, by far, my favorite outfit of this week. I love this sweater with the hearts outlined in pearls! I got so many compliments on it this week when I wore it to work.

This was my second favorite outfit of the week, even though I almost roasted wearing it yesterday. 

This is our new favorite show to watch at night! The language is terrible, though, so consider yourself forewarned. 

One of my favorite types of posts is a "what's in my bag" post; while I'm not planning on one of those anytime soon, this was a glimpse of what is in my purse. It's filled with these little bags to keep things organized. This pouch is my favorite, and so are these lipsticks and cute little eyelash magnifying mirror that I always keep with me. 

One of my favorite color combinations is mocha brown and pink. I loved the look of this shirt with my favorite jelly bracelets that I wore to work on Wednesday. 

These chicken fajita nachos at our favorite Mexican restaurant last night were my favorite! So was the margarita that accompanied it. 😉

Did you happen to catch my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below.

Monday was Hello Monday and Prime Purchases.

Tuesday I shared some behind the scenes blogging tips. 

Wednesday was a double post day! First up was Currently, and next was our February home

Yesterday was Thankful Thursday

What was something that was a favorite for you this week? I'd love to hear about it! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. So glad you feel better! Wear that sweater as much as you can before Wednesday and beyond, of course! It's almost not sweater weather here anymore. I plan on wearing my green heart sweater a bunch.
    The fajitas look yum! I might have that tonight!
    I tried your screensaver trick! Love it!

  2. You are looking great Mama- LOVE your outfits and so glad you are feeling better :)

  3. Hello! I do love your pearl heart sweater! It's amazing! So, have you heard of VidAngel? It's a subscription service that links to your other streaming accounts and you use it to filter out language and many other things you don't want to see, but still want to enjoy a show? I tried to watch that Steve Martin show and just couldn't tolerate the language. I'm finding it harder and harder to watch tv these days because of the language. It's becoming so mainstream that even those of us who used to be bothered are becoming ok with it.

    What I keep going back to are the shows that you run across that have wonderful content, without all the garbage. It proves it can be done.

    Anyway, those YT screen savers are beautiful! I often choose one of the music channels that show the scenes like that and just leave it on to play. It's so soothing.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I am so glad you are Feeling better as well! You look so adorable in your sweater I just love the light pink hearts! I was just telling Amy I just found out about the YouTube wallpaper set to music at Christmas time. I’m so excited to put up screen savers as well. I love how festive and creative you can get with them.

  5. Thanks, Amy! I plan on wearing it as much as possible, and then I'll put it away until next year. It's almost no longer sweater weather for us here as well. I'm going to miss it! I do think we'll have some more cold weather before March, least, I hope we do. I miss it already! They were delicious, and I plan on eating the rest of them tonight. I had to bring them home, since I barely made a dent in the giant heaping platter! I hope you get to enjoy some tonight!

  6. Thank you, Holly! I am so glad to be feeling better. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!

  7. Debbie, I have heard of that, but have never tried it. I cringe every single time they say a word! I pray I never tolerate it as I do...and now that I'm hooked, I don't know that I can keep watching it without something like that. But you're right and we do often become calloused to things like that because it's so prevalent. This is why I love Hallmark/Great American Channel, HGTV, cooking shows, and even some reality shows.

    I love the screensavers with music! But I also kind of like to pick my own, so I don't always pick ones with it on in the background. I love them too! I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  8. Thanks, Andrea! I'm glad you found the screensavers at Christmas time; those are some of the best. I always just search for whatever month we're in and add framed art to my search and see what comes up. I like to pick the ones that are hours long.

  9. Glad you're feeling better. Love the art on your TV, especially when there's a gold frame, it's so realistic.

  10. Thank you, Pamela! Isn't that so cool?!

  11. I'm so glad you're feeling better. I love the art on the tv and your sweater too. Sadly, our sweater weather has just about ended here in Houston. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  12. How have I never thought of making chicken fajita nachos?! Those look delicious. I don't like the traditional nachos much at all but I'd be all over those. I love that pearly heart sweater. I really had to hold myself back from ordering one for myself.. I literally have no more room for any more sweaters.

  13. Thank you, Tanya! That is a sad day. I'm afraid ours is just about over as well!

  14. Joanne, you have GOT to try some! My favorites are the ones in the restaurants. I'm sure we will eat some yummy Mexican food while we're in Nashville! They have great places to eat. Your sweater situation made me laugh. Thanks for the compliment!

  15. That sweater is so cute and pink is a great color for you! I need to try those chicken fajitas next time I go. Murders in the Building is a great show, but yes, the language. Hope you're having a good weekend so far!

  16. Thanks, Marilyn! Yes! I don't know how long I'll be able to take it...thanks, friend!


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

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