Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Favorites, 2.23.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How was your week? Mine was really good, and I hope you can say the same! I definitely have some favorites from this week, so here goes...

Having Dad back in our home last week was a favorite! I'm looking forward to seeing him today as well. 

On the days when I know I'm not going anywhere at night, my favorite thing to do is to take a late afternoon/early evening shower and let my hair air dry all the way. I went from this to that in the two pictures below...

I took those and sent them to Todd, because my hair had grown exponentially larger as the day went on Friday. I think that was the day it rained, which explains why.

New journals are my favorite! This one came from Marshall's last week.

These towel bars are my new favorite thing in our kitchen! (Click those lighter words to be taken to a separate Amazon link. Jennifer, this is with you in mind!) 

Making lists will always be a favorite thing to do! I listened to a podcast episode to give us some ideas for an upcoming girls trip to Nashville.

This was a favorite thing that I saw online this week. My sister's sister-in-law shared this one day, and it resonated with me. Nobody is perfect! Find your people who can look past all of your flaws and mess-ups, and keep them close. If people can't see that in you, let it go and move right on along. 

Todd was craving Mexican food on Sunday, but I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere that night, so we went on Monday night instead and ate some of our favorite Mexican food. It was chilly, but it wasn't too bad; the delicious food made it worthwhile. We'd been talking about this place with Alex when he came down on Sunday night, and our mouths were watering the more we talked about the food! 

Berries have been my favorite snack this week! Strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries has been my dessert of choice this week, if I haven't had evening coffee.

This dinner is always a favorite! Bratwursts, and air-fried veggies tossed in olive oil and soy sauce (and salt, apparently). I did toss it around after I sprinkled some salt on it, but I got the ones on top, and it was so full so mine didn't cook all the way. I needed some added flavor! 

Speaking of Alex...

This picture he texted me is my new favorite. We texted back and forth one night this week, and he sent me all kinds of pictures of this adorable puppy that belongs to his girlfriend. He's so handsome and that pup is precious! (He recently got this new tattoo in memory of his sister, and when I told him I loved it, he wanted to come down to show me.😭 )

I bought these new favorite towels to use on the new towel bars; I am shocked at the quality of them, and how good they are! 

I was so hungry on Wednesday night, that I ate dinner alone at 4:30. I never have an issue with this when I have a book to keep me company!  Todd came down and joined me about ten minutes later. I have to eat early on Wednesdays because of work, and then I have to have a small snack when I get back home. I usually have a few tortilla chips and hummus. 

I shared this yesterday, but this new top is a favorite. It's so bright and happy!

Did you happen to catch my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Saturday was a bonus post that I titled, "what's in my Amazon cart or on my wish list".

Monday was Hello Monday.

Tuesday was my monthly "third Tuesday check-in".

Wednesday was February ins and outs.

And Thursday was a double post day with Thankful Thursday, and Fashion Files: things I love to wear.

Tomorrow is the February edition of Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk about some things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed this month. I hope you make plans to join us! It's always the last Saturday of every month. 

What was something from your week that was a favorite? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope you have the best weekend. Love to all!


  1. Yeah to yummy food whether at home or elsewhere! I like many items on your Nashville list:). I have not written anything out but have been thinking of them. Have a great weekend!

  2. Again, I love that shirt! I am going to try to do Share Four tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful day with your Dad!

  3. Give me all the berries. Alex is so cute with that pup. I love to let my hair air dry too. My goodness yours is beautiful. Have a great weekend!

  4. Yay for the Nashville trip! I really like the dish towels and have added the towel bar to my Amazon list for future reference. Have a good Friday with your dad!

  5. Maria, YES! That makes me happy, too. Marilyn and I met up last weekend and made a tentative game plan, based on timing of flights, arrivals, and some shops being closed on Sunday. It's going to be a blast!

  6. Thanks, Amy! I love it, too. I love the brightness of that red stripe! I hope your day goes by as quickly as possible!

  7. Thanks, Andrea! I feel the same; I love berries. I always miss fruit in the winter months, it's just not the same. Isn't he so handsome with that precious pup? I melted when he texted me that. Thank you for the kind words!

  8. I know, Marilyn! It'll be here before we know it. I'm looking forward to doing some things I've never done before! It'll be fun, no matter we decide on. Aren't those towels fun??

  9. What a great week! That pic of your Dad an his Chic-Fil-A squishes my heart! :) You look great in that striped top and love seeing the dog snuggles

  10. Love the brats and veggies, so I mentioned to hubby and he wants to try it too. Thanks for the suggestion. I've got a cousin with hair similar to yours and both of you are beautiful!

    Have a great day!

  11. It was, Holly! I like that picture too, and almost always sneak one while he prays before we eat. Thanks, my friend! I love it; it's so happy!

  12. I think you'll both enjoy that kind of meal, Cathy! I love things that are both easy and delicious. And it's pretty too! Thank you for that! I hope you enjoy your day and that your weekend is sunny and beautiful!

  13. Those new towels are lovely! I had texted my husband yesterday around 4 asking if we were going anywhere last night because I was ready to shower and wash my hair. I too like to shower early so it can dry before I go to bed.

  14. Is your Colorado towel from Cat Studio? I love their designs - we used to sell the towels, pillows, and glasses at the gift shop where I volunteered when we lived in Virginia.

  15. Thank you for putting so much time and planning into the! You are really on top of things. I loved seeing the highlights from your week. :)

  16. Joanne, I love a tea towel! That's so funny that you did that. Todd mentioned going somewhere again last night, and I was like, hair is wet and I'm in pj's. 🤣

  17. Pamela, I'm not sure, and I think the tag is gone by now. I bet it is, though! That's funny that you recognized it in the pic.

  18. Tanya, Marilyn and I kind of put together a tentative game plan; these were some additional things that sounded interesting. It's good that we'll have our vehicle so that we can drive! It'll be fun! Thanks for that, my friend!

  19. How lovely to have your dad in your home.
    I do love your hair and those towel bars are something I need in my kitchen.

  20. Kim, it really is! Thank you for that. I hope you'll share about them if you get some towel bars!


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