Tuesday, February 6, 2024

February home


Happy bonus blog post day, friends! 

No matter the season, I love having a home that feels inviting and cozy. One way I like to accomplish that is to make it a haven of space that brings me joy. I can't say for sure if the guys in the house care one way or another, but if I'm happy, that usually overflows into their lives as well. Apparently, I decorate our home according to each season that we're in, and I am okay with this. I love the feeling of contentment this brings to me when I'm at home. This is why I love being home so much! 

Last week while I was at home, I spruced things up as I cleaned one afternoon, and got our home all ready for February. I thought I'd share it all here today! 

First up, I shared this picture above on social media today. I wanted to remind people that they too can have a piece of "framed art" on their television screens in just a few steps. You search for "framed tv art" or "Valentine's day screensaver" on the YouTube app (NOT YouTube TV), and voila!

One area in our home that I love to decorate is this bookshelf. I added that heart banner, and I pulled some pink and red books from the shelves to display on top of the shelf. I love using the books I already throughout our home as decor. I once read an article about this— that when decorating in your home, you should use what you love. It's no secret how much I love books! I also added the little potted roses that I got from Marshall's a few years back.

Do you use artificial flowers in your home? It's a little "trick" that I like to use, and I love that there is zero maintenance required. Have you heard the decorating tip that each room needs a little bit of black? I think the same can be said for the color of pink! 

I love these tulips that I bought at HomeGoods two years ago! I couldn't find them last year, but Jonah recently discovered them as he cleaned out the attic a few months ago. I'm so glad he found them! Funny story: I'm terrified to go into our attic because of my fear of heights, and because of the bugs that are potentially up there. (Specifically, the roach and wasp variety.) 

I changed my candles and pulled out my red and white ones for now, but I need some newer ones that are more spring scented.

I added more hearts to the kitchen window where our tables sits, along with the birds on top of the heart that you see in the stained glass ornament. That ornament is one of my most treasured possessions! It belonged to Mom when she owned the florist, From the Heart.

I added my bird and spring time nest arrangement to our backdoor leading to the laundry room...

...and a few of my favorite magnets to our refrigerator. These have special meaning to me, and were given to me by people I love.

I cleaned off the dining room table again...(dang boys and their car parts)...

...and repurposed some things that were in other places throughout our home, like this glass globe with the brass house inside.

I straightened up the desk in the living room...

...and brought out one of my favorite purchases from last year.

I cleaned off our kitchen table and switched what had been sitting there for January with this little potted plant.

I flipped the pages of my calendar...

...and dug out my Valentines trivet and tea towels. 

And that's it! Just little touches of fresh color after all the heavier (darker) fall, Christmas, and wintry decor all over the house that make me happy. I also change the soaps in our bathrooms at the sinks, and I switch out my Mrs. Meyer's cleaning products for the more current spring smells like mint or peony. What do you do in your home for this time of year? I have discovered that most people don't change out their things as frequently as I do. I do this in the bookstore at church as well! 

Maybe you're inspired to do a little something in your home now; if you are, let me know! Or post about your home on your blog. I love to read about that and to see pictures. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. (Linking up with Joanne for Talking About it Tuesday.)


  1. The screen saver really looks like a piece of art. I love your flowers from Home Goods etc. I think artificial flowers (in small amounts) really brighten up a home. Everything looks great!

  2. Tanya, I think so too! And yes to the flowers in small amounts. I love the pops of color they give! I can hear my Mom saying to only choose realistic looking flowers. Thanks, friend!

  3. I love the idea of using books in the color of the holiday/season as décor! The Sisterchicks series is one of my all-time favorites. Do you have the devotional as well?

  4. Pamela, it's a great way to use what you already have! I do this for every season. That's my favorite series too! I do have it, but I haven't read it in ages.

  5. I have read several of the Sisterchick books. I went to high school with Robin, the author. I like your hearts and bookcases.

  6. Susan, that's so cool that you went to high school with Robin! I have loved her writing since I was a teenager; I had to wait on all of her Christy Miller books to be written as I finished one. I haven't met her personally, but we've corresponded several times back and forth, and her Sisterchicks series will always be my favorite series of books ever. I've read them all so many times!

  7. Hello! I absolutely love this one, my friend! I enjoyed seeing the sweet spots in your home you changed up for Valentine's Day and spring. We have a very similar style and a love for books. I am not a fan of Valentine's Day, per se. I enjoyed it when my kids were young, as I love all the holidays, but I always tell Steve that I don't need him to give Hallmark ten dollars to tell me he loves me! Have a cozy evening.

  8. I loved seeing all your Valentine touches! And your clean tables just seem so peaceful and set a calm tone. Your family is so lucky to have you!

  9. So many adorable and cozy touches! I do love decorating with fake flowers though I rarely use pink anywhere in our decor; however I love those pops of pink you showed. I won't go up into our attic either; luckily we don't store anything up there but I am terrified to open that space since the last time we did we had a bat in our bedroom the next day. I can't stand bats; even seeing them in zoos and things gives me the creeps.

  10. Thanks, Billie Jo! That made me laugh. I wholeheartedly agree!

  11. Thank you, Marilyn! That is such a nice thing to say. I don't know that they always feel that way, but... 🤣

    I agree about clean tables. There's nothing like it!

  12. Thanks, Joanne! If you like pink, you should try a pop or two in your house. I started small! I would DIE if I saw a bat in my bedroom! I had a roach on my pillow once and I literally almost lost my mind. I had nightmares for weeks!


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