Monday, January 29, 2024

weekend recap, 1.29.24.


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was okay, but pretty low key, thanks to rain and being a bit under the weather. I'm always glad to have time at home to recoup and rest when I'm not feeling my best. 

Because of all this, I decided to make my post more about the food we ate this weekend. I had made plans for Friday and Saturday, but one was canceled because of sickness, and the other because of weather. I missed seeing Dad on Friday, but we talked on the phone twice that day. All is well with him, he was just a bit confused because it wasn't a normal Friday for him. That night, Todd and I went to our favorite local Mexican restaurant, then onto Sam's for me to restock the bookstore snack items and drinks. We lead such exciting lives! 🤣

When we got there, he unhooked this giant espresso machine that you see to his left, and in the process discovered where water was leaking from. He started to make the repair that night, but he needed some parts from Harbor Freight and Lowe's, so we postponed it until Saturday. We enjoyed a lazy morning of watching The Voice, then we went to finish this job. While he did this, I restocked the cooler for Sunday. We weren't there that long, but I got creeped out when I saw people I didn't recognize walking through the foyer near the bookstore. There were people in the back of the building for basketball games that were happening, but nobody should have been where we were. For this reason, you will NEVER see me go to the bookstore after hours by myself. I'm a big chicken! 

I love how it looks now without the bulky espresso machine! I decided to give it back to its owner, because since I've been there, only three people have asked for that. It's a royal pain to stop and make an espresso for people on a busy Sunday morning! That was the other problem; I needed a third person to do just that one thing, and it gets crowded back there when there's two of us, much less three. My next goal is to purchase a utility cart that I'll keep all those carafes on in my closet that's attached to the bookstore. 

I never really ate lunch that day, so around two, I was starving. I made another recipe that I found on TikTok, and it was out of this world delicious. 

It was called a pizza bowl, but it was definitely more of a dip. Here's what I did:

I used one cup of cottage cheese, two pieces of sliced cheese (I used pepper jack), one Babybel wheel of cheese, half a cup of marinara, garlic powder, a sprinkle of salt, and two tablespoons of sliced green olives with pimentos. I microwaved it all for three minutes, and somehow, eating it as a dip on a tortilla chip made it taste exactly like pizza. It was so good! There's a ton of protein in it, so I couldn't eat much, but Todd finished it off before he went in for work. It would be a perfect Super Bowl snack! You could add more protein by adding in some meat, but I didn't have anything I wanted to use. 

Then a few hours later, I had this for dinner.

Blueberry (protein) pancakes with sugar free syrup. It was so good! Have you used this brand of pancake mix? It's really good and there is very little sugar, so thanks to that and the sugar free syrup, it was practically guilt free. I love to have breakfast for dinner sometimes! This would also be good to use for blueberry muffins. One serving size is three four inch pancakes. I didn't follow the instructions on the box; I added in one egg and enough water to make it a thicker batter consistency, and I added in additional frozen blueberries. I will definitely be doing this again on a night when I'm home alone! 

How was your weekend? Did you do anything more fun than what I did? It's not hard. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. That espresso machine was massive! I hope you feel better and I'm sorry some of your plans got changed.
    I have been seeing cottage cheese for a queso recipe and for edible cookie dough. I'm so curious!
    I have bought Kodiak once and was pretty impressed. I guess I need to think about that again. Some use it for muffins, too!

  2. That pizza bowl dip looks really good! So do the pancakes. Decreasing my sugar intake is something I’m trying to do, so that’s a good option for me to have! I love breakfast for dinner and we do it a lot!

  3. What a delicious weekend! So cozy and yummy and perfect time of year for it :)

  4. We are on the same wavelength today with food my friend!! You made me hungry this morning. That pizza bowl looks absolutely divine and I am definitely going to be making it as soon as possible. Off to start my grocery list. Have a great start to your week!

  5. Amy, it was huge! I'm so glad to have it gone. I didn't mind too much about my plans, especially since I was coming down with something. The Kodiak mix is excellent! Especially when it means you can eat pancakes, which I love. My son has been buying some, and that's how I found out about it; I decided to try my own. This was the blueberry mix, and I ate them with sugar free syrup, which was also delicious.

  6. Megan, you'll have to try both of these! They were so good.

  7. Andrea, let me know what you think of it! I had it again for lunch yesterday, and it was just as good the second time!

  8. Oh, I definitely have to make that dip for dinner.
    Hope you're feeling better!

  9. That dip sounds yummy and how fun to find something good! I am a fan of Kodiak brand and is what we use for waffles/pancakes. Add in sugar free syrup and it sure helps enjoing good food without all the splurge of calories. Happy Monday friend!

  10. Kirsten, I hope you like it! Thanks for that!

  11. Marilyn, I know! It was fun to find out that I can eat pancakes practically guilt free again. Thanks, friend! Enjoy your day!

  12. I keep seeing those Kodiak pancakes...and I really think I need some of those in my morning! The mix is a good idea. Someone was using the frozen ones and I checked those out at the store. Whoa expensive for frozen pancakes. In my humble opinion. The dip also looks delish and, yes, perfect, for game day. I'm not a huge cottage cheese fan....but hopefully all the other goodness would disguise it:) Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier...and letting me know the post was actually up and running! Hooray:) Have a great week, my friend!

  13. My sister uses that brand of pancake mix and says it's really good. I haven't tried it yet, but I think I may soon.

    I don't blame you for not going in by yourself. I wouldn't either.

    Hope you're feeling better and have a great day.

  14. We had a pretty quiet weekend too with lots of rain and snow.. we did go visit my mother in law after her surgery and took the boys out to dinner (which would have been fun if I hadn't been fighting off a massive headache). The food was yummy though and Alec pulled up a fun game on his phone that I got sucked into playing with him.

  15. The pizza bowl looks like a great snack and I love blueberry pancakes!

  16. Jennifer, you need to try the mix! It's expensive as well, but it's less than the premade frozen pancakes, and probably healthier. I will say that I goofed and added an egg, because the box says all you do is add water. I'm glad your blog is back up and running!

  17. Cathy, right? It's so creepy! You'll have to try the mix and tell me your thoughts!

  18. Joanne, I hate that you had a headache during your dinner out! But yay for sharing a fun game with Alec. We've had that same kind of headache thing going on here, thanks to the ever changing temps.

  19. Pamela, I love them too! You should try them both!

  20. I hope you're feeling better. The coffee area looks so much better without the giant machine! I want to try those power pancakes. Hope you have a good week.

  21. Tanya, you should try the pancake mix! It would even work well as muffins or a cake. I'm going to be doing more with it as soon as I feel more up to it!


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