Tuesday, January 9, 2024

unpopular opinions


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about unpopular opinions here today, just to stir things up a little bit. I'll be curious to know whether or not you agree with my sentiments! 

I'll jump in! 

I really dislike country music. I live in a house of men who love it, and I can barely stand to listen. I do enjoy the older country music, like George Strait, Alan Jackson, etc. But other than that, I really don't enjoy that genre anymore. All the songs talk about the same stuff! 

I don't understand the hype behind Taylor Swift. I do admit to enjoying her older music, when she was considered "country", so I have fond memories of songs like Love Story, when that was Drew's favorite song and he would blast it in his room and in my car. Maybe I'd feel differently if I had a daughter today, but I just don't get the hype. Also, is it just me or does she bash men a bit in her music? I'm asking honestly, because it just seems like that to me from the few songs I've heard. 

I don't enjoy going to see movies in the theater anymore. I have to really be convinced that I'm going to love it before I'll spend money on a ticket. This was my issue over seeing the movie Barbie last summer! I was so irritated that I spent almost $20 on a ticket and seriously hated the movie. 

On the show Friends, I loved Monica and Richard as a couple, and I wished Joey and Rachel had worked out. 

I also kind of think there hasn't been a show as good as Friends since the last episode was filmed. I do enjoy Gilmore Girls and the show Parenthood that was on air for seven seasons. I think Parenthood was similar to Friends, on a grown up level. (Can you tell this what I'm rewatching currently?) 

I dislike white vehicles, because everyone and their brother drives one.

I am not a fan of Valentine's day! Call me a rebel, or whatever, but I feel strongly about this day. 

I love talking on the phone! I would prefer to call than text, but I don't call many people since they would think that's freakish. 

I strongly dislike and do not trust birds. I don't care how beautiful they are, they slightly terrify me. I have felt this way since one pooped in my hair while I worked full time at a car dealership before I had kids. 

I would prefer to rewatch something than to start a new show. 

What are some unpopular opinions you have? I'm curious to know! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

I'm linking up with Joanne today for Talk About it Tuesdays.


  1. I love unpopular opinions posts! I don't agree on all counts, but that's ok!
    I can't handle a laugh track on a show anymore. It really bugs me.
    I read that people with anxiety want to re-watch shows because they no what will happen and don't have anxiety over it. Hello! Me with Gilmore Girls when I wake up and can't get back to sleep. It's a really bad habit, but I put one airpod in to go to sleep and if I wake up I watch a bit on my phone.

  2. I do not like the country song by Jelly Roll “need a favor!” I will literally turn the station.
    I do not like RED vehicles
    I do not like going to the movies either, in fact I rarely watch TV
    I do not like the swearing in so many movies, videos etc

  3. I share some of the same opinions as you! I only like the old country music, I don’t like Taylor swift or see the hype either, I also had a bird poop on my shoulder when I was a kid at school during recess! I was so embarrassed, but I don’t know why since I couldn’t help it at all.

  4. Amy, I love them too! I have read that same thing about rewatching shows. It makes perfect sense! The laugh track is cheesy. We've all gotten used to reality shows, too, which makes a sitcom strange. For some reason, though, none of this bothers me with Friends. I love watching old shows to have on in the background of the room!

  5. Jen, I've never even heard of that song! 🤣 Ugh, on the swearing in the movies/shows. I can take some, but I cannot stand it when they continually use the F word. I'm always wanting to offer them a thesaurus so they could at least find another word.

  6. Meghan, that's funny that we're alike on most of these!

  7. This gave me a few chuckles BUT you and I are so similar when it comes to birds- can't stand them- fear them- disgusted by them- ha!

  8. Holly, SAME! Especially the seagulls at the beach. They seriously creep me out and have no fear whatsoever! Neither do the pigeons in NYC!

  9. This is so fun. We were in agreement on about half of these. I do like country music, going to the movies, and I drive a white car! I'm not into Taylor Swift, but see what the hype is with girls in my daughter's generation. I like watching birds, but not when they get close to me!

  10. Great post, Jennifer, I seriously chuckled at some of these!

  11. I don't think I have read an unpopular opinion posts - but I sure did enjoy reading yours! Let me see...without elaborating (although I love to elaborate!)

    * country music is beyond annoying
    * NO IDEA what it is about Taylor Swift (other than we are a society of crowd followers!)
    * no movie is worth the price of a theater ticket
    * I have never watched an episode of Friends (really?)
    * no white vehicles - for the exact same reason
    * I like birds:) is that a popular opinion....probably is among old folks like myself!!:)

  12. These are always some of my favorite posts! I'm also not a fan of country music and don't understand the whole Taylor thing either. I do drive a white truck though lol. I also don't like birds, no thank you beaks and talons. I do have chickens though, the eggs I'm ok with.

  13. Fun!!!! Ok. I do not care for country music, either. At all. I like Taylor Swift because my oldest daughter loves her and has since the beginning. She does put on an incredible show! I drive a white Wrangler. This is my second one, and when my husband asked what color I wanted for a new one, I said white. The black accessories really pop on white. He couldn't believe I wanted the exact same color! But that's that! Finally! I found someone who feels the same way about the Barbie Movie that I do!! I hated it. Every single moment! Now, Oppenheimer? That was incredible. As for me?Unpopular opinion...Hmmm. Oh! I know. I don't like steak. I would rather eat a hot dog! And..I love love love, Post Malone!!!

  14. Thanks, Tanya! Your comment made me laugh. I do think if I had a daughter, I may feel different about Taylor Swift's music. I know that Drew loved her at one time when she was newer.

  15. Jennifer, this is why we're friends! We have so much in common, apparently! 🤣

  16. Thanks, Sierra! Your comments about a white truck and chickens and eggs made me laugh. Thanks for stopping by and commenting today!

  17. Billie Jo, I have seen black interior in a white vehicle, and you are right! Hey, it's good to stick with something that works, right? I couldn't tell you who Post Malone is, but I know my sons like him (them???). I don't listen to a lot of that kind of music, obviously. 🤣

  18. Okay, what a fun post! To chime in here....
    I'm an 80's or older country music fan, other than some Tim McGraw in the 90's.
    I just said the same comment about Taylor Swift over Christmas...not sure why all the hype.
    Movies are so expensive, but we have discovered Tuesday night half price with the Malco Rewards. It has made it fun again, as long as you can find a decent movie to go see!
    I liked Richard and Monica too. How can you not be a fan of Tom Selleck?? But then I liked Monica and Chandler too.
    My parents drive a white car, but I don't prefer them either.
    I remember calling you back in March on the phone!
    I am not a bird person either! I only like them from a far distance to see a pretty redbird or bluejay.

  19. Ugh I just read my comment and I said "no" instead of "know" - so embarrassing! How did I do that? I blame it on being tired!
    I also love reality!

  20. Marilyn, your sentence below is why we're friends.

    "Who doesn't love Tom Selleck?"

    Seriously, we have way too much in common. 🤣

  21. Amy, you make me laugh! I knew what you meant, friend. Let's just chalk it up to traveling and being tired. 🤣

  22. Such a fun post! I feel the same way about movie theaters (and didn't like the Barbie movie either though I streamed it at home for free). I tend to rewatched older shows too; I used to think it was because I just don't like many of the new shows. My favorite genre is sitcoms and they don't really exist any more... but I also think a large part of liking the older shows is the familiarity.


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