Tuesday, January 16, 2024

third Tuesday check-in


Happy Tuesday, friends! It's day two of being snowed in for us in the greater Memphis area. It's so pretty! I'm not tired of it yet, but check back in tomorrow. And on that note, I am starting a new monthly series for myself called "third Tuesday check-in", when I'll share a very honest assessment on how I'm doing spiritually, physically, emotionally, and personally

I know this may sound strange, but sometimes how I feel spiritually changes from day to day. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing really good with my relationship with the Lord, and some days I feel like a fraud. I know that is not really the case, but sometimes the enemy is good at his job and I doubt things about this with myself. Are you like this? I feel like this is something that is normal for most of us. That being said, I am in a good place spiritually, only because God is good, and He has made me love His word. I read it everyday, and I spend time with Him in prayer leading up to that and following what I've read. This all because of the mercy and grace of the Lord, by the way. I will say that even when I don't "feel" like reading the word of God, I do it anyway. It takes faithfulness and diligence on my part to feel close to God, much like it would between two best friends. A relationship requires connection, and those are the ways that I connect with Him, even on the days when I'm not feeling it. 

That may sound slightly terrible, but it's the honest truth. There are days when I just don't want to open my Bible, but I do it anyway. I never let myself get too far behind, or I'll fall so far behind that it'll overwhelm me. This is why I like having a Bible plan to read the Bible. I'm doing that this year with The Bible Recap, which I loved last year when I read through the New Testament with them. I am a huge fan of reading or listening on my phone, and then listening to the five to ten minute podcast or YouTube teaching video that follows. She teaches us to look for Jesus everywhere throughout, because even though He doesn't make a human (fully God, fully man) appearance until the New Testament, He is actually all throughout Scripture!

This was what I shared on my Instagram story yesterday after I finished reading in the book of Job. It's true, what I shared; God is faithful and He restored to Job much more at the end of the book that he ever had to begin with. Are you familiar with his story? Job was a righteous and blameless man, we're told in the first chapter, and God allowed Satan to sift him to test his faith. He lost everything that was important to him, but at the end, God restored it all in abundance. 

I am thankful to say that I feel good physically this month. So many people have been sick, and I don't want to take for granted the good health that I have. I say that as far as my health, because it goes down from there. 🤣 Even though my health is intact, I feel bad physically because I have not been eating great. I really need to get back to doing better again; Todd being gone last week is what I'm blaming. I don't have as much willpower when he's not around to hold me accountable. It makes a huge difference! I have put a few pounds back on, even though it hasn't been anything too crazy. I can tell a difference in how I feel because when I don't eat well, I feel bloated. Have you felt like this before? We truly are what we eat; not that I eat a whole foods diet by any stretch of the imagination, I do try to eat nutritiously as much as I am able. I've been indulging way too much lately, and I have to stop! I do not want to lost the momentum I gained last year, and because it's early in the year, I will be better at this. 

I am so glad to say that I feel better and stronger emotionally this month than last. I don't know if it was a hormonal issue or what, but I felt very emotional the closer the date crept to Christmas. The day of was the same. You've all heard me say that as much as I love the season, I am never a fan of the actual day, because I always feel a little melancholy. Part of this, I think, is because our sons are grown. It's just not as much as fun when you don't have little kids at home! There were several times that day that I cried. 

I also feel like some of this has to do with the fact that I have let go of obsessing over things that I cannot control. This could be a variety of things—it may be something like worrying over my sons' futures (or decisions), what other people perceive to be true about me, a number on a scale, or the condition of the world we live in. It feels so much healthier and freeing to live this way! I highly recommend it. 😉 I saw a meme recently about how wonderful it is to live in a world when we know that we cannot control what other people think of us. Social media can be such a fun thing, but it can also be a very damaging thing, which plays into this type of thinking of ourselves more often than we should. I know so many of you agree with me on this.  

Personally, I feel very grateful. There are so many things that make me feel like this today as I write this blog post. I am in a warm home with a cozy fire, with lots of snow on the ground. My family is all safe and sound, and I know where they all are. I love knowing that they're out having fun in the snow. Is one ever too old for that? I love being at home indefinitely, too. I don't know if I'll work this week or not yet; each day will be decided as we get closer to a new one. I do know that even if the church offices stay closed, I need to go there one day to do the deposit for the week and to restock the drink cooler. I don't mind the thought of this, because I so love my job! I love having snow on the ground to look at! It is beautiful outside, and we have at least six inches of it on the ground. It snowed for close to twenty four hours, in big, beautiful flakes. I love having an excuse to be lazy and sit around reading all day. All of these things make me so happy on a personal level. 

So does this book! I love this author who is also a fun follow on Instagram. I love that she corresponds with her readers; show me an author that does that, and I will almost always invest money in their books. She and I messaged back and forth on Instagram one night; the more we talked, the more I realized I like what she has to say. She's fun and funny, and I highly recommend this book. 

Do you have anything you want to contribute about how you feel spiritually, physically, emotionally, and/or personally so far this month? I would love to chat more about this! 

I'm linking up with Joanne for this post.

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Amen! I feel like letting go of different things and not worrying about what others think is always a challenge but it gets easier as you get older right? One of the perks and benefits of turning 50 I guess :)

  2. Great post! So relatable! I have been eating better and it's amazing how it really only takes a week or less to reduce that bloating and just feel better and have so much more energy. Isn't our body amazing?
    I had a hard first semester with some sadness and just questioning my stage in life and now I feel better about it. Daily devotions and prayer and reading your inspiring words are really helpful.

  3. Holly, you are so right! That is something great about getting older. With age comes wisdom!

  4. Thanks, Amy! You are so right about how incredible our bodies are, especially when we pay attention to what they're telling us. I'm so glad that you're feeling better about things in the new year. Thanks for the kind words, my friend! 🖤

  5. Such a great idea to take an honest look at yourself each month! I think we all have the spiritual ups and downs, no matter how “seasoned” of a Christian you are. You’re so right though - reading the Word even if you don’t feel like it is such a great habit. Because usually if I don’t “want” to, once I start reading I’m so glad I did!!

  6. Thanks, Megan! You are right about seeing the difference while reading; I often experience that same feeling.

  7. I relate to so many things here! On my phone screensaver is a picture of words which say things that are in my control and those that are out of my control. But goodness, the enemy attacks me with thoughts, especially at night. Last night was a bad one for me. Keep enjoying the snow views! It's so pretty!

  8. Six inches of snow! Wow, I am a bit jealous though I know for some it wreaks havoc so maybe I shouldn´t be jealous. I am glad that you are healthy and your loved ones are healthy and safe and sound. It sounds like you are in a really great place right now which is amazing. Thanks for your thoughtful words, as always!

  9. I like your honesty about getting in God's word even when you don't feel like it. I feel the same way sometimes, but never regret when I "make myself" read the Bible. I also relate so much to the bittersweet feeling of Christmas. I really cherished everything about the holidays this year, because I felt like it might be the last time both kids were home for an extended time. Next year G will not have as much time off, and J is becoming more attached to life in his apt in his college town. Stay cozy in the snow. We just have ice patches and cold temps here in Texas...not very pretty!

  10. Hubby and I have either been at church or home these last days. Not because of snow, but because of the cold. I haven't been able to settle on what I want to do for my own devotional time yet this year. But today I listened to an interview with Lisa Harper about a new 60 day devotional she's written. It's called Jesus A Scandalously Devoted, Conspicuously Uncool, Super-Transparent Homage to Who Our Savior Is and How Much He Loves Us. So I ordered it from Amazon and it should come tomorrow. I think that's what I need to hear and remember right now that Jesus does really love me. I'm really excited to read this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and being open and vulnerable here. Stay warm and have a blessed day.

  11. Great post! Definitely feeling better after just 16 days of healthy eating (they say the first two weeks is the hardest and it was!). Hoping to keep it going. Quite a bit going on in our lives so I'm on a roller coaster emotionally but things will level out eventually.

  12. Marilyn, I love that you have a reminder on your phone! That's a great idea. I think so many of us can relate to this kind of thing!

  13. Maria, I know! It's a lot for us where we live. I'm still loving it, but I'm planning to get out some tomorrow with Todd. He volunteered to drive me, since I don't drive in this. Thanks for that, my friend! 🤣

  14. Thanks, Tanya! Oh, friend. My heart sank a little for you as I read your words. Things change so quickly from year to year! It's wise to savor all the time while it's there to enjoy. I try to always do the same, but also somehow without having expectations that are too high. That's tricky!

  15. Thank you for your kind words, Cathy! It's nice that you and your hubby also had church to go to, to get out of the house. I have heard of that book! I think that sounds like the perfect choice for you. You'll have to share your thoughts on what you think about it once you've read it for a bit. I love Lisa Harper! She is one of my favorite Bible teachers, especially because she is so relatable. I love following her on Instagram! She's always cracking me up.

  16. Thanks, Pamela! That's amazing that you're feeling the difference after 16 days of healthier eating. I hope that things are okay; I relate to what you said about those things affecting you emotionally. I am often the same way! XOXO

  17. We got a bit of snow this week but then it turned to ice and while I love how it looks on all the trees, the ice over the snow makes it so hard to get out and do anything.. not that I'm up to venturing out yet anyway but I'm starting to feel back to my old self! Thank you so much for linking up with us!

  18. I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel better, Joanne! I agree with you; snow is okay, but ice is no fun at all. We're predicted to get that tonight, since it rained/sleeted here today. Oh, joy!


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