Thursday, January 4, 2024

thankful Thursday, 1.4.2024.


Happy Thursday, friends! I guess it's official that I am bringing back Thankful Thursday blog posts. If your heart should so choose, there will be a link-up at the bottom for anyone who wants to join. This is a weekly link party and there are no rules, except for being mindful to take notice of things you're thankful for on any given week. I'll jump in on that note.

I am thankful for friends and significant others for our sons! Graham had a friend in town this weekend, Drew spent the weekend taking care of his very sick girlfriend, Jonah hung out with his girlfriend Laura, and Noah spent time at a nearby lake this weekend with two friends, one of which is the lifelong kind and my bonus son, Alex. I do not take this lightly! I remember the days of them being young and noticing how mean kids were, and how full of drama they were, even boys. I would pray something along these lines: "Lord, even if it's just one, please give my boys each one lifelong and loyal friend." I can attest to the fact that He heard and answered every single time I prayed that! I love knowing that they almost always have plans and nice people to do things with. 

I am thankful for cozy views like the one we had in our living room every night this week. This means that I am also thankful for the fact that we have a home that is warm. Todd bought some firewood on Monday afternoon from someone on Facebook Marketplace, and for $120, he delivered and stacked one chord of wood for us into the stand we have in the backyard. What a blessing! We love a fire in the winter.

I am thankful that I got to be back at work this week! It felt great to be there and to start getting things back to normal again. I loved the time off too, but I do miss being there when I'm not. I love that people pop by to say hello to me and to chat. It feels so fun, and cheerful all the time, which you all know I love. Todd came with me yesterday to help me get the Christmas decorations down, and I was so appreciative for his help! The furniture in there is HEAVY, and I could never do it without him. We got the trees packed away, I put away the table decor I'd used during the holiday season, and I got a good list started of things I need to get done today. I'll try to remember to take pictures today to share here tomorrow, of more changes we made. 

I'm thankful for God's protection as our sons travel and go about life. Two of them were out of town over the weekend last week, and I am always grateful when they're home safe again. 

I'm thankful that Drew's girlfriend is better. She was so sick last weekend that he had to take her to the ER they were closest to while out of town, only for her to be transported back to a hospital here by ambulance. That was a scary couple of days for him, and I'm sure even more so for her! I've been checking on her each day to see if she needs anything, but he's done a good job of watching over her. That makes my heart proud of him for being a good caretaker. 

I'm thankful to see sunshine this week! It's been dreary, which I don't really mind, but I do miss how the sunlight pours into the back of our home in the winter. It washes my chair with its light, and it always feels so good and so warming! The dogs love it too, and fight over those coveted spots in our floor. 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear! Remember that there are ZERO rules to this link party. Just write your post and share it here so we can join in the reading. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. I'm thankful we brought my mother in law home from the hospital yesterday afternoon!! I'll be check in on her again today but she was looking really good last night and of course was so happy to be home again.

  2. So much to be thankful for! I felt God's hand on every element of our trip. It was really what we needed. I feel closer to all of my crew after this experience. I am thankful to have a job that I mostly love to go back to next week. But, I am also so thankful to have this time between coming home and going back. I really appreciate my luxuries after being in the UK - my bathrooms, my ugly needs to be renovated kitchen is still better than the kitchens we had over there, my central air and heating, so much! Ha! I even appreciate the wider variety we have at the grocery. There's nothing like travel to help you see your life with fresh eyes.
    Have a great day at work today!

  3. Joanne, that is wonderful that she was finally able to go home! What a long stint she had in the hospital, and to be over the holidays had to have been so hard for all of you. I'm so glad to hear this news! Thanks for linking up today!

  4. Amy, I think that is so amazing about how you feel closer to everyone after your trip together. Sometimes we need that kind of thing, you know? And what a gift to you and Tom, even if the money part hurt a good bit. It's interesting to hear you talk about how different things are for you at home compared to how they are in the UK. We are very fortunate, indeed, and we do all sometimes lose sight of that. I hadn't thought about the things you mentioned, but I can see that and it makes sense. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Jennifer,
    Your job sounds like fun! It's a good job, when you don't dread going back :)

    Today I am so thankful for this week of rest. I declared this week as an "off" week and have been busy just organizing and reading and being slow around the house. It's just what I needed after a busy Fall and holiday season.

    Have a wonderful day :)

  6. I'm thankful for so many things, but especially for my son returning safely home from Nicaragua last week, and my daughter and her family arriving safely in South Carolina last night. Her husband works on the pipeline, so they travel quite a bit.

  7. Hi, Debbie! My job is SO MUCH FUN. I really do love it, and you are so right! It's a good job when you don't dread going. I'm so thankful for that! Your week sounds delightful, and much needed. I'm glad to hear that it's been going like you'd hoped! I hope you enjoy the rest of the week, my friend. 🖤

  8. Megan, I'm so glad to hear that both made it either home or back to their homes safely! I know what you mean; two of our sons traveled recently, and I slept so much better knowing they were safe and sound when they returned. Have a great day!

  9. So many good things, Jennifer! Do you plan to host this link party each Thursday? If so, I will plan to do a Thankful Thursday post whenever I can on Thursdays. It´s great that your sons traveled safely and that Drew´s girlfriend is Ok- how scary. She is lucky she has Drew and you to help her out as she recovers :). Have a great day!

  10. So much to be thankful for! This week I am thankful for the mild winter weather we have been experiencing thus far, cozy nights with reading and tv and seeing my girls happy in their activities!

  11. Thankful that we were all healthy over the holidays. It seems no end to those I know (or have read about) that were sick....and/or in the hospital. So grateful there was nary a cough over here:) Praying for continued good health through the winter!

  12. So many good things you have to be thankful for. A job you love, your family being safe and healthy, you guys having good friends. My youngest travels quite a bit with her husband as he works in the oil was so good to find out at her wedding that she has made some really good friends in those travels. That sure blessed this mama's heart.

  13. Maria, thank you! Yes, this will be a weekly link-up. I hope you join in sometime! That's sweet of you to say, I am just so glad she's so much better!

  14. Thanks, Holly! Oh, that is so nice. I know you're loving the warmer temps!

  15. Jennifer, I feel the same way! I know so many people who have been sick. I'm glad to hear you two were healthy!

  16. Cathy, YES! I know you loved hearing that your daughter made such great friends along the way. I feel that same way!


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