Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thankful Thursday, 1.11.2024.


Happy Thursday, friends! I have so much to be thankful for this week. I thought I'd share a few of the things that have filled my heart with gratitude in the past few days.  

This first thing has to do with work. Ever since I was hired in August, I was told that the bookstore manager position is a crucial roll within our church. It's a neutral area for people (seasoned members and new visitors) to come to, and I was told that it's really like every other area in the church—a ministry and an opportunity to be able to pour into others. I've been witness to this many times since that day that I was first told that, and the gravity of that hit me as I was getting dressed one day. Being in the position I'm in also affords me the opportunity to be able to pray for the people I come across. That particular morning that I was getting dressed, I thought of someone I'd heard about who needed prayer, I spent some time praying for her. I am thankful to be able to do that, and I don't take it lightly. 

I'm also grateful for the fact that prayer is such a powerful weapon. So many people that I know and love are hurting right now, and in need of prayer. I know that we all see this everyday on social media, but do you ever think about the power of your words? When I come across someone I know about that I read (on Facebook) that needs prayer, before I write that I will pray for them, I actually pray for them. I think sometimes that is something we forget to do; we say the words, and then we don't follow them up with actually praying. 

Also, speaking of people and work, I am so thankful to have lots of people back in the building with us! I miss the Bible study ladies when they're not there. It was way too quiet at Christmas without them, and when the classes started back on Tuesday of this week, I said this to everyone who walked in the door to see me for something. Breaks are always nice, but I am so glad things are up and running again! What a privilege it is to be part of a large church; I feel like it's always hustling and bustling! Yesterday we had the monthly Chamber of Commerce luncheon there, and it's so much fun having the building be so full. 

I am thankful for my sons picking up the slack while their dad is out of town! I am an early-to-bed gal, which means that all the dogs need watching and tending to when I go upstairs at nine p.m. and are used to having someone up longer with them. Confession: I could have screamed on Tuesday night when Jonah's dog kept waking me up and I was the only one here for a bit. I get so grumpy when I've fallen asleep and then get woken up by a vehicle or a dog.

I am always thankful for afternoons at home, even when I have to go back to work that night! Those hours at home feel luxurious and they recharge me. Wednesdays feel long to me, so I was glad for that time at home yesterday afternoon before church that night. I loved having the last two Wednesday nights off while we were closed for the holidays.

I am thankful for sunny days! It was gorgeous here yesterday, and it felt so good that afternoon as I sat in the living room. The way my chair faces makes the winter sunshine shine down on me in the afternoons, and it feels like I'm getting a good dose of vitamin D. Well, it doesn't just feel like that, I actually am getting just that. 

The picture (that I didn't take) is blurry, but I am always so thankful to see pictures like this! This is my son Drew at work here in his hometown one day this week. They were replacing a unit at a local fast food restaurant, and someone took this picture of him standing on top of the building. I love that his company does this! They're always posting on social media, so I get to see what he's up to. He texted me telling me this before I actually saw this picture, but it does my heart good knowing that my sons love their jobs. 

I am thankful that my son Jonah figured out why my dryer quit drying this week. With Todd being gone, I was beginning to wonder how much longer the dryer was going to work before he gets back home to deal with it, but I had the thought to ask Jonah. He took the back off and had the whole thing taken apart practically in no time, only to discover it wasn't the dryer that was causing the problem, but the tubing going from the dryer to outside our home, It was clogged with a massive amount of lint, and I am so grateful that he found it, especially since that is how fires in the home are started. In the process, I think I need a tetanus shot now because I sliced my finger in the whole process. 🤣 I'm only slightly kidding. 

I am thankful for safe travels for the people I love! Todd made it to California safely Sunday night, and Drew's girlfriend Caitlyn made it safely back to her school in Mississippi. I never want to take this lightly, and I can rest easy at night knowing when my people are nestled safely in their beds. 

What are you thankful for this week? I can't wait to read yours! 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends, and for linking up! Love to all. 

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  1. Loved reading about your sons picking up the slack and even figuring out your dryer- you are blessed!

  2. Yes, so much this week! I hate been woken up, too! That is the hard thing about parenting older teens and young adults - so hard to rest easy until you know they are safe.

  3. Thanks, Holly! I am definitely blessed.

  4. Amy, that's funny that you're the same. It's hard for me to go back to sleep! And you are so right!

  5. I also make an effort to really pray for someone when I say that I´m going to, rather than just say that I will pray for them. That is awesome about the dryer and so true about the lint. Thank goodness Jonah found the problem! Have a great Thursday!

  6. My son also fixed my dryer, which had some lint clogging it up! So thankful because I wasn’t looking forward to buying a new one. Yes I am also thankful for the power of prayer!! Our God is so good!

  7. Maria - my husband had one of his co-workers tell him that when someone asked for prayer, he stopped right then and there and prayed for them so he wouldn’t forget! I think that’s a great practice.

  8. Maria, I try to do the same thing! I've even prayed on the spot before with people that I've run into and know in stores like Target or in a grocery store. I know! That could have been so bad.

  9. Meghan, that's crazy that you had the same thing happen! Thank the Lord for handy sons.

  10. Much to be thankful for....especially someone helping out with the dogs after bedtime. That would be crucial for me! I can get a bit grumpy after my bedtime - lol!! So glad you are enjoying your ministry at the church. I know you are a blessing to many there!

  11. I'm thankful that Drew was able to complete the repair and come back down to ground level safely!

  12. Jennifer, YES! I feel the same way and get grumpy when I'm up too late. I do make exceptions on occasion, of course, but my norm is definitely an early bedtime. Thank you for that, my friend!


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