Wednesday, January 17, 2024

❄️snow days❄️ (January 17, 2024)


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share about what it looks like here right now, because it's beautiful. I don't ever want to be too old to enjoy a snow day! Even if our sons are grown, even if schools being closed never affects us, I will always love and appreciate a forced cozy day (or a few) at home. Our schools and church offices were closed yesterday, so I stayed home again yesterday, and it's looking like it's going to be the same for tonight, with Wednesday night activities being canceled. 

Here's what the weather has been doing here: On Sunday around two, it started snowing and did not let up for about twenty four hours. The temps were down in the twenties on Sunday, and on Monday, the high was around 11*. We got close to seven or eight inches! This is unheard of for us in the South; where we live near Memphis, we usually get one or two snow falls a year, but sometimes it's not even snow. Usually it's more of the freezing rain and sleet that we get. I've seen some great videos of people cross country skiing down major roads in the city! I've also seen some dumber videos and pictures of sleds being pulled by trucks or ATVs. I say this is dumb because of an accident that Todd worked one year and was later rewarded for in their life-saving actions. Regardless, it's been a fun and beautiful few days. 

Here are a few reasons why I love a snow day so much.

I love the excuse it gives me to be lazy! I do a lot of reading on these days. 

Even though it's a royal pain, I love watching the dogs get frisky in the snow. Chloe has been crying to be let out to play in it and Jonah let her stay out for about fifteen minutes on Monday while he played with her. Apparently, she also likes to eat the snow. 

I love the morning views it gives me while I sit and have quiet time!

And I love having makeup free days at home to let my skin breathe. On Monday I showered, put on fresh warm pajamas (fleece pajama pants and a hoodie), put lotion all over my body, and slathered my face with these things. 

See? I had to keep adding lotion to my hands because they're chapped, and I did the same with my lips. I love the Christmas peppermint Chapstick, but I also love Chapstick Total Hydration in the coconut scent/taste. If I don't keep something on my lips all the time, they become very chapped in the winter months, so I keep these things right by my chair. 

Also in this little container are flossers, cuticle scissors, cuticle oil, essential oils, and pens for when I answer the company phone for the guys. 

I ventured out into the driveway on Monday night after dinner for some obligatory pictures for social media, and I wanted to share them here on my blog as well. 

I think snow is so beautiful! I love how it looks at dusk, when the sky turns a little pink and the front porch and twinkling deck lights are turned on. I even love the cold! I really try to embrace all of the seasons, and whatever that weather brings us. I also love how beautiful our town looks! This is a picture that someone else took that I saw on social media yesterday. 

God gave us all the seasons to enjoy, so I try to do just that. What about you? Have you had snow yet where you live? What is something you love about it, even if it's not your favorite? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. That is cool that is snowed for an entire day! We only had about an inch overnight Monday into Tuesday. We usually get three or four snowfalls per winter here- seldom enough to get excited about it for sure. The snow is incredibly pretty and I definitely try to appreciate all the seasons. I love to run in the cold and of course, love a snow day! Enjoy your cozy day at home ;).

  2. Oh so cozy- love it! Your street looks so pretty too :)

  3. Maria, I loved that it went on for so long! I would have guessed you saw more snow, being closer to Ohio, so that's interesting. I have heard other people say the love to run in the snow, too! Thanks, my friend!

  4. I didn't realize you got that much! Have you left the house by car yet? I do get cabin fever! We are on our second day of e learning from home today - mostly for how cold it is. The roads are fine. The temps should be coming up today and we should be able to go tomorrow and Friday. What a crazy week, though!
    I love snow until it starts to look dirty!

  5. Amy, it's crazy how much we got! I haven't left the house since Sunday, but I'm going in to work for a while today. All the church activities are canceled for tonight, but our offices will be open today. I'm looking forward to getting dressed in real clothes and getting out! Todd is driving me to and from, then we're going to the grocery store. That's a great way to describe the snow after a few days; I agree wholeheartedly. It still looks pretty here, but I have a feeling after today it'll change. How do you feel about e learning? I imagine you're getting tired of being cooped up.

  6. We got a little bit of snow here in Louisiana! Mainly ice, but enough where one of my boys built a mini snowman that he carried around, and Zeke and Titus were “skating” on the yard! I stayed inside where it was warmer and watched from the window with the baby! We rarely get snow here, maybe every few years, and school shut down yesterday and today. We just aren’t built for this weather here. Thankfully the power has stayed on this time!! Last time we lost power for four days.

  7. Chloe's little snow beard is the CUTEST!

    I love all the makeup free days - put on those comfy sweats & soft socks - those are the best days sometimes.

    hope it warms up soon for you guys!

  8. Megan, those things sound like so much fun! It's really special when it's a rare occurrence. My boys were out late last night sledding! You never outgrow that kind of thing, you know?

  9. Rebecca Jo, I think so too! You are so right, my friend. Those are the best days ever! I'm going to work today, though, so the party is over! 🤣

  10. We had some snow. Four or five inches, I think. I have to confess that I do not have nearly as good of an attitude about as you do. I should work on that!? Looking forward to getting out of the house today...have some books on hold at the library:) Maybe I'll take a picture or two - lol!!:)

  11. Jennifer, you always make me laugh with these comments! I am sure I would feel the same if it was something I saw too often. It's such an anomaly for us, though! Someone above commented they like it until it looks dirty; I would have to agree with that assessment!

  12. So pretty! I have enjoyed it but am now going a little stir crazy!

  13. Marilyn, it is and I know how you feel. I went to work yesterday, and I was so glad to be out of my house!


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