Saturday, January 27, 2024

Share 4 Somethings, edition one of 2024


Happy Saturday, friends, and welcome to our first Share 4 Somethings of 2024! Each month on the last Saturday of the month, we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed. I hope you make plans to join in with us each month! I'll get started. 

This month, I loved seeing snow in our hometown...

...I loved seeing my friend Marilyn, and making some fun plans for this spring...

...I loved seeing sunshine...

...and I loved all the fires in the fireplace!

Nothing says cozy quite like a fire in the fireplace in the winter time, right? 

So far this month, I have accomplished a lot of things at work, and a few things at home. I've managed to do things like cleaning out the refrigerator, organizing the pantry (it's messy again), and staying (somewhat) on top of cleaning. I love doing things like this around our home! 

I actually accomplished quite a bit yesterday at home, and did some major cleaning in the bathrooms. That always feels good! 

Something I've improved upon this month is my morning routine. I started reading the Bible again chronologically this year, and I'm using The Bible Recap as a guide. I broke down and ordered the study guide as well this week, and am looking forward to using it in addition to the Bible app and YouTube video. I've gotten into a really good morning routine, though, and it's helping me to focused and committed to reading each day. It's a big deal for me to to keep this trend going; once I get behind even one day, I can become easily overwhelmed with the reading. 

Have you noticed the days getting slightly longer? I have! I don't remember the day that I paid attention to the time and noticed this, but I was surprised that it wasn't dark just yet. Yay! I love all the seasons, and you know this about me, but as spring creeps closer and closer, I start to get excited for the warmer months. I know it's early to be excited for that already, and I'll embrace the rest of winter and then spring, but I do like it when the sun starts setting a little later. Have you noticed how beautiful they are during this season? Ours has been MIA since last week, but I'm hopeful that I'll be able to enjoy some more of them soon. 

Thanks for reading my blog and linking up with us today! I'm always glad you're here. Enjoy your weekend, friends. I'll see you back here Monday. Love to all! 

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  1. Great post, Jennifer! I was going to say I love the picture above your fireplace but I think it's your TV, lol!

  2. Yay! All great things! Yesterday I was driving Mason and I home from an outing at 6:15 and it was still light out! It seems to quickly go from 5:30-after 6:00 between Christmas and January and it always gives me hope that winter won't last forever! Ha!

  3. I have noticed that the days are slowly getting longer and I am loving it!

  4. Sounds like you've had a super productive month! I love the snow pics and the fire in your fireplace. So cozy!

  5. I've been improving my morning routine, too. I've been reading the Bible longer and trying to get some stuff done before the house wakes up.

  6. It's so nice you get to enjoy a fire in the fireplace and get warm and cozy. I hope you are having a nice weekend.

  7. Oops, I failed to notice the topic changes, haha. Looking forward to the slightly modified prompts for next month.

  8. Thanks, Pamela! You are right, it's our tv. It's one of the YouTube frames that I've mentioned on here before! I'm always so impressed with how good it looks.

  9. Thanks, Amy! I know exactly what you mean. Even though I enjoy this time of year, I am always also ready for the next season. This is really the case by the end of February! Longer days are coming; they'll be here before we know it!

  10. Thanks, Lois! It's been good for so many things. I'm always thankful for that!

  11. Megan, that's so good! It makes such a huge difference in setting the tone for each day.

  12. Julie, yes! We love having a wood burning fireplace. It got so much use last week when we had all the snow!

  13. Bethany, no worries! Anything goes over here. I'm super chill and low maintenance!

  14. Yay for snow, sun, fireplaces, friends and fun plans for the spring!

  15. I love that the days are starting to get longer as well! I enjoyed our snow, and I love your fireplace pictures!!

  16. You sound very busy...and organised with your morning routine so well done! Hope you get a great deal of enjoyment out of it. Thank you for hosting

  17. Always fun to find a new blogger and link up. I'm always looking for a fun link up as it helps me in blogging (I don't have to think up the content). :o)) Nice to meet you and I'll probably link up with the next Share 4 Somethings. Happy week!

  18. I'm also really determined to stay up to date with my Bible reading this year! Love your living room decor!

  19. Marilyn, I know! I'm so excited about this!

  20. Thanks, Cindy! Thanks for linking up today!

  21. Thanks, Lydia! It's been busy, but in a great way. I'm glad you linked up with us this weekend!

  22. Lea, I'm so glad you found us and that you joined in this month. I know what you mean; I always look forward to link parties as well. I hope you stop by again soon!

  23. Thanks, Tanya! That's such a great thing to aspire to. I didn't feel great on Saturday and missed that day, but I caught up again today. I hope you've had a good weekend!

  24. Kudos to you for improving your morning routine- such a great way to start off the day on the right foot!

  25. Looks like you had great snow this month. Here in Alabama we mainly got just ice for a week. But enough of a dusting of snow for kids to sled a little on it anyway. We did have lots of fires in the fireplace that week so I totally enjoyed that part. I'm ready for spring now! :)

    I like the new prompts; they made me have to think a little deeper! Thanks for continuing to host us.

  26. What is it about accomplishing "the little things" that is so satisfying? I cleaned and organized our pantry last week and, ahhh, it just makes my heart happy every time I open the pantry door!!?! Loved your photos in this post!

  27. Thanks, Lisa! I'm so glad you're enjoying the prompts. I am glad you linked up with us this weekend!

  28. Jennifer, right? I feel the same way about the little things in life. Thanks, friend! I'm glad you joined in with us this month!

  29. Oh your fires look so cozy. Yes, I noticed the days are getting longer to.
    Thanks so much for hosting us each month.

  30. I love your snow photos - so pretty! I am the same way with needing to stick to my Bible reading routine or I get behind - that's what's happened to me already this year! My morning routine has changed and still includes an audio devotional and Bible reading, but I don't know when to carve out time for my actual Bible reading plan. I'm trying to figure it out. I'm also having trouble finding time for blogging, and especially for commenting in the link-ups - I'm always running behind!!

  31. Thank you, Paula! I am always glad to do this, it's a fun one to participate in. I'm so glad you join us each month!

  32. Thank you for that, Kym! The snow was so beautiful for such a long time, even though I was glad that it finally melted a week later. It's such a rare thing for us to get that much of the actual powder; usually we just get ice. What you commented with resonates with me, and I have been in your shoes. I read your comment and stopped to pray for you; I asked God to give you wisdom with your time, to multiply your time, and to draw you to His word each and every morning. Thanks for sharing that with me, it's always an honor to be able to pray for my friends here.


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