Tuesday, January 23, 2024



Happy Tuesday, friends! I know most of you have seen or heard the ins-and-outs trend that is all over the place on social media (or online) this year so far, and I am jumping on the bandwagon. (For anyone who hasn't heard of that, that's basically a different way of saying what habits/thoughts/practices you want to keep in 2024, and what you'd like to let go of.) I thought I'd have some fun with today's post and share some of what I've thought of so far this month regarding a few choice topics. I hope you consider doing this kind of thing on your own blog! I love, love, love reading posts like this. (This seems like a great spot to share that this post was inspired by Erika at A Little Bit of Everything).

Social media ins:

I am all about some happy posting on Instagram and TikTok! I love going to both of those platforms to see pictures, watch stories, reels, and videos on things like organizing, healthy eating, and dogs. I have gotten out of the habit of posting regularly, and I'd like to start doing that again. I'm even taking a class on it this week! I'd love to gain more readers for my blog and share more inspirational things. 

Social media outs:

I am done with posting birthdays on social media, excluding my husband, sons, and parents. I may even include friends here and again, but I am not committing to that and I am not going to post birthday posts for extended family members anymore. Here's why: once you do that for one person, you have to do it for every person! And if you forget someone, that could be hurtful to them; ask me how I know this. I've been in that situation, and it always hurts my feelings if I've seen something posted for someone in my family and then they forget to do the same for me or my family members. I just can't keep up with committing to do that anymore, and I am okay with this decision. I am all about wishing people a heartfelt happy birthday in real life. either over text or in a phone call. 

Personal life ins: 

—spending quality time with Jesus everyday, praying and pouring my heart out to Him in prayer 

—making the phone calls or sending the texts

—being a good wife/mom/friend/daughter/sibling/aunt/dog mom

—honoring the Lord in everything I do (Psalm 19:14), and being faithful and diligent (Titus 1:7-9). 

Personal life outs: 

—dwelling on the past

—letting go of things I cannot control

—trying to be a people pleaser

—not being one hundred percent honest all of the time

—speaking carelessly

—holding on to hurtful words 

I'm letting all of that go this year and I've never felt better about something! 

Miscellaneous ins:

—more reading

—enjoying being together with my family and friends any chance I can get

—savoring life with our dogs just as it is right this moment

—moving as much as possible

—doing things that make me uncomfortable and getting me out of the comfort zone

—appreciating my husband and telling him why

Miscellaneous outs:

—less tv

—unrealistically high expectations

—not being clear in communication

—making excuses

—being on social media too much


This was a fun post to think about, and I would love to know some of your ins and outs for this year! I'm linking up with Joanne for today's post. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Yes to all of this! I agree about birthdays! I just text the person if I see it is their birthday because I think that is better than a Facebook post. If they are a really close friend, of course I do a gift in person or sent to them. I think about that a lot - not hurting feelings online.
    I should make a list of my own!

  2. This is a fun topic to think about! I feel like we are social media guinea pigs in many ways since it hasn´t been around for too long. Years from now (assuming we have years...) people may look back at our social media practices and be shocked. Who knows how that will play out but I think that most people are trying to do their best. However, like you said, it´s easy for feelings to get hurt. In person, or a personal text seem to be a better way for real connection but I suppose SM fills a superficial role in communication/ connection. I agree with many of your goals. Have a great Tuesday!

  3. Amy, I like better in person, too! I wish I were the type to be great at cards, but again...I'm not, and I don't do one if there's a chance I'll forget someone else. I hate the thought of hurting someone's feelings intentionally, and I do try to be careful. I don't always succeed, but I do my best. You should make your own list!

  4. Maria, I think it's fun to think about too! And I think you're right about social media and how dumb/candid/cringe-y we've been on there. That being said, I still use it regularly! 🤣

  5. I am with you on the social media thing of feeling pressured to post about birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day, etc. I've really grown to hate doing it. It sets someone (or us) up for getting their feelings hurt. Even just regular posts that you see, that don't include you.

    I was thinking about this recently, that I long for the "old days" when we didn't know what anyone else was doing (and with whom) unless they called and told us. Ignorance was certainly bliss! Now we know way too much about people's lives.

  6. Debbie, I agree with that taking the joy out of it for us! It's best to just refrain when it causes pain or hurt feelings. I know some people don't mean to hurt feelings, but there are some who I am sure do mean to do just that. Those are the people that I have to hide myself from by unfollowing them. I keep them as friends, I just "hide" them. I'm not saying that I've never done that or that I won't do it again someday, but I know I won't intentionally do it, and I'll be mindful of what I share there. I've been accused of oversharing a lot, too, which is why I just quit posting for a while. People underestimate the power of their words! I have no place in life for a bully.

    I think a lot about those old days, too. But I also still love the happy side of social media! I've noticed that their algorithm is smart; the more of a certain type post that I "like", the more of that kind of thing I will see. I don't mind that, and I love how it lets us keep in touch with people we wouldn't be able to "see" often, if not for there. It's such a conundrum!

  7. I hadn't heard about the ins and outs trend but it's a good one. I agree with you on the birthday, especially since for some reason, Facebook always sends me the notification in the afternoon when most of my friends' birthdays are more than half over.

  8. It's fun to think about these kinds of things, Pamela! There's a whole hashtag you can follow on social media.

  9. Oh this was great to read- you are so right about the birthdays on social media- no good deed goes unpunished- maybe I should put this practice in place as well

  10. These are great ins and outs. I've let a lot of social media go lately, and it's been nice. I agree that there needs to be a lot more HAPPY there. You're bringing in some great things. :) Visiting from the Talking About It Tuesday linkup.

  11. This was fun to read, and I will try to do something similar on my blog! For birthdays, every year I start out sending a birthday card to every family member…but I never finish the year! I do remember my sisters, sister in law, and nieces and nephews and of course my kids and grands! But I really want to be better at doing it all the way through December.

  12. Never heard of the ins and outs thing. I enjoyed reading yours though and I like learning something new. Thanks for sharing.

  13. What a good post! I went to Kroger yesterday and literally said on the way there, I am lowering my expecations! Good thing I did because our store had no plastic bags! It was like leaving Aldi, except I did not have any of my regular reusable bags with me. Thankfully, it seemed like most people were okay with it. I mean, what else could you do?

  14. What a great topic idea! I might try to blog about it next week. This is much better than strict new year's resolutions. I agree on the social media birthdays. I switched over to texting a birthday wish a few years ago. It is more personal anyway. Hope you're having a good week!

  15. Thanks, Holly! And right? That's a good thing to implement on social media.

  16. Jennifer, you are so right! The world could use a lot more happy. Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment!

  17. Thanks, Megan! You should do this. It's a fun one! I totally get starting strong and then fading off. I do that same kind of thing! Ugh. I wish I was better at cards...social media...LIFE! 🤣🤣

  18. Thanks, Cathy! I hadn't heard of it either until a couple of weeks ago when Erika that I mentioned talked about it on social media. It was appealing to me!

  19. Marilyn, that's crazy! Did they just run out or are they doing away with them entirely? They threaten to do that every so often. In Colorado, they only have them as an option to buy! It's insane.

  20. Thanks, Tanya! I thought it was such a great blog topic. I may do it monthly...I'll see how it goes. I'm always struggling for Tuesday/Wednesday content, and I like to write here everyday. You should do this on your blog, I'd love to read it!


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