Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year! 2024


Happy New Year, friends! I always love this day so much that I can't help but write a blog post.

What did you to ring in the New Year? We had a very chill, low key evening. Todd really wanted to work last night, but stayed home when nobody else was available for a shift. Do you do anything to commemorate the year on this day? When the boys were little, we would go out to Mom's and Bill's for lunch. As they grew up, that changed, and we just started staying home. We still stay home; sometimes I get out for a bit on this day, but if I do anything today it'll be a grocery trip.

Do you make resolutions? I really don't make these anymore, but here's what I said about this last year: In 2023, I am resolving to saying yes more often...yes to new things, yes to things that scare me, things that are healthier, date nights and my husband, new foods, and things that are good for me. I can confidently say that I did all of those things and more this year. As far as this year goes, I haven't really given anything much thought. I feel like I'm in a good place right now; the only thing I've thought that I want to intentionally do more of is to be present in the moment and to be more careful with my time. I may think about this more and share in the coming days and weeks, but for now, that's what I've been thinking about.

I'd love to hear from you about this! I hope you enjoy this day today, whatever it is you're doing. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. For me, the year starts with a new school year. So, I really haven't thought about anything, but I am constantly working on a few things for myself. This is a big year with two college graduations - I do know that! Eek!

  2. Amy, I get that! I think most of teacher friends feel the same. That's so exciting about Jack and Mason!

  3. I don´t make any formal resolutions. I have a few goals in mind but nothing that I would call a resolution. I am embarking on a health challenge. It´s exciting for the first day (today, lol!) and then I´ll likely regret it and want to stop it. We will see... Happy New Year!

  4. We had a quiet evening after church...just hubby and me. We didn't plan to stay up to midnight, but we did, and that was okay. We slept in this morning and are now at church. I'm trying to get some things set up for the new year in the office and I'm learning some new things to hopefully help hubby with some of his load at the church. Blessings to you and yours for 2024.

  5. Happy New Year! I watched the ball drop in New York and went to bed. Today, I am staying inside, mostly being lazy, but a little bit of cleaning out drawers, etc. Hope to see you soon!

  6. Maria, you made me laugh! I would undoubtedly feel the same way if I set some sort of goal like that for myself. 🤣 I hope you're surprised by yourself! Thanks for that, my friend. Happy new year!

  7. Cathy, it's nice that you had a pleasurable and quiet evening together! That's very sweet of you to want take some of his load off his shoulders. Happy new year to you, my friend!

  8. Marilyn, that's a great way to spend your day! I would love that. I'm sorry I haven't been able to make it work!


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