Friday, January 26, 2024

Friday Favorites, 1.26.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How's your week been? Mine has been good, which is always nice to be able to say. Actually, things would have to be on the verge of terrible for me to even say otherwise. Have you noticed that here? I'm sure you can read it in my writing, but I have always been a very optimistic person. Not that I always succeed at this, but I like to keep things quiet that I'm struggling with, and I really try to not complain. This doesn't mean that I don't have issues in life that are hard; trust me, I do! I just try not to dwell on such things. And on that note, which has everything to do with this, this verse has always been one of my favorites. 

It was good to have a normal week again! After missing days last week because of weather, it was great to see people in our church once more. The days pass by more quickly when people are around, too! Tuesday and Wednesday were busy days for me in the bookstore, but Thursday was super slow. I was able to get a lot done, though, which is always nice. I cleaned out my closet and got rid of several boxes, I restocked, I packed away some of the older items I had that weren't selling, I pulled out some Valentine's day things and decorations, I returned phone calls, and caught up on paperwork and finances. It felt so good getting things done! Sometimes I love it when people don't come in so that I can do that. (I won't mention the two hours I spent chasing down $2 on a credit card receipt, painstakingly going through every receipt since last Thursday, only to find out it was my error. 🤪) 

Another favorite thing that happened that is work related, is that I am about to gain some major countertop space. I can't wait! We have this giant espresso machine that doesn't get used anymore, and it's going away as soon as they can figure out how to get it unhooked from the water source, and what to do with the openings it will leave when it's gone. This thing is massive, and I am so excited over all the countertop space I'll be gaining back soon. As it is, it's very cluttered, so you can see why this makes me happy. I'm currently looking at filing organization systems to help me with my paperwork. 

Moving on from that, I do have a few other favorites from the week.

Monday was my favorite day because I got to drive my car for the first time in eight days! With all the snow and ice last week, she sat in the garage all those days, so it was good to get out on my own. I took this picture to show you what it still looked like outside, though. The roads were still icy in some patches! 

It was worth it to get out; I got my nails done in a festive way for February, and they're my favorite.

I pulled out a favorite top once again; I love this taupe colored shirt that I bought in late summer of last year. It was so much warmer outside that day, which also felt really nice, despite the rain. 

I laughed so hard at Todd doing this the other night; his hair was so kinky because of all the rain! I had forgotten how curly it can get sometimes. He was removing all the stitching from his sheriff's department badges, because a few of them are going back to New Mexico in a few weeks for some training; they like to trade badges with other people who are there, and they all collect them. 

This top is one you've seen me post before, but I wore it yesterday, since it was so dreary out. I wanted something bright and cheerful on a rainy, cloudy day. 

Other favorites from the week include:

  • talking to all of my boys throughout the week, even the one who no longer lives at home
  • talking about the Bible with my pastor
  • seeing a friend who is really going through a trial right now, and being able to pray for her
  • ministering to another friend who come in the bookstore to talk
  • starting Grey's Anatomy over from the beginning
  • reading at work while I ate lunch
  • my morning quiet time
  • hearing about two of my sons getting to spend time with their girlfriends unexpectedly
  • two nights at home alone

It's been a good week, and a busy one, but also just one that's light on pictures and documentation. Did you happen to catch my other blog posts this week? 

Monday was a weekend recap.
Tuesday was a post I titled Ins and Outs.
On Wednesday I shared some dinner inspiration
Thursday was Thankful Thursday

And tomorrow is our first Share 4 Somethings of 2024! We'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed. I hope you make plans now to join us tomorrow! The link party will open at midnight on Saturday, and happens on the last Saturday of every month. Here's a graphic, if you want to use one!

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. See you back here tomorrow; love to all! 


  1. What a great week! LOVE your nails- you are inspiring me :)

  2. I’m so happy this week had some more normalcy to it. January is almost behind us. Love all the sweet joys and favorites you found this week. Your nails are precious! So many good posts this week friend! Have the best weekend!

  3. Thanks, Holly! You know I love a fun nail.

  4. Thanks, Andrea! You are right, girl; I kind of forgot that we were almost to the end of this long month. Ours felt long only because of being stuck home for a week. I hope you enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  5. I worked for our local police department for 45 years and I have many, many times had to remove the threads from patches. And we also traded patches with other agencies. Then for a long time I maintained big bulletin boards full of patches from other agencies all over the United States.

  6. Your nails look great! I really want to go get a manicure. If I do I may steal your color combo!

  7. Cathy, I know hearing about Todd doing that brought back all your memories! I bet you did do a ton of them...watching him do the pile that he had made my eyes hurt for him. I hope you have a great weekend, sweet friend!

  8. Megan, I hope you get to do that soon! You should totally use this color combo. It's perfect for this time of year!

  9. Looking forward to linking up tomorrow! That's so cool that Todd does the badge exchange - I'm sure he'll end up with quite a collection.

  10. I think I am much the same way and don't share much about those things that are bothering me or weighing on my mind... mostly because when I blog I am looking for an escape and often because those kinds of thing usually involve at least one other person and I don't want to overshare someone else's story either. I love your nails! I was so happy that we got enough rain to clear our roads this week so my youngest has been able to get back to practicing his driving (learning to drive is nerve wracking enough without ice and snow everywhere!).

  11. I'm glad you'll be joining us again, Pamela! He does have quite the collection. I know he enjoys doing that!

  12. Joanne, I feel the same way, especially because others are always involved. It's true about wanting this space to be one of escape. I agree! Thanks for that! I know you and your son are glad for the clear roads again!

  13. What a great list for the week and such cute nails!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...