Monday, December 4, 2023



Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was fun and extra festive. 

I was ready and dressed to see Santa in that night's parade! My dad came over as usual, and stayed through until the parade started at seven. We watched White Christmas together, we listened to Christmas music, we had lunch, and an early dinner, then we enjoyed the parade with Trish and many friends that night.

It was so much fun!

I feel very strongly about this time of year! 

I saw my sweet friend, Marilyn! We stood and caught up for a few minutes before agreeing that we need to meet up for dinner soon. I love her! 

I also really, really love parades. I had the biggest smile on my face the entire time. I had Dad, Trish, and Graham to my right, and Jonah and his girlfriend Laura to my left. I saw many friends who participated in the parade and had fun waving and cheering them on, and getting high fived from the little cuties marching in front of their parade floats. Our town does it up right! 

This was the bus I was invited to ride in to be part of the parade, as a town board member, but I passed up the offer to sit with family. But I seriously want to ride this bus! I'd love to look at Christmas lights in it. Later that night, my man got home from being gone all week, and man I was glad to see him! It feels like he was gone for a month. It was after midnight before we stopped talking. We were both up pretty early the next morning, but while I got up, he was able to go back to sleep. I was glad, because he worked hard this week! My mom and sister came and picked me up for our morning out, because my car battery needs to be replaced. We have an appointment for that today at the VW dealership, because they also have to do something to program something else. We went to a really cute gardening and gift shop, and I laughed at this towel.

I feel like I should have bought myself the towel. It's true! They had the sweetest little shop dog who followed me around for a bit. I love when shop owners bring their pets to work! 

Sunday was a full day at church! I was there at my usual early bird time, and walking back out at twelve thirty. I took a nap after lunch, and for dinner, Todd went and got sushi for us. I read outside for a few minutes while the dogs played, then we left for church. We had a really fun annual event called The Jingle Bell Jam. Our jazz band at church were the ones playing, and it was so good! 

It was a packed house! After that was over, Todd and I picked up the groceries I'd ordered earlier in the afternoon, then we made a quick trip to Walmart before coming home. It was a fun and festive weekend! How was yours? I'd love to hear what you did to celebrate! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

It was brought to my attention that the prompts for the December edition of Currently were the same as last month. I'm so glad my friend Jennifer found my mistake and told me! Scratch what I said on Friday about the prompts; instead, let's all share what we're currently loving, gifting, wrapping, hoping, and attending this month. That post will be on Wednesday of this week! See you back here tomorrow! 


  1. Your Dad had a lot of stamina for such a big day! I love a small town parade. I didn't realize you and Marilyn lived in the same town! I thought you were just close by! Fun!
    Glad you have Todd back - you really appreciate them more when they return - ha!

  2. Amy, he did have a lot stamina that day! He was pretty flustered once we got to the parade, though. Once he sat down and the parade started, he'd settled back down. I didn't think he'd come, but was glad he changed his mind! She lives about 15 minutes away from me, but I knew she was coming to the parade, so we made plans to meet up. You are so right! Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  3. Hello! What an absolutely fabulous parade! I'm so happy your father enjoyed the fun with you all. I am filled with Christmas cheer after visiting you here, my friend. Thank you!

  4. The parade was festive and I was impressed by so many of the floats! Glad it was a fun way to end a day of being tired. Sounds like a good weekend and love you friend!

  5. You look adorable at the parade and your dad looks SOOO happy- warms my heart- hope you had a blast!

  6. Sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend. Love all the Christmas stuff!

  7. That parade looks wonderful! Our local town does one as well and while I have ridden and walked in it a few times, I have rarely watched it. Somehow it always seems to fall on one of the coldest and windiest nights.

  8. Wow - that really was a festive and filled to the brim weekend! Your dad looks great - and so happy! What great memories!! Here's to another fun week ahead. PS - I really (really) hope I did not offend when I asked about the prompts. I was not trying to "point things out" etc...I know I'm behind in reading so wanted to make sure I had not missed anything. Hope we are still best of blog friends!!:) Looking forward to joining the link-up later this week!

  9. The parade looks so fun. It really does look like a Hallmark movie! Love the picture of you and Marilyn!

  10. I noticed the prompts were the same as last time but I thought, well, I still have more that I'm currently buying, preparing, excited for, and planning so I can talk about them all again! Hahaha!

    Also, love that parade and I can see why you wanted to be on that bus!

  11. If you're going to go to a parade, you SHOULD get decked out - too cute!
    I love your Santa sweatshirt too!
    So glad your dad got to enjoy it with you!!

    & yep, I need that tea towel in my home too LOL

  12. Billie Jo, it was so much fun! Thanks for sharing and saying that; it's something I love to be able to do here - encourage and uplift. Happy day to you, my friend!

  13. I'm so glad you came to the parade, Marilyn! I am always blown away by some of the floats. People go all out! Love you too, sweet friend. I hope your week started off well!

  14. It was, Cathy! I love all of the Christmas festivities!

  15. Joanne, I'm sure it's fun to participate in a parade as well! We have had years that it's been cold, but this night was perfect. I hope your week started off great!

  16. Thanks, Jennifer, it really was! I'm so glad Dad was able to go with us and that he seemed to enjoy it so much. I was surprised that he changed his mind and came! Girl, you did not offend me at all by pointing out my mistake! Truthfully, I do a lot of copying and pasting here, and last month, I never got around to sharing the December prompts. When I wrote that post last week, I clearly posted the same prompts from November! I'm so glad you said something so that I had time to make a change. Thank you!

  17. Thanks, Tanya! It was such a fun night.

  18. Natasha, right? I feel like I am always currently doing those things as well, which is probably why I didn't think anything of the prompts I posted!

  19. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! It was so much fun, and I wholeheartedly agree. The tackier, the better!


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