Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! A couple of weeks ago, our pastor preached the best sermon on being thankful at all times. I know this, but hearing him remind him of this and then challenging us to start keeping record of what we have to be thankful for struck a chord with me, and I've been keeping up with a list since then. I add to the list throughout the week, and then I spend time thanking God again for everything that I wrote on Sunday nights. There is something about being intentionally thankful that is such a wonderful thing, and it's very humbling. The Creator God of the universe cares so very much for all of us, even those who don't belong to Him! He deserves our thanksgiving and our worship one hundred percent of the time. You should join me in this challenge! 

I thought I'd share a few things from the lists I've been making since the weekend after Thanksgiving. 

1. I'm thankful for my friend at church who came into the bookstore a few weeks ago to browse; we ended up talking, and the more we talked, the more I realized that she wasn't there for herself, she was there to encourage me. She had no idea at the time when she walked in how much I needed her encouragement, but the Lord knew and He directed her heart in saying what she shared with me. I love it when this happens! It moved me to tears that morning. 

2. I'm thankful for phone calls with my best friend! We are both in an extremely busy phase of life, she way more so than I, and our visits are few and far between. I appreciate our weekly phone calls and the trip we have coming up tomorrow to talk and catch up on all the things.

3. I'm thankful for my husband who helps me at work! He had no idea when I started running the bookstore that it would be a joint effort. I appreciate his wisdom in running a small business and the tidbits of helpful knowledge he's passed along to me. It has helped me tremendously!

4. I'm thankful for my pastor who speaks messages that speak straight to my heart. I'm thankful for his friendship, his shepherding tendencies as a pastor of a church, and the times when he prays for me. He stopped what he was doing a week ago and prayed for me when I shared something with him one day. 

5. I'm thankful for my friend Kelly who never wearies of my questions at work, and all that she has taught me.

6. I'm thankful for Mondays at home!

7. I'm thankful for the word of God and the time that I get to spend with Jesus each morning. I love doing this by the Christmas tree each morning! 

8. I'm thankful that Todd enjoys life. I know that seems strange to say, but everyone needs to have fun, and he had a great time while he was out of town for work last week. He loves those guys that he was with, and though they worked really hard the whole week, they also enjoyed being together. I have said before that men need hobbies, and they need to have things to look forward to!

9. I'm thankful that our sons are close to each other in relationship. Graham is literally THE BEST brother of all time. 

10. And though I could go on and on, I'll end this one with the fact that I am thankful for God's mercies that are new every morning. I had the worst day ever on Sunday, and not only am I grateful to God for what I just said, I'm also grateful for the people I work with and love so much. They encourage me and uplift me without even knowing what they're doing! I do think it also works both ways, and I am able to do that to them in turn. I consider my job a ministry more than a job, and I've been told that time and again. I'm starting to see some of that come to fruition the longer I work there. 

Todd agrees with me on this, by the way. We talked about it Sunday after church, about how fortunate we are to have people to love us, encourage us, and pray for us and our family. 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. I am so sorry about Sunday! But, you saw the beauty of having so many people that care about you!
    I had a bad day yesterday that really shouldn't have been bad, but I upset a friend by trying to help (too much) and I get really sensitive when I think someone is upset with me.

    A friend is trying to sub in my school, and I sent her info to the whole school, and she had only wanted me to send it to a few people. What is a few? Ha! I don't feel that she made that clear and I would definitely have not done something intentionally. It put a cloud over my whole day even though I apologized and then retracted the email! My sister said I had apologized way too much and that I read the tone of my friend's text to be angrier than she probably was.
    I feel like I am always getting it wrong when I try to help people, but that is not the attitude to take.
    Oh well, thank you for letting me vent!

    I loved this post and found it so relatable. I am so thankful for so many things!

  2. Thank you, Amy! That was a beautiful thing about a terrible day on Sunday. I totally understand how you felt yesterday, I get that exact same way! I am very sensitive and hate the thought of someone staying mad at me. Someone in my life has been very mad at me for months now, and it's just about killing me. I have tried and tried to make things right, and I've apologized so many times that I've lost count now; she is not apologizing to me, though, and she's still not talking to me. Remember my post about joy on Tuesday? All of that post is because of this one huge, dark cloud. I have really let it get to me!

    I know that sometimes we just have to chalk it up to what it is when something like this happens, but that's hard for us to do when we're sensitive like this, and peacemakers. I am a peacemaker; I get the feeling that you're the same. You did your part, though, my friend, and your heart was in the right place. That's what really matters!

  3. What a great post. I need to get better at being thankful. Thanks for reminding me.

  4. We just had the sweetest Zoom call with a rep from Alec's (most likely) future college and it was just so nice! I am thankful for a wonderful lunch we had at Alec's school with my mom. mother in law, and family friend. It's so fun to see Alec and his friends hard at work making delicious foods and I feel like everyone I have met at his school is so nice and caring too. I'm thankful that he has had such a wonderful public school experience.

  5. Amy and Jennifer, I cannot get your comments out of my head. Maybe b/c your situations and reactions hit so close to home? When I’m feeling like you both did last week I sometimes go to my “quotes/sayings/truths” board to remind myself what I believe to be true. I went there looking for something for you - came across this, which may or may not be appropriate but, for me, it is TRUTH. “Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.”
    Anyway, having people upset with you is difficult - surround yourself with “your people” and know you did what you could to mend the mistake (if there was one). I know I would be friends with you ladies in real life!!! Praying for healing for both of you and JOY in the coming days :)

  6. What a great list to be thankful for! I am sorry about the hard situation and Sunday being a hard day. I hope you and your friend have a great day tomorrow and you feel recharged.

  7. Cathy, I am the same way! I can always be better at this. Thanks for the encouragement!

  8. Joanne, what a blessing that is for your family! I can't imagine how that relieves your heart, especially after your years of homeschooling.

  9. Jenni, thank you for those sweet words! I appreciate your kindness in taking the time to look for something to encourage us both with. 🖤

  10. Thank you, Marilyn! Especially during hard times, God is so good, so loving, and so kind. I just read today how afflictions produce endurance, with produces character, which produces hope. Amen!


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