Wednesday, December 20, 2023

favorite Christmas songs


Happy Wednesday! I thought I'd talk about some of my favorite Christmas music right now. I have been listening to it 'round the clock between being at home, in my car, or at the bookstore. 

Most of you already know this, but for my entire life, I have loved music. We have always been a musical family, and I don't mean my husband, my sons, and me. I mean we, as in our entire family on both sides, are musically inclined. I grew up singing in church, and so did Todd, the boys, our siblings, and our parents. Several of them even play instruments as well! Todd used to play the saxophone back in his high school days. When we started having kids, I knew I wanted music in our home all of the time, so we were a radio that mounted under our kitchen cabinet. We went through three of those, and then we switched over the listening on smart devices using Spotify. We always had music playing in our house, and the same rings true today. As I type this, Todd's in there singing a Christmas carol. I love this about our family! I'll jump in with the music videos from YouTube now. 

This is my favorite song right now, hands down! I got to meet the sweet lady who sings this song so beautifully at our Tablescapes event at church last week. It's Come Thou Long Expected Jesus by Meredith Andrews. I have to say, after meeting her and witnessing her humility and worship, I like this song even more than ever before. That's her husband you hear harmonizing with her on this video.

Next up is First Noel by Leslie Odom, Jr. Before you listen to this, know that there are certain songs and voices that make me weep they are so beautiful. This is one of those songs! In case you're like me, get your tissue box ready. His voice and this arrangement of this song are exceptional! 

Next is the song Christmas Is by Francesca Battistelli. She brings the reason of the season to the front and center with this song. 

Lastly is the Hallelujah Christmas song by Cloverton. 

I love all of these and so many more! What are your favorite songs of the season? Most of mine are not traditional. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.


  1. I am going to listen to some of these! One of my favorites is also by Francesca Battistelli called "You're Here". Some other classic favorites are "O Holy Night" by Josh Groban and the 3rd verse of "Away in a Manger". A more recent and fun Christmas album is Gwen Stefani's. :)

  2. Oh Holy Night is my absolute fave :)

  3. Marilyn, those are all so good! I love this kind of music. I have it playing as I write out this reply!

  4. Hello, my fellow Christmas-loving friend! Thank you for sharing this beautiful selection of music! We have music playing all day here. My current favorite is Mary Do You Know? So beautiful. Have a cozy evening!

  5. Billie Jo, I am not surprised that you love Christmas music as much as me! I am the same way here at home, and I love the way that music makes our home feel. I love that song, too! I hope you've had a great week!


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