Wednesday, November 29, 2023

What's up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Sheaffer and Shay for today's blog post. I'll jump right in! 

What I'm eating this week:

Leftovers! Todd is out of town all week, and I've learned that when he's not here, I don't really "cook". I have things to make that are quick if the guys want anything like that, but more often than not we either eat leftovers or grab a quick bite out. (Them, not me.) I can live on leftovers for DAYS! Meanwhile, my hubby is eating well this week in Des Moines. They had Outback their first night, and last night they went to an Irish pub, which sounds super fun. I know that I would love that type of food! 

What I'm loving:

All the Christmas things! These are redundant, but some of you may be new readers, so this is for you.

This is my best time of year!

What I've been up to:

I am a lazy bum when my husband is gone. I watch a lot of tv, apparently, so my reading game is off this week. I've had time with family, I've talked to my best friend on the phone several times, I've been working, and I've been doing all the normal house things that I always do to keep our home decently clean. 

What I'm dreading:

Nothing really, other than this season going by too quickly. I feel like I live in anticipation of this time of year all year long, and then if flies by in an instant. I really want to soak up all of the time and for it to just hover at a standstill before the big day. It's not Christmas day that I love, it's the season, the kindness, and the mentality. 

What I'm working on:

I know this sounds silly, but I'm working on being present on social media again. I kind of mentally checked out for a while, and I didn't allow myself to post. It's a long story as to why, but the Lord has helped me get my act together again, and I've been posting again regularly and daily almost. Again, if you don't know me in person, this may not make sense, but one of my top spiritual gifts is the gift of exhortation. One of my favorite ways to encourage people is through a pretty picture and writing. It's a gift from the Lord, and I enjoy using it for Him to build up others. I'll share more about this next week, but like I said, I've been working on getting used to doing that kind of thing again. It's been a few months since I've stopped sharing there frequently. 

What I'm excited about: 

I have some fun Christmas things coming up! There's a work ladies lunch next week, a work Christmas party at my FAVORITE venue of all time in two weeks, and a day spent traveling to Nashville and back with my bestie to see our other bestie. I cannot wait for all of this, but again, I don't want it to go too fast! The last time we were all together was in August, and we have missed our sweet T!

What I'm watching/reading:

Come back tomorrow! I will be sharing what I'm reading, watching, and listening to this month. 

What I'm listening to:

Currently, I'm listening to dogs wrestling in the living room while I write this post in the kitchen. 

What I'm wearing:

Festive everything!

What I'm doing this weekend:

The weekend is kicking off with a Christmas parade in our town! I can't wait. It's been a few years since I've attended this fun event, and my plan is to go with any of the guys who wants to come, my dad, and my sister. 

What I'm looking forward to in December:

Todd coming home again, a Jingle Bell Jam jazz Christmas music concert at church with my dad and stepmom, Christmas movies, reading, seeing the church decorated for Christmas on Sunday....all the things!

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.


  1. It sounds like you have some great things coming up! The trip, all the holiday stuff, etc. I, too, don´t cook when Donnie is gone which isn´t all that often. He was gone overnight for work one day earlier this month. He was paid to speak at an event in Omaha. He was in Nebraska for less than 24 hours! He gave his talk and then was on a plane within a couple of hours. He only missed two meals at home but it was odd not having him since he doesn´t have to travel much. Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Hi Jennifer! I am looking forward to hearing about your break from social media. I have taken a break too and rarely post anymore. It just feels so superficial. But then sometimes I wonder why I can't just have fun like the rest of the crowd. I think it's because, like you said, I am an encourager and teacher and those are my tendencies and it doesn't feel like that's the place to "throw my pearls among swine." And I don't mean that literally, but just that's so superficial.

  3. Thanks, Maria! That's funny that you do the same thing when your husband is gone. That was a quick trip he went on, but how cool of an opportunity for him! It's funny how we do things so differently when we're on our own, right?

  4. Hi, Debbie! I've missed you! I read your blog post yesterday, but I ran out of time before I could comment. I will share here about that next week, but mine wasn't actually was just something I was going through at the time. I totally understand what you're saying, though, and have often felt that same way. I could go on, but I'll leave it for next week. I'm glad you're feeling better! I'm sorry to hear how sick you've been. Take care, my friend!

  5. Love Irish pub food! We went to a great one in Victoria, British Columbia - amazing food, eye candy in the form of kilted bartenders, lol! You have some fun holiday events coming up, love this season!

  6. We just love Irish pub food! Your glasses are so adorable. My goodness how I love this time of year and all the festiveness and positive vibes! Happy Christmas season beautiful!

  7. You have so many fun holiday events coming up- can't wait to read all about them! :)

  8. Love your Christmas tree earrings...I need to get my Christmas ones out. I posted very little in October as we were dealing with my sister's death. I started up again while on vacation and I'm still going. I read other's posts, but just couldn't seem to write myself. I'm enjoying being back mostly. We've got a parade this weekend too. I may try to go as it's been awhile. Really depends on the weather.

  9. I'm not sure of your reasons for pulling back from social media, but I go back and forth on how much I want to be on there. Sometimes I un-install the app for a few days just to get a cleanse!

  10. I am taking a break from social media during the holidays so that I cannot be on it as much. I will try to go look at your posts though! Enjoy all the movies and not cooking this week :)


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