Monday, November 13, 2023



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a great weekend! How was yours? I hope you did something fun that you loved!

I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

I got my weekend started with spending the day with my dad. It was cooler and a little dreary that day, so we stayed in and had soup for lunch. He enjoyed it, and our time together passed all too quickly. I took him home that afternoon, and Todd was home shortly after me with our dinner of our favorite street tacos. It was a quiet night; I was so sleepy! I made myself super tired by reading the book I'm currently reading. Do you ever get tired when you read? It's always a sure bet to make me fall asleep. 🤣

I wasn't the only one that was sleepy. I think Chloe loves laying near the Christmas tree. 

I was up early on Saturday, so I watched this while I had my morning coffee. This was cute!

My sister and I went out for the day. Mom was out of town just for that day, so it was just the two of us this weekend. We had so much fun! We went to our favorite little antique mall that's about a half hour away, one called Southern Vintage. We took our time and went through at our own pace, and we each brought home some treasures! These were a couple of my favorite areas. 

I bought a Southern Living Christmas book that's from 1984, a Christmas plaid bag that I have big plans for, and four Beanie babies for my great nieces. They're obsessed with them right now! Do you ever go and browse at an antique mall? We have a few that are pretty close by that I love. 

Trish and I ate lunch at Applebee's and they were packed! It was because they offered free meals to any military veteran. I love that they did that! It was wonderful seeing so many servicemen and women, and it made me thankful for my veteran Dad. He served in the Navy during the Korean war as a hospital corpsman. 

I came home and showered after getting back home, then I watched Friends for the rest of the night. I finished off the leftover soup for dinner since Todd was working, and I was in bed early again. I have to be at church at seven thirty on Sunday mornings because of all the coffee orders that I have to fill each week. So this is what that looks like.

I make about twelve carafes for the classes each week, along with eight to get started off with in the bookstore. I have to make more as I run out of carafes for the bookstore, and if I have any leftover, I bring home one for me. We have really good coffee! I usually drink one cup, then I'll save the rest for our iced coffees the next day. 

I was at home for the rest of the day. I cleaned up in the kitchen, I played catch-up on laundry, I read, and I sat outside with the pups for a while as they roamed in the yard. Todd did a little bit of yardwork that afternoon before going into work a shift with the sheriff's department. It was a quiet evening at home and a really good weekend. 

What did you do that you loved? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Sounds like a good weekend! I am grateful to our veterans. My uncle served in Korea, in the war. He died earlier this year. A few years ago, he and several family members were visiting him at his home in California. A number of them were out to eat and someone in the restaurant paid the entire restaurant bill for my uncle and other family members due to gratitude for his service. He was wearing his hat like the one your dad was wearing showing his service in Korea. Your story about Applebees reminded me of that. How kind of Applebees to do that for all the veterans. Have a great Monday!

  2. I also went to bed super early both Saturday and last night - like 8:45. I think I get more tired with it getting dark so early.
    I am not a big antique store person, but my mom and sisters really enjoy it, so we do it sometimes. My kids enjoy going sometimes, too. I am hoping to do that some in the UK!

    Have a great week - our last 5 day week for a bit!

  3. I have been going to bed so early! I was starting to think something was wrong with me. It has to be the time change. Then I wake up at 4:50 a.m. every morning, like clockwork.

  4. Its so funny that Beanie Babies are a thing again!

    Thank your dad for me for all the service he's provided for our country.

  5. Sounds like a fun weekend! There were a lot of restaurants that offered promotions for Veterans Day. Thank you to your Dad for his service. I put up a Veterans Day post for my father and my husband - my heroes with a combined length of service of 55 years! Beanie Babies always make fun gifts. I have a turkey that comes out at Thanksgiving and a red-breasted robin for Christmas - co cute. Have a great week!

  6. What a perfectly cozy and festive weekend! That antique shop looks amazing- I would love that yellow colander :)

  7. Whoa buddy, that is a lot of coffee! Some of the extra fun of attending a large church:) (I am totally a large church girl but we currently attend a very small church.) Sounds like a great's to a fun week ahead! Ah, and I LOVE browsing antique malls. Such fun:)

  8. I remember having a huge collection of Beanie Babies; so funny how they always seem to cycle back around. I spent my weekend painting and reading, and eating... it was pretty fun.

  9. That's a lot of coffee, but coffee is important at church! Glad it was a great weekend!

  10. We watched The Santa Summit last night and really enjoyed it!

  11. Hello! Your weekend sounds lovely. Your Christmas tree is beautiful!!! Thanks for the movie recommendation. Have you seen Falling For Christmas with Lindsay Lohan? It came out last year on Netflix and has becoame a favorite hereHave a cozy evening, my friend.

  12. Maria, thanks for sharing that about your uncle! My sister and I said repeatedly how great it was of that chain to do that for the veterans. So many of them never feel appreciated, so this was wonderful to see. I wish my dad had been with us!

  13. Amy, I have been feeling the same way about the dark lately. I seem to be having a hard time adjusting to this time change. I think it gets harder the older we get! That would be so much fun to do while you're in the UK. Have you thought about what kind of souvenir you want to buy from your trip? It's fun to think about such things!

  14. Debbie, I have been on the struggle bus with it too! I'm glad it's not just me. All my friends are saying the same thing!

  15. Rebecca Jo, right? I thought the same thing when I saw them and heard that my great nieces are into them right now. I will do that, thank you for that!

  16. Thanks, Pamela! I love that there were a lot of them doing the same thing in your area. It's well deserved! It's so funny how things like Beanie babies come back around, isn't it?

  17. Thanks, Holly, it was! I loved the red colander, too.

  18. Jennifer, it IS a lot of coffee! Most of those return to me empty. I am not surprised that you enjoy antique stores! You're probably not surprised about me liking them either!

  19. Joanne, that does always happen, doesn't it? Your weekend sounds like fun!

  20. Natasha, I loved how different it was!

  21. Thanks, Billie Jo! I don't know that I've seen that one, I need to check. Thanks for the rec!


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