Tuesday, November 21, 2023

this or that, Thanksgiving edition


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share some of the things we love at Thanksgiving. I hope you'll play along!

Watching football or Macy's day parade? We'll watch both of these things! I always turn on the parade when it starts, but football will also be watched at some point in the day. 

Pumpkin pie or apple pie? Out of these choices, I would pick apple pie, but pecan pie is my favorite. I love my mom's pecan pie! I think ours are coming from Costco this year, and those are almost equally as delicious. 

Turkey or ham/other? I love smoked turkey! We had one a few years ago that my sister brought and it was delicious. I also really love roasted chicken, which is what we're having this year, along with prime rib. 

Online shopping or brave the stores? I really love online shopping, but I may brave a few stores this year. I'll see what my mom and sister want to do! 

Dressing or stuffing? Dressing all the way! I love how Mom makes it—with cornbread, white bread, celery, chicken stock, salt, pepper, and sage. It's amazing and mouth watering, which is what mine is doing right now as I write this post. 

Sweet potato or green bean casserole? I love both of these! I also love squash casserole and sweet potatoes with both kinds of toppings (pecans, coconut, and brown sugar or marshmallow). I don't eat it with my meal, though, but usually as part of dessert. 

Sunday best or comfy clothes? A little bit of both? I like to look nice, but I am always 100% comfortable. 

Normally host or attend? Would you believe that I have never hosted? I've always been an attendee. This used to really bother me, but I don't really care about it anymore. It works best that we not host now, because of our dogs and the fact that our house is smaller than Mom's. Someday when things are different, I'll have my turn. 

I thought some of these prompts below were great things to share, in case you're in need of some Thanksgiving day table topics. I really like some of these and think they're interesting. There's nothing worse than not having something to talk about at the dinner table. Are you a good conversationalist? 

I'd love to hear some of your answers to these things. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.


  1. Love this one!
    Parade, pumpkin, turkey, online, dressing (gross - I do not want what has been inside a fowl!), tough one - we do not get green bean at my SIL's and I would like it but I have to say sweet potato if marshmallows and no nut topping and I am making it this year so it will be MY WAY!, Sunday best that are comfy?, attend!
    I want your mom's dressing recipe!
    Someone once brought squash casserole that was to die for and I want the recipe.
    I can talk to anyone about anything really but I find myself trying to have conversations with people who don't give much back and then I get diarrhea of the mouth because I am uncomfortable.
    We may go in the little shops in my hometown on Friday and that's ok. I just don't want to go to big box or mall stores.
    We are a lot alike, I think!

  2. Amy, I'll have to share some of Mom's recipes! I just love dressing in general, but hers is my absolute favorite. You made me laugh over your uncomfortable conversing skills! I tend to ask a lot of questions to get people to talk, which is why these stood out to me. I think we're a lot alike as well! I also don't want to go into the bigger stores that are chains, but will probably shop around our town square if I go. If I don't go Friday, I will on Saturday for Shop Small Saturday!

  3. Don't you wish we could all have Amy at our Thanksgiving table with her funny stories from teaching? I do! Ha! Thank you for sharing the suggested topics - great ideas! We are all about turkey, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, green beans with shallots and bacon, Nantucket corn pudding, squash pie and applesauce jumbles :) Happy Thanksgiving My Friend!

  4. This is so fun

    I dont think I've ever watched a football game ever on Thanksgiving... maybe ever if I think about it LOL

  5. Grateful for you … Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

  6. Holly, YES! She would be such a fun guest. All of those things sound yummy, and so very different than what we have here in the South. I'd try them all, though, because I like to try new things!

  7. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! That's crazy that you've never watched a game on Thanksgiving day. Maybe this is also a very Southern thing? I'm curious now.


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